The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all

The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all tests and inspections of gear take place and are logged().

on each watch,immediately before being relieved


before embarking on a voyage of more than 24 hours


daily,at 1200 local zone time


weekly,before 0000 Sunday

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On vessels over 100 gross tons,whose responsibility is it to ensure that all able seamen in the vessel's crew have the documents and qualifications required by law and regulation?

A.Master of the vessel

B.USCG Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection

C.Owner or operator of the vessel

D.Company's personnel director



In the case of a casualty involving a vessel,the Master,owner,agent or person in charge shall make the records required by regulation available upon request to ______.

A.anyone involved in the casualty

B.any governmental official authorized to investigate the casualty

C.the local Captain of the Port

D.All of the above



The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A.evaluate the danger of each closing visual or radar contact

B.adjust speed with due regard for the weather and visibility

C.reduce speed only where local speed limits are posted

D.enter all required test and inspection results in the vessel's log or other record carried on board



Which party must ensure that legal work hour limitations(for both officers and crew members),rest periods and regulations governing work on Sundays and holidays are followed when the vessel is in a safe harbor ________.

A.The owner of the vessel

B.The company operating the vessel

C.The Master of the vessel

D.The company chartering the vessel



The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all tests and inspections of gear take place and are logged ______.

A.when a new Master assumes command

B.daily,at 0800 local zone time

C.weekly,before 2400 Saturday

D.immediately after assuming the watch



The final inspection responsibility for seeing that a tank barge is provided with the required equipment and fittings in good and serviceable condition prior to loading cargo rests with the ______.

A.terminal operator

B.owner of the barge

C.tankerman or person in charge of loading

D.charterer through the Master of the towing vessel



Services rendered notwithstanding the express and reasonable prohibition of the owner or the master of the vessel or the owner of any other property in danger _______ on board the vessel shall not give rise to payment under this Convention.

A.which is not and has not been

B.which was not

C.which was

D.which is not but will be taken by the salver



As operator of a 199 GT towing vessel sailing foreign,it shall be your duty to enter in the Official Logbook or other permanent record ______.

A.all information contained on the barge's Certificate of Inspection

B.the condition of all towing gear to be used

C.all navigational aids to be used

D.the barges load line and draft readings



A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to change course shall,when making way,exhibit ______.

A.the masthead lights for a towing vessel

B.the lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver

C.sidelights,stern light and towing light

D.All of the above



A towing vessel pushing a barge ahead and rigidly connected in a composite unit shall show the lights of ______.

A.A vessel towing by pushing ahead

B.A power-driven vessel,not towing

C.A barge being pushed ahead

D.Either answer A or answer B

