freeboard deck
Plimsoll mark
amidships section
Charted depth is the ______.
A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tide
B.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom
C.average height of water over a specified period of time
D.average height of all low waters at a place
A vessel displaying three red lights in a vertical line is ______.
A.restricted in her ability to maneuver
B.not under command
C.engaged in mineclearing operations
D.constrained by her draft
On a vessel, multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity above the baseline results in a(n) ______.
A.transverse moment
B.vertical moment
C.righting moment
D.inclining moment
For a floating vessel, true mean draft is always the ______.
A.average of the observed drafts
B.draft at the center of flotation
C.draft corresponding to the calculated displacement
D.mean of the calculated drafts
A vessel restricted by its ability to manoeuvre by the nature of its work or its deep draft is__
A.Hampered vessel
B.Giving way vessel
C.Vessel not under control
D.Disabled vessel
Charted depth is the ______.
A.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tide
B.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom
C.average height of water over a specified period of time
D.average height of all low waters at a place
______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.
Pump out No. 2 port ballast tank to ______.
A.keep vessel afloating
B.refloat vessel listing to starboard
C.make vessel all-right
D.bring vessel upright
Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the vertical moments by total weight yields the vessel’s_____.
A.height of the center of gravity
B.vertical moments
C.righting moments
D.inclining moments
For a vessel inclined by the wind, multiplying the buoyant force by the horizontal distance between the lines of action of the buoyant and gravity forces gives the ______.
A.righting moment
B.longitudinal moment
C.transverse moment
D.vertical moment