The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because he A. knew very little abo


The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because he

A. knew very little about it.

B. didn’t trust the shop assistant.

C. wanted to make sure the one he chose would be the best.

D. had a special interest in taking pictures of his fellow shoppers.


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He had no plans to retire _______he is now very comfortably off.

(A) until

(B) when

(C) because

(D) even though

解答参考:D 本题考查even though―尽管,即使‖的用法。其他连词的意思与本句不符。 【译文】尽管他现在已经很富裕了,但他并没有退休的打算。  


The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because

A. knew very little about it.

B. didn’t trust the shop assistant.

C. wanted to make sure the one he chose would be the best.

D. had a special interest in taking pictures of his fellow shoppers.



At sixteen Ron Mackie might have stayed at school, but the future called to him excitedly. Get out of the classroom into a job, it said, and Ron obeyed. His father, supporting the decision, found a place for him in a supermarket.

You’re lucky, Ron, he said. For every boy with a job these days, there's a dozen without. So Ron joined the working world at twenty pounds a week.

For a year he spent his days filing shelves with tins of food. By the end of that time he was looking back on his school-days as a time of great variety(多样性) and satisfaction. He searched for an interest in his work, with little success.

One fine day instead of going to work Ron got a lift on a lorry going south. With nine pounds in his pocket, a full heart ad a great longing for the sea, he set out to make a better way for himself. That evening, in Bournemouth, he had a sandwich and a drink in a caf é run by an elderly man and his wife.

Before he had finished the sandwich, the woman had taken him on for the restof the summer, at twenty pounds a week, a room upstairs and three meals a day. The ease and speed of it rather took Ron’s breath away. At quite times Ron had to check the old man’s arithmetic in the records of the business.

At the end of the season, he stayed on the coast. He was again surprised how straightforward it was for a boy of 17 to make a living. He worked in shops mostly, but once he took a job in a hotel for 3 weeks. Late in October he was taken on by the sick manager of a shoe shop. Ron soon found himself in charge there; he was the only one who could keep the books.

(1)Ron Jackie left school at sixteen because _______.

A、his father made him leave

B、he didn't want to stay in school

C、he was worried about the future

D、he could earn a lot of money in the supermarket

(2)What did Ron’s father think about his leaving school?

A、He thought his son was doing the right thing.

B、He advised him to stay at school to complete his education.

C、He was against it.

D、He knew there was a job for every boy who wanted one.

(3)After a year, Ron to realize that ________.

A、he was interested in the job

B、his work at the supermarket was dull

C、being at work was much better than going to school

D、the store manager wanted to get rid of him

(4)Ron left the supermarket because ______.

A、he knew he would find work in Bournemouth

B、he took a job as lorry driver

C、he gave up the job because he felt unwell

D、he wanted to work at the seaside

(5)Ron was able to take over the shoe shop because ________.

A、he got on well with the manager there

B、he knew how to keep the accounts of the business

C、he had had experience of selling books

D、he was young and strong



He was worried very much because he’ll miss his flight if the bus arrives ______.




Dmore later



I arrived in the United Stated on February 6, 1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o'clock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day.

Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn't speak a word of English, I couldn't tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter didn't understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to walk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try.

When I returned to the hotel, I was tired out, but I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings, big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English.

1. On the way to his hotel, the writer _____.

A. was silent all the time

B. kept talking to his friend

C. looked out of the window with great interest

D. showed his friend something he brought with him

2. He went to _____ to get something to eat.

A. a tea house

B. a pub

C. a café room

D. a nearby restaurant

3. He did not have what he really wanted, because _____.

A. he only made some gestures

B. he did not order at all

C. he could not make himself understood

D. the waiter was unwilling to serve

4. The waiter _____.

A. knew what he would order

B. finally understood what he said

C. took the order through his gestures

D. served the same thing the man at the next table was having

5. After dinner, he _____.

A. walked back to the hotel right away

B. had a walking tour about the city

C. went to the movies

D. did some shopping on Broadway

参考答案: CDCDB


Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He ( 1 ) to lose some weight. So he is on diet. He tries not to eat to0 ( 2 ) and he eats very little sugar because it will make him ( 3 ) . He also does exercise every ( 4 ) .' He swims very often,( 5 ) he runs about two kilometers a day.Now he is ( 6 ) than before. Henry's sister,Susan,is healthier than Henry. ( 7 ) is also younger and thinner than he is. She does ( 8 ) every day,too. She doesn’t ( 9 ) much meat. But she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables because she thinks ( 10 ) are better for her health.

( )1.





1A【解析】want to do sth.“想要做某事”。


Passage Two

The other day I heard an American say to a Chinese student of English "You speak very good English." But the student answered, "No, no. My English is very poor." The foreigner was quite surprised at the answer. Thinking he had not made himself understood or the student had not heard him clearly, he said, "Yes indeed, you speak English very well." But the Chinese student still kept saying "No". In the end the foreigner gave up and was at a loss what to say. What's wrong with the student's answer? It is because he did not accept a compliment(赞美的话)as the English people do. He should have said "Thank you" instead of "No". He actually understood what the American had said. But he thought he should be modest. If he said "Thank you", that would mean he was too proud. According to the western culture, if someone says the dishes you have cooked are very delicious, you should say "Thank you". If someone says to a Woman "You look so beautiful with the new clothes on", she should be very happy and answer "Thank you". In our country we think being modest is a virtue and showing off a bad thing. But in the west, if you are modest and say "No, I'm afraid I can't do it well", then the others will take it for granted that you really cannot do it. If you often say "No", you will certainly be looked down upon by others. When asking for a job, if one says something like "Let me have a try on the job" instead of "Yes, I can certainly do it," he or she will never expect to get it. So in the west one should always be confident. Without self-confidence, he cannot go anywhere. Confidence is of great importance to one in a country where competition is quite keen.

40. Why was the American surprised at the Chinese student's answer?

A. Because he wondered whether the student could really speak good English.

B. Because he could hardly hear what the student had said.

C. Because he wouldn't like others to say "No".

D. Because the way to accept a compliment in China is not the same as that in the western countries.


此题为推论题。It is because he did not accept a compliment(赞美的话)as the English people do。通过此句知道中国人接受赞扬的方式与西方人的态度不同,并且可以推论出美国人为什么对中国学生的回答感到惊讶。


() that this region was so rich in natural resources.

A.Little he knew

B.Little did he know

C.Little he did know

D.Little he had known



Young Langston at last got up because____.(Salvation)

A. he knew lying was the best way to be saved

B. he wanted to be saved though he hadn’t seen God

C. he took the advice of the minister who was praying

D. he wanted to follow Westley’s example



He decided to go for a sailing holiday ____________ the fact that he was usually seasick.

A、in spite of

B、because of

C、in case of

D、as a result of

