More than()of the population in the United States lived in city areas in 1988.A、60%B、75%C、90%D、50%


More than()of the population in the United States lived in city areas in 1988.

  • A、60%
  • B、75%
  • C、90%
  • D、50%
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For more than thirty years the statue ______ millions of foreign people arriving by ship to live in the United States.

A. welcome

B. welcomes

C. welcoming

D. welcomed

13.这句话讲的是已经发生的事情,应用一般过去时。选项D 是正确的。


According to American historians and specialists in demography, there are _____ great population movement in the history of the United States.







New York City is the second largest city of the United States.()




Because of harsh weather conditions,more than a dozen states in the United States were declared disaster areas in 1977.


本句意思:由于恶劣的天气状况,1977年美国十多个州被宣布为受灾地区。harsh (气候 或条件)艰苦的,恶劣的,严峻的。severe极为恶劣的;十分严重的;bizarre奇异的,古怪的;moist 潮湿的,湿润的;improbable不大可能的。


What happened in the 1970s?

A The US government recommended the amount of food a restaurant gave to a customer.
B Health experts persuaded restaurants to serve smaller portions.
C The United States produced more grain than needed.
D The American waistline started to expand.



()is the second largest US city in terms of population in the United States of America and the largest industrial city in the country.

A.Los Angeles






Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) World population is increasing at a rate of 150 per minute.

B) Lower death rates also contribute to world population growth.

C) The population of Columbia has been doubling every year for 21 years.

D) The United States is usually doubling its population about every 87 years.

[试题分析] 事实判断题。
[详细解答] 根据第三段第一句World population is increasing at a rate of 9,000 per hour.可判断A世界人口每分钟增加150人正确;根据该段第二句This is not only due to higher birth rates,but to lower death rates as well.可判断B论断正确;而由第四段的Some countries,such as Columbia, Thailand,Morocco,Costa Rica,and the Philippines.are doubling their populations about every twenty-one years可判断, C哥伦比亚人口持续21年每年翻一番的论断混淆了事实,论断错误;D美国人口每87年翻一番可根据第三段第二句The United States is doubling its population about every eighty-seven years一句判断为正确论断。因此,本题答案为C。



Kong Zi called Confucius(551-479 B.C.).and Soerates(469 B.C.)lived only a hundred years apart,and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece, but it is interesting on look at how the world that each of there great philosophers came from shaped their ideas, and how these in turn, shaped their societies.

Neither philosopher lived in times of peace,though there were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very large and feudal,while the Greek city-states were small and urban. The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical(激进的)than Confucius.Unlike Confucius,Soeraes was not asked by rulers how to goversn offectively.Thus Soerates was able to be more idealistic, foeusing on issues like freedom and knowledge for its own sake, on the other hand,advised those in gowernnent and many of his students went ment

Conful suggested Rule as a principle for the corduet of “Lo not others what you would not want to you.”He assumed that all men were equal at some potential than others, are that it was knowledge that set men apart.Socraes focusesd on individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom.He believed that some had more potential a develop their reason than others did.Like Confucius, he believed that the superior class should rule the inferior(下层的)classes.

For Socrates,the family was of no importance,and the community of little concerm.For Confucius, however, the family was the centre of society, with family relations considered much more important than political relations.

Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.

64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?

A.Socrates and Confucius and much in common.

B.Confuius had a influres on Socrates ideas.

C.The were by the philosophers ideas.

D. exchanges between China a Greece.




In the early days of the United States,postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried.In 1825,the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery,but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation depended on what they were paid by the recipients of individual letters.In 1847,the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp,which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay.
Besides,the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address.In Philadelphia,for example,with a population of 150,000,people still had to go to the post office to get their mail.The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail.It is no wonder that,during the years of these cumbersome arrangements,private letter-carrying and express businesses developed.Although their activities were only semi-legal,they thrived and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were half-day speedier than the government mail.The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had. Finally,in 1863,Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary,and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery.But this delivery service was at first confined to cities,and free home delivery became a sign of urbanization.In 1890,of the 75 million people in the United States,fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors.The rest,nearly three quarters of the population,still received no mail unless they went to their post office.

Which of the following is an advantage the private postal services had over the government postal system?
A:Delivering mail more cheaply.
B:Delivering mail faster.
C:Delivering mail to rural areas.
D:Delivering more mails.

本题是综合理解能力考查题。题目是:以下哪项是文章的主要内容? 选项A“政府邮政系统的发展”,选项B“私人邮政服务的增长”,选项C"邮票的历史”,选项D “城市和乡村邮政服务对比”。通观全文可知答案选A。
本题是细节考查题。题目是:以下哪一点是邮票的不足之处?原文提,到 “在1847年,美国邮政部门开始使用邮票,这样会简化邮资问题,但也遭到那些不愿预付邮费的人的抱怨”。因此答案选A。


The Development of American Postal System
In the early days of the United States,postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried.In 1825,the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery,but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation depended on what they were paid by the recipients of individual let-ters.In 1847,the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay.Besides,the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address.In Philadelphia,for example,with a population of 150,000,peo- ple still had to go to the post office to get their mail.The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itseff enough to discourage use of the mail.It is no wonder that,during the years of these cumbersome arrangements,private letter-carrying and express bus-mnesses developed.Although their activities were only semi-legal,they thrived and actually adver-tised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were half-day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle effi-ciently even the business it had.Finally,in 1863,Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery. But this delivery service was at first confined to cities,and free home delivery became a sing of urbanization.In 1890,of the 75 mul-lion people in the United States,fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors.The rest,nearly three quarters of the population,still received no mail unless they went to their post office.

Which of the following is an advantage the private postal services had over the government postal system?
A:.Delivering mail more cheaply.
B: Delivering mail faster.
C: Delivering mail to rural areas.
D: Delivering more mails.

