Constant inspection
Keeping constant load
Remaining constant temperature
Varying speed
Which safety precaution(s)should be observed during crane operations ________.
A.Checking for proper lifting from beneath the load during cargo operations
B.Using the proper slings or other lifting devices during cargo operations
C.Relaying communications to port agents on the pier during cargo hoists
D.All of the above
Which of the following is the MOST important consideration when looking at distance requirements when planning a hot site?()
It was the first time that such a had to be taken at a British nuclear power station.
A) presentation B) preparation C) prediction D) precaution
前缀pre =before, pre (before) + sent(being存在)= 现在的(在眼前),precaution 预防(事前的准备),pre (before) + pare (to get ready) = 准备,dict=to say, prediction意为“事先说,预测”。所以此题选B,题目译文为“那是第一次要在英国核能源站不得不采取这种预防措施。”
kann man nicht nur Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, sondern auch Natur- und Technikwissenschaften sowie Jura studieren.
lernt man neben dem theoretischen Wissen keine wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweise.
gibt es zwei Typen von Professoren und Dozenten: im Gebiet der Forschung und mit dem Schwerpunkt der Lehre.
kann man viele Berufserfahrungen sammeln.
A server is having problems booting into the operating system. Which of the following can provide important information to begin to trouble shoot the cause?()
To many Americans,education is important because()
Ait contributes to the success of individuals
Bit contributes to the strengthening of national strength
Cit prepares the young people for future development
DBoth A and B
A client is having trouble connecting to the Internet. The client is using a static IP address and is able to connect to other devices on the network via IP address only. Which of the following is MOST likely the problem?()
______is a precaution which contributes to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.
A.Constant inspection
B.Keeping constant load
C.Remaining constant temperature
D.Varying speed
In addition to better overall price performance, which other factor most significantly contributes to a lower three-year TCO advantage for a pSeries customer than for a SUN customer?()
Jakob und Wilhelm stritten sich ständig.
Jakob und Wilhelm arbeiteten nicht gern zusammen.
Jakob und Wilhelm waren eigentlich sehr unterschiedlich.
Jakob und Wilhelm waren einig vor der Veröffentlichung ihrer ersten Märchensammlung.