单选题The author states thatA looking good does not give you an advantage.B nervousness can put people off.C interviewers mistake aggressiveness for assertiveness.D smiling and eye contact are important.

The author states that

looking good does not give you an advantage.


nervousness can put people off.


interviewers mistake aggressiveness for assertiveness.


smiling and eye contact are important.

正确答案: D
第四段第一句话讲“look good and feel good”,所以选项A可以排除。本段还提到“Look the interviewer in the eye” 和“Smile and feel relaxed, enthusiastic and assertive”,也即是到面试时要面带微笑,还要看着面试官的眼睛,所以微笑和眼神交流很重要。
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What does the author expect to show by Jeff’s story ?

A. honesty can be of great help.

B. A bad thing can be turned into a good one.

C. Helping others cheat can do good to nobody.

D. One should realize the wrong in his bad deeds.



—Let me give you a hand. —__________.

A.That’s OK. I can manage

B.It’s not very light

C.I can help you with it

D.Put it down on the ground



Many people, including some policemen, believe eye contact is a good test of honesty. If someone can't look at you directly in the eye, then he or she is not playing honestly, they insist. After many experiments, however, a number of experts have found out that good liars can make false eye contact.

Eye contact, though not a sure sign of dishonesty, is a clear way to show interest in another person. When a person looks at you and continues to do so, you know his attention is placed on you. When he turns his head away, his mind is probably elsewhere. But there are exceptions. A shy person may have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interested he is in the other person. And certain nationalities, such as the British and Germans, are much less oriented to eye-to-eye contact than, say, the French and the Arabs.

Eye contact should be natural, not forced or overdone.

Have short periods of eye contact while you watch other parts of the person's face — especially the mouth. When the person smiles, be sure to smile back. But always make an effort to return your gaze to the person's eyes as she speaks. It is common to look up, down, and all around when speaking to others, and not have eye contact at all times.

Too much eye contact, especially if it is forced, can work against you. If you stare at a person, or leer in a suspicious way, the other person may feel uncomfortable and even suspicious about your intent. A fixed stare can seem like aggressive behavior. if it is a challenge as to who will look away first.

(1)Many people believe that eye contact is a sign of ___________.




D、A and C

(2)According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A、Eye contact is a way to show interest in another person.

B、When a person looks at you, his attention is placed on you.

C、When a person fails to make eye contact, he is definitely not interested in you.

D、It is common to look up, down, and all around when speaking to others.

(3)While we watch other person's face, we should have short periods of eye contact with, especially, other people's _____________.





(4)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A、Eye contact is not a good test of honesty.

B、Some people may have trouble making and keeping eye contact, no matter how interested he is in the other person.

C、If someone can look at you directly in the eye, he or she is playing honestly.

D、A number of experts have found out that no one can make false eye contact.

(5)This passage mainly discusses ________________.

A、how to test one is honest or not by the way of eye contact

B、how to make eye contact

C、how to avoid too much eye contact

D、the function of correct eye contact



If a crew member is exposed to phenol by way of skin or eye contact, you should IMMEDIATELY ______.

A.administer oxygen

B.treat victim for shock

C.flush skin and eyes with water

D.give victim stimulant



Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Don' t mistakenly think that your interviewers want to know about you. They are interested only in that small part of you that can or can' t do the job they have advertised.

sadly , many of us are so flattered by questions such as "Tell me about your strengths" that we take it as an invitation to chatter and make fools of ourselves.

Never think that lots of enthusiasm is enough. sit down with a pen , paper and the job description ,and work out the skills and qualities they are looking for.

Itemize your technical or professional skills as they match the requirements of the job. Then recall an incident to illustrate each of these skills. When you have done this

, you will be in a position to begin justifying your ability and suitability.

Remember that very few questions are lightly asked.

If your interviewers are interviewing more than a couple of candidates , they have probably worked up a list of eight to ten questions to put to each person. In well-organized businesses , they will be making marks in their notebooks as you give your replies. An imprecise answer will show that you do not appreciate the value of the question. s0 think through how you can give strong

, specific answers to questions such as "Can you work well in a team or on your own or in a small business?"

Avoid giving them reasons to exclude you. You want to appear the sort of person who will help out in a crisis. make the tea sometimes even if it is not your job. be tolerant of others. whatever their age ,sex , race or religion ,

and be easy to manage. Don't attack your previous employer as it suggests you might attack your now one.

Try asking them a few questions. If you ask what sort of projects you would be likely to start work on ,you might then get back some very useful feedback. If they start opening Up

to you , you can get into a more equal conversation and may have an opportunity to show that you can deal with the sort of situation they are describing.

