what’s the role̳


what’s the role of link-address in Ipv6,is it necessary, why?

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What can be concluded from the passage?

A. A fuelling ambition plays a leading role in one’s success.

B. A responsible adviser is more important than the knowledge of writing.

C. As to the growth of a genius, I.Q. doesn’t matter, but just his/her efforts.

D. What really matters is what you do rather than who you are.



What is the role of environment in language learning according to the behaviorists? And the mentalists?
In the behaviorist view, children imitate the language of their environment to a considerable degree, and imitation is a strong contribution factor in the language learning process. A consequence of this is that the frequency with which words and structures occur in the language of the environment, will influence the language development of the child. In addition, reinforcement is needed to arrive at a higher level of language proficiency. Parental approval is an important type of reinforcement in the language learning process: when a child produces a grammatically correct utterance which is understood by its environment, approval from the parents may serve as reinforcement for such an utterance. In this way, the environment encourages the child to produce grammatical utterances, while not encouraging ungrammatical utterances.
The linguist Norm Chomsky claims that children are biologically programmed for language and that language develops in the child in just the same way that other biological functions develop. For example, every child will learn to walk as long as adequate nourishment and reasonable freedom of movement are provided. The child does not have to be taught; most children learn to walk at about the same time; and walking is essentially the same in all normal human beings. For Chomsky, language acquisition is very similar to the development of walking. The environment makes a basic contribution --- in this case, the availability of people who speak to the child. The child, or rather, the child’s biological endowment, will do the rest. This is known as the innatist position. Chomsky developed his theory in reaction to the behaviorist theory of learning based on imitation and habit formation.


People do not agree with each other as to what is the ____ role of government.







what’s the role of community attribute in the bgp route?

正确答案: BGP communitiy can be used to as tag of a set of routes. Those tags can be used for applying specific routing policy for a group of routes.
There are four well-known communities:
Internet:all route belongs to this community by default and is advertised freely.
No-export:routes belong to the community cannot be advertised to EBGP peer.
No-advertise:routes belong to the community cannot be advertised to any BGP peer.
Local-as:routes belong to the community cannot be advertised to eBGP peer,or if confederation is used,routes cannot be advertised to conferation eBGP peer and normal eBGP peer.


Given this fragment in a servlet: 23.if(req.isUserInRole("Admin")) { 24.// do stuff 25.} And the following fragment from the related Java EE deployment descriptor: 812. 813.Admin 814.Administrator 815. 900. 901.Admin 902.Administrator 903. What is the result?()

  • A、Line 24 can never be reached.
  • B、The deployment descriptor is NOT valid.
  • C、If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Admin.
  • D、If line 24 executes, the user’s role will be Administrator.
  • E、If line 24 executes the user’s role will NOT be predictable.



The passage is primarily concerned with( )

A.the role of involuntary memory in Proust’s writing
B.evidence concerning the genesis of Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past
C.the influence of Saint Beuve s criticism on Proust’s novel Remembrance of Things Past
D.Proust’s correspondence and what it reveals about Remembrance of Things Past



What is the role of formal learning according to the monitor hypothesis?
The monitor hypothesis states that formal learning has only one function, and that is as a “monitor” or “editor” and that learning comes into play only to make changes in the form of our utterance, after it has been produced by the acquired system. Acquisition initiates the speaker’s utterances and is responsible for fluency. Thus the monitor is thought to alter the output of the acquired system before or after the utterance is actually written or spoken, but the utterance is initiated entirely by the acquired system.



-It's Sunday.

A、What day is it today

B、What date is it today

C、What's the date

D、What's day



What is a function of a user role?()

  • A、It defines the IPsec parameters for the role.
  • B、It assigns access to resources.
  • C、It associates the user with a RADIUS server.
  • D、It defines the types of authentication methods available to the user



You are developing a web service that will run on a single instance of a Windows Azure worker role.  When interacting with external clients during the testing phase, the service encounters errors that may be related to the format of the HTTP payload.  You need to recommend an approach that allows developers to monitor the service‟s HTTP traffic in real-time.  What should you recommend?()

  • A、 Enable Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) on the worker role.
  • B、 Use the Windows Azure Diagnostics API to download the IIS logs.
  • C、 Add an endpoint to the worker role to accept HTTPS connections on port 443.
  • D、 Change the service to a run in a Windows Azure web role.

