What IBM resource will give you a picture of the possible pl

What IBM resource will give you a picture of the possible plug types clearly labeled for those times your customer asks, "What plug type do I tell my electrician to use, and what does it look like? ()

IBM Power Configurator Tool


IBM xREF Sheets


IBM Configuration & Options Guide COG


IBM ServerProven

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Write your essay on the Answer Sheet in 200-250 words.(30 points)

An English person recently came to your school to give a talk(what was the talk


He/She left a personal possession (what is it?)at the school(}cuhere exactly?). You

want to return the possession(how will you return it?)but you have had difficulty

contacting the person (howhave you tried to contact him/her?). You have a possible address for the person, but you're not sure if it's correct (why?).

Write a letter to the person.

.Thank them for coming to give the talk.

.Explain the situation.

.Ask them to contact you.


  Student Committee

  St Giles School


  Mr Brendan Collins
  ILP Industries Ltd
  Bristol BS3 20X
  Dear Mr Collins,
  I am writing to thank you for attending our school careers day last week and giving such
  an inspirational and interesting speech on career prospects in the financial services industry.
  I am also writing to inform. you that you left a CI}ROM in the computer which you used
  during your speech. Iwould like to return it to you as soon as possible but Iwas unsure
  whether to send it to your company or adifferent address.
  I contacted your office but,unfortunately, you were away on business and I spoke to a
  secretary. She said that the disc belonged to your own private consultancy business and that I should send it there. She provided me with an address but I am afraid that I may havewritten it down incorrectly. The address I have is as follows:Collinsi一Consultancies, Box 283A, Bristol. Could you please confirm that this is the correct address to which I shouldsend the disc?

  Thank you once again for your generosity in giving up your valuable time for the
  students at our school and Iam sorry I have been unable to return your CD-ROM morepromptly.

  Yours sincerely,
  John Smith
  John Smith
  Student Committee Chairperson


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay,you should(1)describe the picture briefly(2)interpret the meaning,and(3)give your comments You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

In the picture above,a man is talking on his phone loudly in a public place,being deliberately ignorant of other people's aversion to him within the same enclosed area.This illustration tries to point out the public cell phone behavior Public places,such as libraries,hospitals,galleries and theaters,are usually expected to be quiet and peaceful ne uses of mobile phones in such places are likely to disrupt the desirable working environment For instance.in a library,where people are pondering over the books,the constant mobile ringtones or the phone conversation will be intru-sive or irritating.Mobile phone usage in public places like hospitals can easily interfere with the medical equipment which can be harmful to the patient.Moreover,the environment at shopping malls,stores and other public places is very noisy and talking over cell phones will add extra decibel.Apart from that,using mobile phones in music galleries or theaters can result in others'discomfort and spoil their entertainment In my opinion,cell phones should be allowed in public places with some restrictions.What's more,in public places,quiet zones where phone use is banned should be set up.


The writer compares turtles to mountain climbers

A. because they lay their eggs in mountain areas ______.

B. to give you a picture of how hard they work

C. to tell you that they like to climb

D. to tell you that mountain climbers are as slow as turtles




All good lesson plans give a clear picture of what the teacher intends to do in the lesson.()



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay,you should(1)describe the picture briefly(2)interpret the meaning,and(3)give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

On Media Violence According to the picture above,a boy is imitating what he has seen on a television program,taking a knife on one hand,and a stick with another,saying"kill them all!"What this illustration tries to reveal is the devastating effects of electronic media violent program on young people Everything that children see or hear in the media early on in their lives affects them in nowadays,it's virtually impossible to keep kids in a violence-free bubble.Over sixty percent of television shows being shown in prime time contain some form of violence.Current research shows that violent media is associated with aggressive behavior.Children who view media violence are more likely to have more feelings of hostility and less remorse for consequences Violent situations are all too common in everyday entertainment and there are far fewer non-violent programming choices.Therefore,parents should monitor and be more attentive to their children.They need to pay more attention to their childrens lives and not let them sit in front of the television,whether it is for movies,video games,or general television shows


----Dad, do you like my picture?

----_______________! It’s the nicest one I’ve ever seen!

A.What beautiful B.How careful C.How wonderful D.What wonderful picture



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay,you should(1)describe the picture briefly(2)interpret the meaning,and h(3)give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANS WER SHEET.(20 points)

In the picture above,in an unattended bookstore where there is no cashier and no staff,a customer is paying for the book he has chosen of his own free will.Such a bookstore is basically based on the customers'integrity.This illustration reveals the importance of integrity in todays society.cheif ieav-os onion,toona when no one is around There are many reasons why integrity is important Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is around in our lives.First,living a life of integrity means that we never have to spend time or energy questioning ourselves.When we listen to our hearts and do the right thing,life becomes simple.Our actions are open to others,and we don't have to worry about hiding anything.What's more,when we have integrity,we gain the trust of others.We're dependable,and we become role models for others to follow when we hold ourselves accountable for our actions In our lives,we are going to be tested at one point or another by our integrity and ethics.Every time we do what we think is the right thing even though no one else sees us do it,we have taken a big step toward strengthening our integrity


What are the possible techniques to be used for practicing the structure that has just been presented? ___________.



C.single word prompts

D.picture prompts



All good lesson plans give a clear picture of what the teacher intends to do in the lesson.()




In broadcast network the first adj of ospf is 2-way?why?this question will give you a picture.

正确答案:yes,in broadcast network DRothers only establish full adjacency with DR and BDR.Between Drothers,it is a 2-way relationship.
