a record of all routine calls
a record of your transmissions only
the home address of the vessel's Master or owner
a summary of all distress calls and messages
You are approaching another vessel and see that she has the signal flag "J" hoisted. What should you do?
A.Keep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo on board or she is leaking dangerous cargo
B.Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because she is requesting to communicate
C.Approach the vessel with caution because she is dragging her anchor
D.Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a tug
While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take ________.
A.Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer required
B.Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETA
C.Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged it
D.Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit
If your vessel is equipped with a radiotelephone,what must also be aboard?
A.Certificate of Inspection
B.List of ship stations
C.Copy of ship to shore channels
D.Radio station license
Certificate of Inspection
List of ship stations
Copy of ship to shore channels
Radio station license
Channel 13(156.65 MHz),the designated bridge-to-bridge channel,may NOT be used to ______.
A.exchange navigational information between vessels
B.exchange navigational information between a vessel and a shore station
C.conduct necessary tests
D.exchange operating schedules with company dispatcher
A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as ______.
A.white lights are not used
B.red and green lights are not used
C.the signal cannot be mistaken for a signal authorized by the Rules
D.the vessel signals such intentions over the radiotelephone
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems(AIS)________.
A.AIS cannot be used to make passing arrangements because the system is not capable of this type of ship-to-ship communications
B.AIS cannot be used to make passing arrangements because the ship-to-ship text messaging feature is for emergency use only
C.AIS can be used to make passing arrangements via ship-to-ship text messaging but a vessel operator is not relieved from the requirement to sound whistle signals or make arrangements via bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone
D.AIS can be used to make passing arrangements via ship-to-ship text massaging thus relieving a vessel operator from making such arrangements via bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone or signaling intent to pass via whistle signals
The radiotelephone required by the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act is for the exclusive use of ______.
A.the Master or person in charge of the vessel
B.a person designated by the Master
C.a person on board to pilot the vessel
D.All of the above
If your radiotelephone fails while underway,______.
A.you must visually signal oncoming vessels
B.you must immediately tie up in the nearest port until the radiotelephone is repaired
C.you must anchor until the radiotelephone is repaired
D.the loss of the radiotelephone must be considered in navigating the vessel
white lights are not used
red and green lights are not used
the signal cannot be mistaken for a signal authorized by the Rules
the vessel signals such intentions over the radiotelephone