Which of the following is not a credit instrument?()

Which of the following is not a credit instrument?()



promissory note





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听力原文:M: Do you know some forms of bank advances?

W: There are three forms: overdrafts, personal loans and mortgages.

Q: Which of the following is not a form. of bank advances?




C.Personal loans.

D.Letter of credit.




听力原文: In the United States, even if you decide that you do not want to borrow in order to go on vacation, it is still a good idea for you to have several major credit cards. These provide positive identification when renting an automobile and can be used for the deposit. The credit card receipts will serve as an accurate record of all hotel, plane, train, and restaurant expenses. The use of credit cards avoids the necessity of carrying large amount of cash, purchasing large amounts of traveler's cheeks and keeping track of them, or attempting to use personal checks in places other than your own locality.

Many major credit cards provide an instant cash service in case you run out of money. American Express, for example, has set up machines in major airports in which you can purchase traveler's checks using your American Express card.

21. The credit card receipts will serve as accurate record for all but which of the following choices?

22.Which of the following is not true about the use of credit card?

23.Concerning the advantages of credit cards, which of the following is true?

24.According to the passage, which card has set up machines in major airports?


A.hotel expenses

B.stock exchange

C.plane expenses

D.restaurant expenses

解析:录音原文提到The credit card receipts will…and restaurant expenses.信用卡收据准确地记录了花费在宾馆、飞机、火车、餐馆方面的支出,没有提及股票交易支出。


14 Alpha buys goods from Beta. At 30 June 2005 Beta’s account in Alpha’s records showed $5,700 owing to Beta.

Beta submitted a statement to Alpha as at the same date showing a balance due of $5,200.

Which of the following could account fully for the difference?

A Alpha has sent a cheque to Beta for $500 which has not yet been received by Beta.

B The credit side of Beta’s account in Alpha’s records has been undercast by $500.

C An invoice for $250 from Beta has been treated in Alpha’s records as if it had been a credit note.

D Beta has issued a credit note for $500 to Alpha which Alpha has not yet received.



听力原文:Under the documentary credit, banks are in no way concerned with the sales contract on which the credit may be based.


A.Banks will deal with the documentary credit along with the sales contract.

B.Banks take no care of the sales contract while dealing with the documentary credit.

C.Documentary credit and the sales contract are both important to banks.

D.Banks will care for either the documentary credit or the sales contract.



Under the documentary credit, which of the following is false?

A.The buyer's bank will issue a documentary credit.

B.The seller has his bank's undertaking to pay.

C.If the seller presents the correct documents, he will be paid.

D.A bank acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller and is willing to provide trade.



听力原文:M: If an instrument is payable to the order of both A and B who are not partners, what should they do?

W: Both of them must endorse, unless one has authority to endorse for the other.

Q: Which of the following is not right according to the woman?


A.Both endorse the instrument.

B.Neither of them endorses the instrument.

C.A authorizes B to endorse the instrument.

D.B authorizes A to endorse the instrument.



The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement: it is ______.

A.the rate of exchange between two currencies

B.synonymous with currency exchange

C.the place in which foreign currencies are exchanged

D.an instrument such as paper currency, note, and check used to make payments between countries

解析:外汇通常指以外国货币表示的可用于国际结算的各种支付手段,包括纸币、支票、票据等。the rate of exchange between two currencies两国货币的汇率。synonymous with currency exchange与货币兑换率含义相同。


听力原文:W: Then certified checks, cashier's and cash letters of credit are "all variants of demand deposits.

M: Yes, that's right.

Q: Which of the following is not one form. of demand deposits?



B.Savings certificate.

C.Cash letters of credit.

D.Certified cheeks.

解析:女士谈到活期存款时提到了"certified checks"、"cashier's"、"cash letters of credit",但没有提及"savings certificate"。


A credit may be advised to a beneficiary through another bank (the advising bank) without engagement on the part of the advising bank, but that bank, if it elects to advise the credit, shall ______.

A.inform. the issuing bank of the credit which it advises without delay

B.endorse the amount negotiated on the reverse of the credit which it advises

C.add his confirmation to the credit which it advises

D.take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the credit which it advises

解析:通知行(advising bank)有对其通知的信用证辨别真实性的责任。beneficiary受益人,endorse在(票据)背面签名。on the reverse of the credit信用证背面。authenticity真实性。


According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?

A.A "revocable credit" may be cancelled at any time.

B.The credits are usually in favor of the exporter.

C.An "irrevocable credit" may not be amended.

D.The credits are usually in favor of the importer.

解析:文章第二段提到An "irrevocable credit" may not be cancelled…all the parties involved.不可撤销信用证在没有得到其它相关方同意的时候是不能被取消和修改的。
