多选题Frederick Law Olmsted’s design of New York’s Central Park was ______ in part by the designer’s visit to England’s Derby Arboretum in 1859AfacilitatedBinspiredCconceivedDacceleratedEinfluencedFstructured

Frederick Law Olmsted’s design of New York’s Central Park was ______ in part by the designer’s visit to England’s Derby Arboretum in 1859












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The thief snatched both John's ( ) handbags.

A、mother-in-law’s and his sister-in-law's

B、mother’s-in-law’s and his sister's-in-law’s

C、mother’s-in-law and his sister’s-in-law

D、mother-in-laws’ and his sister-in-laws’



Fick’s first law










The Forbidden Apple
New York used to be the city that never sleeps. These days it's the city that never smokes,drinks or does anything naughty(at least,not in public).The Big Apple is quickly turning into the Forbidden Apple.
If you wanted a glass of wine with your picnic in Central Park,could you have one?No chance. Drinking alcohol in public isn't allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs(碎屑)of your sandwich, you could be arrested. It's illegal. If you went to a bar for a drink and a cigarette,that would be OK,wouldn't it?Er…no.You can't smoke in public in New York City.
What's going on?Why is the city that used to be so open-minded becoming like this?
The mayor of New York is behind it all. He has brought in a whole lot of new laws to stop citizens from doing what they want,when they want.
The press are shocked. Even the New York police have joined the argument. They re- cently spent$100,000 ona“Don't blame the cop”campaign. One New York police officer said,”We raise money for the city by giving people fines for breaking some very stupid laws. It's all about money.”
The result is lot of fines for minor offences. Yoav Kashida,and Israeli tourist,fell asleep on the subway. When he woke up,two police officers fined him because he had fallen asleep on two seats(you mustn't use two seats in the subway).Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined for blocking a driveway with their car. It was their own driveway.
The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine,Graydon Carter,says.”Under New York City law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work,but not an empty ashtray.”He should know. The police came to his office and took away his ashtray(烟灰缸).
But not all of New York's inhabitants are complaining. Marcia Dugarry,72,said,”The city has changed for the better. If more cities had these laws,America would be a better place to live.”Nixon Patotkis,38,a barman,said,”I like the new laws. If people smoked in here, we'd go home smelling of cigarettes.”
Recent figures show that New York now has fewer crimes per 100,000 people than 193 other US cities.And it's true一It's safer,cleaner and more healthy than before. But let'sbe honest一who goes to New York for its clean streets?

The businessman like the new laws.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

题干意为“在纽约城最近有一些活动已经变得不合法了”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语some activities, New York作为定位线索,同时关注题干中的修饰词illegal,这 样在第二段中找到相关句:Drinking alcohol in public isn't allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs(碎屑)of your sandwich, you could be arrested. It's illegal.相关句 意为“公共场所不许喝酒,不许用面包屑喂鸟,否则会被逮捕”。题干句其实是对短文中列举的这些细节信息的概括,两者意义一致。所以答案为A。
题干意为“在纽约城的任何地方吸烟或喝酒都是违法的”。利用题干中的名 词及名词短语alcohol , New York作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关句:You can't smoke in public in New York City.相关句提到“在纽约城里你不能在公众场合下吸烟”。短文只说在公共场合下不能吸烟,没有说在纽约城的任何地方都不能吸烟,因此题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关信息矛盾,不一致。所以、答案为B。
题干意为“在公园里吃苹果是非法的”。利用题干中的名词apples , park作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有提到能否在公园里吃苹果,因此题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。所以答案为C。
题干意为“商人们喜欢新的法规”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语business-man , new laws作为定位线索,结果发现短文中只提到了某些人对新的法规的反应,但没有讲、到商人们的反应。所以答案为C。
题干“Elle和Schroitman把他们的车停在公共车道上”。利用题干中的名词 及名词短语Elle , Serge Schroitman , car , public driveway作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关 句:Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined for blocking a driveway with their car. It was their own driveway.相关句提到他们的车挡住了他们自己的车道,由此可见题干陈述的意义与相关句不一致。所以答案为B。
题干意为,((名利场》杂志的编辑认为一些新的法规很愚蠢”。利用题干中的名 词及名词短语editor of Vanity Fair magazine , the new laws作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关句: The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine,Graydon Carter,says,”Under New York city law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work , but not a empty ashtray.”相关句提到((名利场》杂志的编辑嘲讽根据纽约的法律枪支可以带到工作场所,但却不可以带一个空的烟灰缸,依据相关句的内容可以看出《名利场》杂志的编辑认为新的法规的做法是很愚蠢的。所以答案为A。
题干意为“纽约比以往更干净,更安全”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语 New York作为定位线索,同时关注题干中的修饰词cleaner和safer,这样在短文中找到相关句:”And it's true一It(指纽约)'s safer, cleaner and more healthy than before.”相关句提到 “纽约比以往更安全,更干净,也更卫生”。显然题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关信息一致。所 以答案为A。


