American Bureau of Shipping classification rules
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Safety of Life at Sea Convention
Minerals Management Service rules
Red sectors of navigation lights warn mariners of ______.
A.floating debris
B.heavily trafficked areas
C.recently sunken vessels
D.shoals or nearby land
A jack-up drilling rig being towed must ______.
A.turn off all lights that interfere with the navigation lights
B.turn on all available working lights on deck
C.ring the bell rapidly for five seconds once a minute
D.display two black diamonds in a vertical line during the day
A.must be
B.must have
C.should be
D.should have been
To determine what navigation lights and day-shapes must be displayed on mobile offshore drilling units under tow,you should check the ______.
A.American Bureau of Shipping classification rules
B.International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
C.Safety of Life at Sea Convention
D.Minerals Management Service rules
Injuries resulting in loss of life or incapacitation,aboard vessels,must be reported to the ______.
D.International Association of Navigation
An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night?
A.A sternlight only
B.Anchor lights only
C.A white light over a red light only
D.A white light over a red light and anchor lights
No damage of any kind ______ aids to navigation or navigation facilities.
A.should be done to
B.should not be done to
C.must be done with
D.must not be done with
Navigation lights must be displayed in all weathers from sunset to sunrise. They also _____.
A.must be displayed when day signals are being used
B.must be displayed when moored to a pier
C.may be extingushed at night on open waters when no other vessels are in the area
D.may be displayed during daylight
Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with ______.
A.ship's clock
B.engine movement recorder
D.navigation lights
You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at Xxx .The Xxx network is running in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 environment.A SMTP server on the Internet has rejected some email sent from Xxx .What actions must you take to determine why this happened?()