fire hose might be damaged by cargo operations
vessel is in port
fire-main system is not charged
fire pumps are used for purposes other than supplying water to the fire main
If a firefighting situation calls for low-velocity fog you would ______.
A.order the engine room to reduce pressure on the fire pump
B.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way forward
C.attach a low-velocity fog applicator with the nozzle shut down
D.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way back
Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the proper procedure in handling a fire hose ________.
A.A 1.5 inch hose should be deployed with a minimum of a nozzleman and hoseman
B.Back-up hosemen should be positioned wherever the hose makes a significant turn
C.The fire hose should be partially charged before deploying it from the fire station
D.The nozzleman should always hold the nozzle with one hand on top,to prevent kickback
You are on a cargo vessel carrying toluol in bulk in portable tanks. Which is a requirement for pumping the toluol?
A.Hose connections to the tank must be made with a minimum of three bolts
B.There must be water pressure on the fire main
C.You must shut down if another vessel comes alongside
D.If transferring at anchor,you must display a red flag by day and a red light at night
Prior to implementing an LPAR system, which of the following needs to be done?()
If not attached to the nozzle, each low-velocity spray applicator on a vessel must be stowed__________. a protected area on the main deck
B.inside a machinery space near the entrance to the fire hydrant to which the fire hose is attached
D.on a rack inside the quarters near the entrance
The high-velocity fog tip used with the all-purpose fire fighting nozzle should always be ______.
A.Attached by a chain
B.Coated with heavy grease to prevent corrosion
C.Painted red for identity as emergency equipment
D.Stored in the clip at each fire station
Fire axes required on MV MODU’s must be stored in the enclosure for fire hoses with the location marked ______.
A.Fire Axe Location
B.Hose Station No. …
C.Fire Station No. …
D.Firefighting Equipment
A fire hose with a nozzle attached must be connected to each hydrant except when exposed to heavy weather or when the ______.
A.Fire hose might be damaged by cargo operations
B.Vessel is in port
C.Fire-main system is not charged
D.Fire pumps are used for purposes other than supplying water to the fire main
order the engine room to reduce pressure on the fire pump
put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way forward
attach a low-velocity fog applicator with the nozzle shut down
put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way back