The user SCOTT executes the following command successfully t

The user SCOTT executes the following command successfully to increase the salary values in one of his sessions:  SQL> UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.15 WHERE deptno=20;  Before SCOTT ends the transaction, user HR who has the privileges on EMP table executes a query to fetch the salary details but finds the old salary values instead of the increased values. Why does HR still see the old data?()

because of redo data from redo log file


because of data from database buffer cache


because of data from a temporary tablespace


because of undo data from the undo tablespace

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Evaluate the following SQL statement used to create the PRODUCTS table:Which statement is true regarding this command?()

A. It executes successfully but partition pruning cannot happen for this partition key.

B. It produces an error because the TOTAL_VALUE column cannot be used as a partition key.

C. It produces an error because compression cannot be used for the TOTAL_VALUE partition key.

D. It executes successfully but the values in the TOTAL_VALUE column would not be physically stored in the partitions.



View the Exhibit for some of the current parameter settings. A user logs in to the HR schema and issues the following commands:SQL> CREATE TABLE emp(empno NUMBER(3),ename VARCHAR2(20),sal NUMBER(8,2));SQL> INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES(1,‘JAMES‘);At this moment, a second user also logs in to the HR schema and issues the following command:SQL> ALTER TABLE emp MODIFY sal NUMBER(10,2);What happens in the above scenario?()

A. The second user‘s session immediately produces the resource busy error.

B. The second user‘s command executes successfully.

C. The second user‘s session waits for a time period before producing the resource busy error.

D. A deadlock is created.



The user SYS creates a job by using the following command:Which two statements are true about the job that was created by the preceding command?()

A. The job is enabled by default after creation

B. The job is automatically dropped after the end date

C. The job executes with the privileges of the user SYS


参考答案:B, C


Your tnsnames.ora file has the following entry for the service alias ORCL:  ORCL =  (DESCRIPTION =  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = (PORT = 1521))   (CONNECT_DATA =  (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME =   )   )   The TNSPING command executes successfully when tested with ORCL but you are not able to connect to the database instance with the following command:  SQL> CONNECT scott/tiger@orcl  What could be the reason for this?()

  • A、The listener is not running at the server.
  • B、The TNS_ADMIN environmental variable is set to a wrong value.
  • C、The database service is not registered with the listener.
  • D、The DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter is set to a wrong value in the SQLNET.ORA file.



A sequence was created with the DDL statement shown below:CREATE SEQUENCE my_seq START WITH 5 INCREMENT BY 5 CACHE 5 User1 successfully executes the following statements in Connection1: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con1hvar VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con1hvar User2 successfully executes the following statement in Connection2: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq INTO :con2hvar After User1 & User2 are finished, User3 executes the following statement in Connection3: SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR my_seq FROM sysibm.sysdummy1Which value will be returned by the query?()

  • A、20
  • B、25
  • C、50
  • D、55



The DBA issues this SQL command: CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIED by tiger; What privileges does the user Scott have at this point?()

A. no privileges

B. only the SELECT privilege

C. only the CONNECT privilege

D. all the privileges of a default user



The user SYS creates a job by using the following command:Which two statements are true about the job that was created by the preceding command? ()(Choose two.)

A. The job is enabled by default after creation

B. The job is automatically dropped after the end date

C. The job executes with the privileges of the user SYS

D. The globalization environment that exists at the time of the job creation prevails at the job runs

参考答案:B, C


You executed the following command to drop a user:DROP USER scott CASCADE;Which two statements regarding the above command are correct?()

A. All the objects of scott are moved to the Recycle Bin.

B. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott are purged.

C. All the objects owned by scott are permanently dropped from the database.

D. All the objects of scott in the Recycle Bin must be purged before executing the DROP command.

E. Any objects in the Recycle Bin belonging to scott will not be affected by the above DROP command.

参考答案:B, C


The session of user SCOTT receives the following error after executing an UPDATE command onthe EMP table:  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource  On investigation, you find that a session opened by user JIM has a transaction that caused the deadlock.  two statements are true regarding the session of SCOTT in this scenario()

  • A、The session is terminated after receiving the error and JIM can continue with his transaction.
  • B、SCOTT should perform a COMMIT or ROLLBACK to allow JIM to continue with his transaction.
  • C、The session is rolled back after receiving the error and JIM can continue with his transaction.
  • D、SCOTT has to reexecute the last command in the transaction after he commits the transaction.



The tnsnames.ora file has an entry for the service alias ORCL as follows:The TNS ping command executes successfully when tested with ORCL; however, from the same OS usersession, you are not able to connect to the database instance with the following command:SQL > CONNECT scott/tiger@orcl What could be the reason for this?()

  • A、The listener is not running on the database node.
  • B、The TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set to the wrong value.
  • C、The database service is not registered with the listener.
  • D、The DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter is set to the wrong value in the sqlnet.ora file.
  • E、The listener is running on a different port.

