To provide efficient


To provide efficient roaming between the cells, which percent of cell overlap is recommended for2.4 GHz and 5 GHz access points?()

  • A、5 to 10 percent for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
  • B、10 percent for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
  • C、20 percent for 2.4 GHz and 15 to 20 percent for 5 GHz
  • D、20 percent for 2.5 GHz and 10 percent for 5 GHz
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● Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:

A Become more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structure

B Manage high risk repetitive work

C Provide clients with multiple points of contact

D Provide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activities

E All of the above



有效市场假说(Efficient markets hypothesis)




192 Project management provides organizations with a methodology to:

A. Become more efficient and effective in accomplishing goals that cannot be handled well by the traditional structure

B. Manage high risk repetitive work

C. Provide clients with multiple points of contact

D. Provide guidance in accomplishing repetitive activities

E. All of the above



Anything else? ()

A. We provide education relating to depression and anxiety.

B.First, we provide education relating to depression and anxiety.

C. Moreover, we provide education relating to depression and anxiety.



Efficient market 有效市场




(b) Explain the meaning of the term ‘Efficient Market Hypothesis’ and discuss the implications for a company if

the stock market on which it is listed has been found to be semi-strong form. efficient. (9 marks)

(b) The term ‘Efficient Market Hypothesis’ (EMH) refers to the view that share prices fully and fairly reflect all relevant available
information1. There are other kinds of capital market efficiency, such as operational efficiency (meaning that transaction costs
are low enough not to discourage investors from buying and selling shares), but it is pricing efficiency that is especially
important in financial management.
Research has been carried out to discover whether capital markets are weak form. efficient (share prices reflect all past or
historic information), semi-strong form. efficient (share prices reflect all publicly available information, including past
information), or strong form. efficient (share prices reflect all information, whether publicly available or not). This research has
shown that well-developed capital markets are weak form. efficient, so that it is not possible to generate abnormal profits by
studying and analysing past information, such as historic share price movements. This research has also shown that
well-developed capital markets are semi-strong form. efficient, so that it is not possible to generate abnormal profits by studying
publicly available information such as company financial statements or press releases. Capital markets are not strong form
efficient, since it is possible to use insider information to buy and sell shares for profit.
If a stock market has been found to be semi-strong form. efficient, it means that research has shown that share prices on the
market respond quickly and accurately to new information as it arrives on the market. The share price of a company quickly
responds if new information relating to that company is released. The share prices quoted on a stock exchange are therefore
always fair prices, reflecting all information about a company that is relevant to buying and selling. The share price will factor
in past company performance, expected company performance, the quality of the management team, the way the company
might respond to changes in the economic environment such as a rise in interest rate, and so on.
There are a number of implications for a company of its stock market being semi-strong form. efficient. If it is thinking about
acquiring another company, the market value of the potential target company will be a fair one, since there are no bargains
to be found in an efficient market as a result of shares being undervalued. The managers of the company should focus on
making decisions that increase shareholder wealth, since the market will recognise the good decisions they are making and
the share price will increase accordingly. Manipulating accounting information, such as ‘window dressing’ annual financial
statements, will not be effective, as the share price will reflect the underlying ‘fundamentals’ of the company’s business
operations and will be unresponsive to cosmetic changes. It has also been argued that, if a stock market is efficient, the timing
of new issues of equity will be immaterial, as the price paid for the new equity will always be a fair one.


工厂的最小有效规模(Minimum efficient size of plant)




What other services does your company provide in addition to dispatching securities?

A.Our company can also provide escort service

B.Our company can also provide patrolling service

C.Our company can also provide investigation on the scene

D.Our company can also provide security techniques and equipment.



Relatively efficient market can usually provide information on the credit worthiness of a commercial bank.



C.Doesn't say

解析:文中倒数第二句Useful information…for most publicly held banks. 意指半强有效市场为绝大多数上市银行提供关于风险和收益相匹配的有用信息,而不是“半强有效市场能够提供关于商业银行信用价值的信息”。


New switches have been purchased for a network upgrade. The objective for the network design emphasizes efficient, error-free transport instead of fast transport.Which switching mode should be configured on the new switches to provide error-free transport to the network? ()

A. cut-through

B. fragment-free

C. frame-filtering

D. store-and-forward

E. 802.1q forwarding

F. VTP transparent mode

