system is low on refrigerant
high pressure cutout switch is improperly adjusted
discharge valves are leaking slightly
discharge valves are leaking excessively
Low compressor head pressure in a refrigeration system can be caused by ___.
A.insufficient condenser cooling water
B.excessive condenser cooling water
C.air in the refrigeration system
D.excessive refrigerant in the system
Which of the following problems could cause the high pressure cutout switch to shut down the compressor in a refrigeration system?
A.A shortage of liquid refrigerant.
B.Excessive frost on the evaporator.
C.Excessive condenser cooling water.
D.Insufficient condenser cooling water flow.
Which of the conditions listed will cause a refrigeration compressor to run constantly without simultaneously decreasing the temperature in the refrigerated space?( )
A.Shortage of refrigerant oil
B.Slight shortage of refrigerant
C.Excessive condenser cooling water flow
D.Faulty expansion valve
Shortage of refrigerant oil
Slight shortage of refrigerant
Excessive condenser cooling water flow
Faulty expansion valve
insufficient condenser cooling water
excessive condenser cooling water
air in the refrigeration system
excessive refrigerant in the system
Sweating of the refrigeration system compressor crankcase is caused by_______ .
A.too much superheat
B.insufficient superheat
C.suction pressure too low
D.excessive refrigerant returning to the compressor
If the suction pressure for an operating refrigeration compressor is below normal, the cause may be ______. excess of liquid refrigerant
B.the expansion valve overfeeding
C.a fouled compressor suction strainer
D.the compressor short cycling
If the refrigeration compressor crankcase is sweating, the cause may be due to
A.a shortage of refrigerant
B.the compressor running continuously
C.liquid refrigerant returning to the compressor
D.the compressor short cycling on the high pressure cutout
flooding back
overheated compressor bearings
excess lube oil viscosity
carbon deposits on the compressor piston rings
wax crystals forming in the lubricant