In what sense does foreign language teaching methodology hel

In what sense does foreign language teaching methodology help you in your professional development?
正确答案: A foreign language teacher has to not only make his students understand the language, namely the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc., he must also develop their communicative competence so that they can use the language they have learned correctly, appropriately and expressively in real situations. In order to do well this complicated job, the teacher needs to know, apart from a comprehensive knowledge of the language and the ability to use it, as many teaching methods and techniques as possible, and understand the underlying theories and principles, therefore he not only knows what to teach and how to do it, but also why he should do it in a certain way and how to solve problems when they arise. In this way he will have full confidence in doing his job well.
Foreign language teachers understand that knowing a language does not necessarily mean that you can teach the language well. Teaching is an art as well as a science. If you do not know the theories, principles, methods or techniques of teaching, you might be able to teach a foreign language based on your experience, but you cannot hope to achieve good results, nor can you give your or your colleagues’ teaching a rational evaluation or a critical appraisal. There are surely limitations in teaching by drawing only on experience, though experience is important. The theory you learnt from the methodology course can guide, support and conceptualize practice. New insights you get by sharing ideas of other people will bring you great benefit. As the old saying goes: “Travel broadens the mind”. In the same way learning Foreign Language Teaching Methodology will surely broaden the mind of teachers.
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Nowadays, the _________ is gaining more and more popularity in foreign language teaching and more and more educators and learners are embracing it.

A. book

B. video

C. tape

D. internet



What's the overall goal of English teaching in basic education stage?

A.Increase students' vocabulary and grammar of the knowledge.
B.Improve students' English learning and foreign cultural interesting.
C.Cultivate students' ability of listening and spoken English.
D.Cultivate students' comprehensive capability of language.



Foreign Language Teaching ology is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching.()




Apart from a mastery of a foreign language, what other knowledge should a foreign language teacher have in order to do his/her job well?
He/she should have some knowledge about the related subjects such as linguistics, psychology and pedagogy. He should also know that a lot of variables influence classroom teaching. Factor like foreign language education policy, the goal of foreign language education, learners, teachers, syllabus, teaching method, teaching materials teaching aids, and assessment and evaluation all influence classroom teaching. If a teacher does not know them he would not be able to teach according to the circumstances and would achieve the best results possible.


The reasons for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, language ___________, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right.


考查写作教学。英语写作作为书面表达的一种交际方式,在语言教学中是十分重要的,因此我们要重视写作教学。加强英语写作训练有助于我们大多数英语学习者巩固已学过的语言知识。发展我们的语言技能,也有利于提高写作技能本身。language development即“语言发展”。


We often speak of language as a vehicle of expression a metaphor that can illumine many aspects of our foreign language teaching situation, Language is a vehicle of meaning that we do not even realize we are using,in other words, a vehicle that is transporting a person's message somewhere but is not itself the object of the trip.



Which of the following is NOT true about the assessment in language teaching?

A.Testing does not equate with assessment.
B.Summative assessment focuses on the process of learning.
C.The students themselves should be given the chance to evaluate their own performance.
D.Assessment means to discover what the learners know and can do at certain stage of the learning process.

考查教学评价。形成性评价(formative assessment)关注学习的过程,而不是终结性评价(summative assessment)。


Foreign language teaching and learning is affected by a lot of disciplines such as linguistics, psychology, and pedagogy.()




In what sense can an understanding of the context of education contribute to language teaching and learning?
Teaching and learning a foreign language inevitably involves relationships between different aspects of life, and teaching English successfully is not just a question of method. Other things influence English language teaching (ELT) greatly. Refer to the nine variables discussed in the text.


What are the three views of language that support popular foreign language teaching?
They are the structural view; the functional view and the interactional view.