Russian really is hard for lcarners, and a casual comparison might serve the conclusion that big, prestigious languages like Russian are complex. Just look, after all, at their rich, technical vocabularies, and the complex industrial societies that they s

Russian really is hard for lcarners, and a casual comparison might serve the conclusion that big, prestigious languages like Russian are complex. Just look, after all, at their rich, technical vocabularies, and the complex industrial societies that they serve.
But linguists who have compared languages systematically are struck by the opposite conclusion.
This is largely because linguists, unlike laypeople, focus on grammar, not vocabulary,Consider Berik, spoken in a few villages in eastern Papua. It may not have a word for“supernova”, but it drips with complex rules: a mandatory verb ending tells what time of day the action occurred, and another indicates the size of the direet object. Of
course these things can be said in English, but Berik requires them. Remote socictics may be materially simplc;“primitive”", their languages are not.
Systematically so: a study in 2010 of thousands of tongucs found that smaller languages have more Berik-style grammatical bits and pieces attached to words. By contrast, bigger ones tend to be like English or Mandarin, in which words change their form lttle ifat all. No one knows why, but a likely culprit is the very scale and ubiquity of such widely travelled languages.
As a language spreads, more foreigners come to learn it as adults (thanks to conquest and trade, for example). Since languages are more complex than they need to be, many of those adult learners will- Stalin-style- ignore some of the niceties where they can. If those newcomers have children, the children will often learn a slightly simpler version of the language from their parents.
But a new study, conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen in the Netherlands, has found that it is not entirely foreigners and their sloppy ways that are to blame for languages becoming simpler. Merely being bigger was enough. The researchers, Limor Raviv, Antje Meyer and Shiri Lev-Ari, asked 12 groups of four strangers and 12 groups of eight to invent languages to describe a group of moving shapes on the screen. They were told that the goal was to rack up points for communicating successfully over 16 rounds. (They“talked" by keyboard and were forbidden to use their native language, Dutch.)
Over time both big and small groups got better at making themselves understood,but the bigger ones did so by crcating more systematic languages as they interacted,with fewer idiosyncrasies. The rescarchers suppose that this is because the members of the larger groups had fewer interactions with each other member, this put pressureon them to come up with clear patterns. Smaller groups could afford quirkierlanguages, because their members got to“know”cach other better.
Ncither the more systematic nor the more idiosyncratic languages were“better",given group size: the small and large groups communicated equally well. But the work provides evidence that an idiosyncratic language is best suited to a small group with rich shared history, As the language spreads, it nceds to become more
Taken with previous studies, the new research offers a two-part answer to why grammar rules are built- and lost. As groups grow, the need for systematic rules becomes greater, unlearnable in-group-speak with random variation won't do. But languages develop more rules than they need; as they are learned by foreign speakers joining the group. some of these get stripped away. This can explain why pairs of closely related languages - Tajik and Persian, Icelandic and Swedish, Frisian and English- differ in grammatical complexity. In each couple, the former language is both smaller and more isolated. Systematicity is required for growth. Lost complexity is the cost of foreigners learming your language. It is the price of success.
Which of the following sentences best fit in the blank in the second paragraph?

A. They found that Russian does not actually has the most complex grammar rules compared to other languages.
B. They tend to find that big languages spoken by large numbers of people are actually simpler than small ones.
C. They found that there is not any pattern about the relation between the complexity ofa language and its' popularity.
D. They found that laypeople usually pay attention to whether the vocabulary in one language is complex or simple.
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The passage is basically a ______.

A. biography of John Paul Jones

B. criticism of John Paul Jones

C. history of the United States Navy

D. comparison of the American and Russian navies

     50.全文是对John Paul Jones 的介绍,简述了他的一生,所以是传记。选项 A是正确的。


Let me __________ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.

A. look up

B. look into

C. look after



It's really hard for us to ( )all poisonous gases.

A. get rid to;

B. get rid of

C. get the rid

D. give rid of



a typical western girl's response to the compliment "you look beautiful in this blue dress." would be "_________".

A、No, no. This is just an ordinary dress. I got it really cheap.

B、You are just flattering me to cheer me up.

C、Really? Well, perhaps I look more beautiful in red.

D、Thank you. I believe I look good in blue.



Can I help you? No, thanks._________.

A. I just look around

B. I am just looking

C. I would like to look

D. I will buy nothing



--- What does he look like?

--- __________.

A. He just got married

B. He is tall and thin

C. He works very hard



Which sentences use the rhetorical device of simile?

A.They look like figures representing gluttony in a medieval morality play, and you expect ladies in wimples to appear and clowns dressed like monkeys.

B.There are also big block letters laid out on sand like formations of gymnasts at a Soviet youth rally.

C.He breathes hard. He looks around.

D.Maybe he hesitates, or looks around, or gives up.



It was really hard to ( ) five children on her own.

A、bring up

B、grow up

C、look up



() refers to the societies where people tend to look after themselves and their family only. They want to succeed as individuals with very little concern for the group.

解析:本句参考译文: __________指的是在某些社会中人们倾向于只关心照顾自己和和家人。他们想以个人而非集体名义取得成功。


- It's really a good dinner, isn't it? - _______________________

A. Yes, I'd like to go.

B. Yes, the food is just wonderful.

C. I'm glad to hear that.

D. It's very nice of you to say so.