31. The passage is to show the applicant how to ( )

A. prepare for a job interview

B. do their best at a job interview

C. impress the interviewers at a job interview

32. The applicant should not attack his previous boss at the interview because ( )

A. the interviewer and the applicant' s previous boss may be birds of a feather

B. a man who speaks ill of somebody else in the back is not reliable and trustworthy

C. the interviewer may think that, if one attacks his previous employer now , he might attack his new one later

33. Why is it good for the applicant to ask the interviewer a few questions? ( )

A. He can have more chance of demonstrating his ability.

B. He can learn more about the interviewer' s likes and dislikes.

C. He can make the interview run in the way in his favor.

34. According to the passage , which of the following is true? ( )

A. Y ou should answer every question raised by the interviewer as thoroughly as possible.

B. You should try your best to flatter the interviewer and never disagree with him.

C. It is foolish to take the question "Tell me about your strengths" as an invitation to chatter.

35. It can be inferred from the passage that ( )

A. interviewers always want to know as many as possible about the applicant

B. a careful analysis of your qualifications will better prepare you for the interview

C. one should give more attention to questions like ‘Can you work well in a team?"


31. B 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. B


What does the author mean by “most people are literally having a ZZZ” (Lines 2-3, Paragraph 5)?

A They are getting impatient.

B They are noisily dozing off.

C They are feeling humiliated.

D They are busy with word puzzles.



A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking to one another.

I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation.There we were walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible, absent from the conversation .

The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones They were passing people wi thout looking at them, say ing hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs.It seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact.

The telephone used to connect you to the absent.Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent.Recently I was in a car with three friends.The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone.There we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other because of the small thing designed to make communication easier.

why is it that the wore connected we get.The more disconnected I feel? Every advance in ommunications technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction(互动).With email and instant message over the internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.If my moe has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.

As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated(自动化), the emot ional di stance index(疏远指数) goes up.Pumping gas at the station? Why say good-morning to the assistant when you can swipe you credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the neight when you can put your card into the ATM?

More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation.Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn ’t really have time to talk.The techno logy devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier

I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voicemail telephone,and an e-mail account.Giving them up isn' t a choice.They are great for what they are intended to do.It' s their unitended results that make me upset.What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there is no one in the room to hear you crying out“ Gee whiz”?

21.The author’s experience of walking in a park with a frier recently made him feel()




22.According to the author, human contact in a park means()

A.looking at each other and saying hello when passing

B.noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogs

C.both A and B

23.According to the author, the more connected we get in communication technology, the () we are

A.more automatic


C.more disconnected

24.What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communication technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction?()

A.With e-mail and instant message over the Internet.We can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.

B.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations.without ever reaching anyone.

C.Both A and B

25.What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author?()

A.It makes communication easier and conversation possible everywhere.

B.It actually reates a distance between people instead of bringing them together.

C.It makes every contact between human beings automatic and makes people feel connected.



6 An important part of managing people in a professional organisation is to be able to distinguish between aggressiveness and assertiveness in an employee.


(a) Explain and give examples of aggressive behaviour. (8 marks)

6 To get the best out of people, managers need to have effective communication skills. Professional accountants as managers need to understand the difference between aggressive and assertive behaviour. Often an exchange of communication can be interpreted as a belligerent response from an employee. However, a slight difference in approach can communicate different feelings and achieve a more positive result.
(a) Aggressive behaviour is competitive and directed at defeating someone else. It is standing up for oneself at the expense of other people. It is defending one’s rights but doing so in such a way that violates the rights of other people. Aggressive behaviour ignores or dismisses the needs, wants, opinions, feelings or beliefs of others.
Characteristics of aggressive behaviour include excessive ‘I’ statements, boastfulness, and the individual’s opinions expressed as fact, threatening questions or postures from the individual, sarcasm and other throw-away remarks and a constant blaming of others.
Aggressive behaviour can be self defeating. It may cause such antagonism in the others in the organisation that they will refuse to co-operate or work with the person showing aggressive behaviour.


Eyes Can Speak

Much meaning can be carried clearly, with our eyes, so it is often 41 that eyes can speak.

Do you have such kind of 42 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he 43 that he is being looked at, he may feel uncomfortable. The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is 44 wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel 45 toward the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes do speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are different. If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds ,it may mean that he wishes to attract(吸引)her attention, to make her understand that he 46 her. When two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, 47 make sure that the listener does pay attention 48 what he or she is speaking. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time, to show something that 49 cannot express.

Clearly, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the place 50 you stay.


A.spoken B.said C.told D.talked



There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United States.In the Northeast and Midwest,people are said to be closed and private.In the South and West,however,they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable.Ask someone from St.Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is,and he or she will politely give you directions.A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you,might give you a rather unexpected explanation.A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat.A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch.
American stereotypes are abundant.New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful.Southerners are known for their hospitality and warmth.People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate,living conditions,and historical development.
When travelling from place to place,Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States.

New Englanders are often thought of as being__.

A.hospital and warm
B.out going
C.friendly and helpful
D.all of the above

参见第二段中句子“New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful.”
