单选题Approximately $120 billion in venture capital is estimated as having poured into technology stocks during the late 1990s, creating a valuation bubble that burst in 2000.A Approximately $120 billion in venture capital is estimated as having poured into

Approximately $120 billion in venture capital is estimated as having poured into technology stocks during the late 1990s, creating a valuation bubble that burst in 2000.

Approximately $120 billion in venture capital is estimated as having poured into technology stocks during the late 1990s, creating


During the late 1990s approximately $120 billion in venture capital is estimated to have poured into technology stocks and created


During the late 1990s it is estimated that there was approximately $120 billion in venture capital that was poured into technology stocks, creating


It is estimated that during the late 1990s approximately $120 billion in venture capital poured into technology stocks, creating


It is estimated that there was approximately $120 billion in venture capital that poured into technology stocks during the late 1990s and created

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According to Figure 3, clasts and matrix particles having diameters greater than or equal to 0.5 mm made up approximately what percent of the total mass of the combined samples?







ALIBABA SEEKS TO RAISE BILLIONS IN IPO Investors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale of stock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goods________ linking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba is expected to ________ its initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New York Stock Exchange. The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has been estimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News say Alibaba is offering investors a 12 percent ________ of the company. That would mean the company could raise ________ $20 billion dollars in the public stock sale. After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most ________ technology companies in the world. Apple, for example, has a market value of about $600 billion. Google is valued at about $390 billion and Microsoft is worth about $370 billion.

参考答案:by; make; share; as much as; valuable


(b) The marketing director of CTC has suggested the introduction of a new toy ‘Nellie the Elephant’ for which the

following estimated information is available:

1. Sales volumes and selling prices per unit

Year ending, 31 May 2009 2010 2011

Sales units (000) 80 180 100

Selling price per unit ($) 50 50 50

2. Nellie will generate a contribution to sales ratio of 50% throughout the three year period.

3. Product specific fixed overheads during the year ending 31 May 2009 are estimated to be $1·6 million. It

is anticipated that these fixed overheads would decrease by 10% per annum during each of the years ending

31 May 2010 and 31 May 2011.

4. Capital investment amounting to $3·9 million would be required in June 2008. The investment would have

no residual value at 31 May 2011.

5. Additional working capital of $500,000 would be required in June 2008. A further $200,000 would be

required on 31 May 2009. These amounts would be recovered in full at the end of the three year period.

6. The cost of capital is expected to be 12% per annum.

Assume all cash flows (other than where stated) arise at the end of the year.


(i) Determine whether the new product is viable purely on financial grounds. (4 marks)




Vessels having main engines arranged for air starting are to be provided with at least__.

A.one automatic drain serving both containers

B.two air starting containers of approximately equal size

C.one control air container and one starting air container

D.one additional means of starting the main engine



many migrants poured into australia during the 1 850s.as a result,the australian population increased by 50%in that decade. ()



A financial ______ should be carried out for any potential venture in the manufacturing sector, in order to assess the relationship between production volume, production cost and profits.

A.break-even analysis

B.benefit streams

C.IRR analysis

D.capital cost

解析:盈亏平衡点分析(break-even analysis)是对成本、产量及利润之间关系的分析。内部收益率(IRR),是使项目的净现值等于零时的折现率。benefit streams收益流。capital cost资本成本。


( ) the project one month earlier, they burst into a big laughter.


B、Being accomplished


D、Having accomplished

解析:accomplish 发生在主句动作前,现在分词用完成态


(d) Explain how Gloria would be taxed in the UK on the dividends paid by Bubble Inc and the capital gains tax

and inheritance tax implications of a future disposal of the shares. Clearly state, giving reasons, whether or

not the payment made to Eric is allowable for capital gains tax purposes. (9 marks)

You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

(d) UK tax implications of shares in Bubble Inc
Income tax
Gloria is UK resident and is therefore subject to income tax on her worldwide income. However, because she is non-UK
domiciled, she will only be taxed on the foreign dividends she brings into the UK.
Dividends brought into the UK will be grossed up for any tax paid in Oceania. The gross amount is taxed at 10% if it falls
into the starting or basic rate band and at 321/2% if it falls into the higher rate band. The tax suffered in Oceania is available
for offset against the UK tax liability. The offset is restricted to a maximum of the UK tax on the dividend income.
Capital gains tax
Individuals are subject to capital gains tax on worldwide assets if they are resident or ordinarily resident in the UK. However,
because Gloria is non-UK domiciled and the shares are situated abroad, the gain is only taxable to the extent that the sales
proceeds are brought into the UK. Any tax suffered in Oceania in respect of the gain is available for offset against the UK
capital gains tax liability arising on the shares.
Any loss arising on the disposal of the shares would not be available for relief in the UK.
In computing a capital gain or allowable loss, a deduction is available for the incidental costs of acquisition. However, to be
allowable, such costs must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of acquiring the asset. The fee paid to Eric
related to general investment advice and not to the acquisition of the shares and therefore, would not be deductible in
computing the gain.
Taper relief will be at non-business asset rates as Bubble Inc is an investment company.
Inheritance tax
Assets situated abroad owned by non-UK domiciled individuals are excluded property for the purposes of inheritance tax.
However, Gloria will be deemed to be UK domiciled (for the purposes of inheritance tax only) if she has been resident in the
UK for 17 out of the 20 tax years ending with the year in which the disposal occurs.
Gloria has been running a business in the UK since June 1992 and would therefore, appear to have been resident for at least
15 tax years (1992/93 to 2006/07 inclusive).
If Gloria is deemed to be UK domiciled such that the shares in Bubble Inc are not excluded property, business property relief
will not be available because Bubble Inc is an investment company.


He ()all his problems to me last night.

A、poured out

B、poured off

C、poured with

D、poured at



The venture-capital-backed firms are more successful because they.( )

[A] have invested in innovation

[B] are good at stock exchanges

[C] have abundant funds

[D] have increased employment

