oil drums
the bridge controls
combustible metals
A foam-type portable fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in ______.
A.solid materials such as wood or bales of fiber
B.flammable liquids
C.a piece of electrical equipment
D.combustible metallic solid
A portable foam (stored-pressure type) fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in ______.
B.oil drums
C.the bridge controls
D.combustible metals
The most effective way of applying carbon dioxide from a portable extinguisher to a fire is by ______.
A.Forming a cloud cover over the flames
B.Directing the gas at the base of the flames in a slow sweeping motion
C.Discharging the carbon dioxide into the heart of the flames
D.Bouncing the discharge off an adjacent bulkhead just above the burning surface
In order to discharge a CO2 portable fire extinguisher, the operator must FIRST ______.
A.invert the CO2 extinguisher
B.squeeze the two trigger handles together
C.remove the locking pin the discharge valve
Foam-type portable fire extinguishers are most useful in combating fires involving ______.
A.solid materials such as wood or bales of fiber
B.inflammable liquids
C.electrical equipment
D.metallic solids
A portable dry chemical fire extinguisher discharges by ______.
A.gravity when the extinguisher is turned upside down
B.pressure from a small CO2 cartridge on the extinguisher
C.air pressure from the hand pump attached to the extinguisher
D.pressure from the reaction when water is mixed with the chemical
Each hand portable fire extinguisher on M/V Utopia must be marked with______.
A.the date that it was installed on the unit
B.the names of the individuals qualified to use it
C.the name of the unit on which it is located identification number different from other extinguishers on the unit
A foam-type portable fire extinguisher is most useful in fighting a fire in ______.
B.oil drums
C.the bridge controls
D.combustible metals
How do you operate a portable CO2 fire extinguisher?______.
A.Point the horn down
B.Turn cylinder upside-down
C.Break the rupture disc
D.Pull pin, squeeze grip
Fire in the cabins. Close all fire doors and use the ()powder extinguisher.