On May 1,2006,New York's Empire State Building celebrated its 75th birthday.When it was built in 1931 it was over 61 m taller than its nearest rival,the Chrysler Building,and at 381m remained the tallest in the world for 41 years,until the World Trade Center was completed in 1972- 1973.The story of the Empire State Building begins with two men's race to build the highest man-made structure in the world.
In 1889 the central feature of the World's Fair in Pairs was Gustav Eiffel's massive tower,constructed with wrought iron,and standing 300m high.Architects in the United States viewed this as something of a challenge,and by the early 20th century the race was on to erect taller buildings than ever before.Soon skyscrapers were springing up along the New York sky-line.In 1928 the founder of the Chrysler Corporation,Walter Chrysler,announced the building of a huge new skyscraper,taller than anything so far constructed in New York.It soon became clear that the new building was part of Chrysler's aim to challenge the motoring giant General Motors.So John Jakob Raskob,of General Motors,decided to race Chrysler to the top.The final height of Chrysler's building was kept secret until it was completed,so Raskob instructed his architects to construct the highest tower they could.Their architectural plans had to be modified as the Chrysler Building grew ever higher,but when it topped 77 stories the Empire State Building team knew that they could beat it.
No building project has yet exceeded the Empire State Building's record for speed of construclion.From the beginning of construction in March 1930 it took 410 days and approximately 7 million man-hours to build.It rose at an astonishing speed of 4.5 stories per week,thanks to careful planning and quality of work.The building was officially opened on May 1,1931,by President Hoover.

Even the World Trade Center can not compete with the New York's Empire State Building with its height.
C:Not mentioned

文章并未提及美国9 ·11恐怖袭击事件对帝国大厦的影响,因此选项C 是正确的。


Let's meet at 7:30 outside the gate of ()

A. the People's Park

B. the People Park

C. People's Park



In the 1930s, the United States experienced the Great Depression which first began with the New York stock market crash.()




A.Law′s 位







The Forbidden Apple
New York used to be the city that never sleeps. These days it's the city that never smokes,drinks or does anything naughty(at least,not in public).The Big Apple is quickly turning into the Forbidden Apple.
If you wanted a glass of wine with your picnic in Central Park,could you have one?No chance. Drinking alcohol in public isn't allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs(碎屑)of your sandwich, you could be arrested. It's illegal. If you went to a bar for a drink and a cigarette,that would be OK,wouldn't it?Er…no.You can't smoke in public in New York City.
What's going on?Why is the city that used to be so open-minded becoming like this?
The mayor of New York is behind it all. He has brought in a whole lot of new laws to stop citizens from doing what they want,when they want.
The press are shocked. Even the New York police have joined the argument. They re- cently spent$100,000 ona“Don't blame the cop”campaign. One New York police officer said,”We raise money for the city by giving people fines for breaking some very stupid laws. It's all about money.”
The result is lot of fines for minor offences. Yoav Kashida,and Israeli tourist,fell asleep on the subway. When he woke up,two police officers fined him because he had fallen asleep on two seats(you mustn't use two seats in the subway).Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined for blocking a driveway with their car. It was their own driveway.
The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine,Graydon Carter,says.”Under New York City law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work,but not an empty ashtray.”He should know. The police came to his office and took away his ashtray(烟灰缸).
But not all of New York's inhabitants are complaining. Marcia Dugarry,72,said,”The city has changed for the better. If more cities had these laws,America would be a better place to live.”Nixon Patotkis,38,a barman,said,”I like the new laws. If people smoked in here, we'd go home smelling of cigarettes.”
Recent figures show that New York now has fewer crimes per 100,000 people than 193 other US cities.And it's true一It's safer,cleaner and more healthy than before. But let'sbe honest一who goes to New York for its clean streets?

Some activities have recently become illegal in New York.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

