during the valve overlap period
with only the exhaust valve open
at a pressure below atmospheric
without cooling the cylinders or pistons
a single, long-stroke, slow-speed, turbocharged, two-stroke diesel engine
a single, long-stroke, medium-speed, turbocharged, four-stroke diesel engine
two medium-speed, turbocharged, four-stroke diesel engines
a variable-speed AC generator
swept volume charging
If all other conditions such as bore, stroke, speed, and mean effective pressures are equal, a two stroke/cycle diesel engine will develop approximately
A.the same indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engine
B.twice the indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engine
C.one half the indicated horsepower as a four-stroke/cycle engine
D.one power stroke for every two crankshaft revolutions
inoperative turbocharger
inadequate fuel supply
overload on one cylinder
unequal load distribution
The direction of pressure on the journal in four-stroke engine is continuously
positive feed lubricators are installed on all bearings of four-stroke engine, whereas as a splash feed system is used on tow-stroke engine
four-stroke engines usually utilize a heavier grade of oil than tow-stroke engines
Low-stroke engines usually consume less lube oil than four-stroke engines
one half crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engine
crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engine
two times crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engine
one-fourth times crankshaft speed in a four-stroke cycle diesel engine
most critical in a four-stroke cycle diesel engine
most critical in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine
most critical in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine if it is turbocharged
of equal importance in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine as in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine
During the valve overlap period, the exhaust pressure of a turbocharged four-stroke/cycle diesel engine must be less than the intake manifold pressure to ensure ______.
A.effective cylinder scavenging and cooling
B.constant pressure from the turbochargers
C.cooler operation of the exhaust system
D.effective constant pressure for turbocharger operation
discharge exhaust gases and smoke
furnish energy to the turbocharger
reduce engine room noise
all of the above
improper venting of the cooling system
carrying the expansion tank water level too high
a totally clogged impeller in the cooling water pump
an incorrectly set cooling system temperature control