The height of tide is the ______.
A.depth of water at a specific time due to tidal effect
B.difference between the depth of the water and the area's tidal datum
C.difference between the depth of the water and the high water tidal level
D.difference between the depth of the water at high tide and the depth of the water at low tide
The major components which determine the length of catenary in a deployed anchor cable are water depth,cable tension,and ______.
A.environmental forces
B.bottom conditions
C.cable weight
D.water density
Clearance gauges at bridges indicate ______.
A.the height of the tide
B.depth of water under the bridge
C.charted vertical clearance at mean low water
D.distance from the water to low steel of the bridge
Air gap is the vertical distance between the bottom of the hull and the ______.
A.Still water level
B.Wave crest
C.Wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal corrections
D.Wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correction and storm surge
The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the ______.
A.bottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathoms
B.depth underneath the keel against a time base
C.contour of the bottom against a distance base
D.depth of water against a distance base
The soundings on the chart are based on the depth of water available at ______.
A.mean low water
B.mean lower low water
C.mean high water
D.mean high water springs
To predict the actual depth of water using the Tide Tables,the number obtained from the Tide Tables is ______.
A.the actual depth
B.added to or subtracted from the charted depth
C.multiplied by the charted depth
D.divided by the charted depth
The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the ______.
A.range of tide
B.height of tide
C.charted depth
D.actual water depth
You are anchoring in 16 fathoms of water.On a small to medium size vessel,the ______.
A.Anchor may be dropped from the hawse pipe
B.Anchor should be lowered to within 2 fathoms of the bottom before being dropped
C.Scope should always be at least ten times the depth of the water
D.Scope should always be less than 5 times the depth of the water
All echo-sounders can measure the ______.
A.Actual depth of water
B.Actual depth of water below keel
C.Average depth from waterline to hard bottom
D.Average depth of water to soft bottom