what is the at


what is the attributes that are required to be sent to BGP neighbors?

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What is antonymy and what are its different types?

参考答案:Antonymy refers to the relationship between two or rarely more words of the same language, belonging to the same part of speech, identical in style. and nearly identical in distribution, associated and used together so that their denotative meanings render contrary or contradictory notions. There are three types of antonymy1) Complementary antonymy refers to the relation between two words that the denial of one member implies the assertion of the other, and vice versa.e.g. male vs. Female; alive vs. dead; boy vs. girl; odd vs. evenThe relation between the members of the pair of complementary antonyms can be best represented in the following diagram: 2) Gradable antonymy refers to the relation between two words that the two words in question are the two extremes between which different degrees of grades can be distinguished. See more examples as the following:good vs. bad; fat vs. skinny; wide vs. narrow; fast vs. slowMany pairs of gradable antonyms contain one marked term and one unmarked, e.g. old/young, heavy/light, fast/slow where the second term is more restricted in distribution than the first. The relation between members of the pair of gradable antonymy can be represented in the following way: 3) Relational antonymy refers to the relation between the two items do not constitute a positive-negative opposition, and the existence of one of the pair presupposes the existence of the other, or one of them cannot be used without suggesting the other. See more examples as the following:e.g. predecessor vs. successor; parent vs. child; teacher vs. student lend vs. borrow; employer vs. employee; buy vs. sell


Utterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to().

A、what the speaker has intended to convey in what is said

B、what what is said normally means

C、what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is said

D、the associative meaning words have



(), we were not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.

A.What may come

B.Come what may

C.May what come

D.What come



No one can be sure()in a million years.

A、 what man will look like

B、 what will man took like

C、 man will look like what



10. The most important thing is _________

A. what do you learn

B. what did you learn

C. what you have learn

D. what you learnt



—Hi, Mike. _________________ after your graduation?—I want to be a photographer.

A. What do you want to do

B. What ‟s he want to do

C. What does he want to do

D. What are you want to do



Yes,_____is difficult to find a job nowadays, but_____is more difficult is try to find such a job with a high salary but few things to do.

A、it, it.

B、what, what.

C、it, what.

D、what, it. C



When ________, John did not reply.

(A) he asking what his name was

(B) was asked what his name was

(C) asking what John’s name was

(D) asked what his name was



27. Radio and television are quite useful because you can __________ .

A. see what is happening in the world

B. hear what is happening to the world

C. know what the world is like

D. see what the people on the earth are doing'



I want to know().

A. what is his name

B. what his name is

C. what his name is