题干意为“在纽约城最近有一些活动已经变得不合法了”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语some activities, New York作为定位线索,同时关注题干中的修饰词illegal,这 样在第二段中找到相关句:Drinking alcohol in public isn't allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs(碎屑)of your sandwich, you could be arrested. It's illegal.相关句 意为“公共场所不许喝酒,不许用面包屑喂鸟,否则会被逮捕”。题干句其实是对短文中列举的这些细节信息的概括,两者意义一致。所以答案为A。
题干意为“在纽约城的任何地方吸烟或喝酒都是违法的”。利用题干中的名 词及名词短语alcohol , New York作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关句:You can't smoke in public in New York City.相关句提到“在纽约城里你不能在公众场合下吸烟”。短文只说在公共场合下不能吸烟,没有说在纽约城的任何地方都不能吸烟,因此题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关信息矛盾,不一致。所以、答案为B。
题干意为“在公园里吃苹果是非法的”。利用题干中的名词apples , park作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有提到能否在公园里吃苹果,因此题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。所以答案为C。
题干意为“商人们喜欢新的法规”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语business-man , new laws作为定位线索,结果发现短文中只提到了某些人对新的法规的反应,但没有讲、到商人们的反应。所以答案为C。
题干“Elle和Schroitman把他们的车停在公共车道上”。利用题干中的名词 及名词短语Elle , Serge Schroitman , car , public driveway作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关 句:Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined for blocking a driveway with their car. It was their own driveway.相关句提到他们的车挡住了他们自己的车道,由此可见题干陈述的意义与相关句不一致。所以答案为B。
题干意为,((名利场》杂志的编辑认为一些新的法规很愚蠢”。利用题干中的名 词及名词短语editor of Vanity Fair magazine , the new laws作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关句: The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine,Graydon Carter,says,”Under New York city law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work , but not a empty ashtray.”相关句提到((名利场》杂志的编辑嘲讽根据纽约的法律枪支可以带到工作场所,但却不可以带一个空的烟灰缸,依据相关句的内容可以看出《名利场》杂志的编辑认为新的法规的做法是很愚蠢的。所以答案为A。
题干意为“纽约比以往更干净,更安全”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语 New York作为定位线索,同时关注题干中的修饰词cleaner和safer,这样在短文中找到相关句:”And it's true一It(指纽约)'s safer, cleaner and more healthy than before.”相关句提到 “纽约比以往更安全,更干净,也更卫生”。显然题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关信息一致。所 以答案为A。


The Forbidden Apple
New York used to be the city that never sleeps. These days it's the city that never smokes,drinks or does anything naughty(at least,not in public).The Big Apple is quickly turning into the Forbidden Apple.
If you wanted a glass of wine with your picnic in Central Park,could you have one?No chance. Drinking alcohol in public isn't allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs(碎屑)of your sandwich, you could be arrested. It's illegal. If you went to a bar for a drink and a cigarette,that would be OK,wouldn't it?Er…no.You can't smoke in public in New York City.
What's going on?Why is the city that used to be so open-minded becoming like this?
The mayor of New York is behind it all. He has brought in a whole lot of new laws to stop citizens from doing what they want,when they want.
The press are shocked. Even the New York police have joined the argument. They re- cently spent$100,000 ona“Don't blame the cop”campaign. One New York police officer said,”We raise money for the city by giving people fines for breaking some very stupid laws. It's all about money.”
The result is lot of fines for minor offences. Yoav Kashida,and Israeli tourist,fell asleep on the subway. When he woke up,two police officers fined him because he had fallen asleep on two seats(you mustn't use two seats in the subway).Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined for blocking a driveway with their car. It was their own driveway.
The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine,Graydon Carter,says.”Under New York City law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work,but not an empty ashtray.”He should know. The police came to his office and took away his ashtray(烟灰缸).
But not all of New York's inhabitants are complaining. Marcia Dugarry,72,said,”The city has changed for the better. If more cities had these laws,America would be a better place to live.”Nixon Patotkis,38,a barman,said,”I like the new laws. If people smoked in here, we'd go home smelling of cigarettes.”
Recent figures show that New York now has fewer crimes per 100,000 people than 193 other US cities.And it's true一It's safer,cleaner and more healthy than before. But let'sbe honest一who goes to New York for its clean streets?

It's now illegal to smoke or drink alcohol anywhere in New York.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

题干意为“在纽约城最近有一些活动已经变得不合法了”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语some activities, New York作为定位线索,同时关注题干中的修饰词illegal,这 样在第二段中找到相关句:Drinking alcohol in public isn't allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs(碎屑)of your sandwich, you could be arrested. It's illegal.相关句 意为“公共场所不许喝酒,不许用面包屑喂鸟,否则会被逮捕”。题干句其实是对短文中列举的这些细节信息的概括,两者意义一致。所以答案为A。
题干意为“在纽约城的任何地方吸烟或喝酒都是违法的”。利用题干中的名 词及名词短语alcohol , New York作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关句:You can't smoke in public in New York City.相关句提到“在纽约城里你不能在公众场合下吸烟”。短文只说在公共场合下不能吸烟,没有说在纽约城的任何地方都不能吸烟,因此题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关信息矛盾,不一致。所以、答案为B。
题干意为“在公园里吃苹果是非法的”。利用题干中的名词apples , park作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有提到能否在公园里吃苹果,因此题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。所以答案为C。
题干意为“商人们喜欢新的法规”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语business-man , new laws作为定位线索,结果发现短文中只提到了某些人对新的法规的反应,但没有讲、到商人们的反应。所以答案为C。
题干“Elle和Schroitman把他们的车停在公共车道上”。利用题干中的名词 及名词短语Elle , Serge Schroitman , car , public driveway作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关 句:Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined for blocking a driveway with their car. It was their own driveway.相关句提到他们的车挡住了他们自己的车道,由此可见题干陈述的意义与相关句不一致。所以答案为B。
题干意为,((名利场》杂志的编辑认为一些新的法规很愚蠢”。利用题干中的名 词及名词短语editor of Vanity Fair magazine , the new laws作为定位线索,在短文中找到相关句: The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine,Graydon Carter,says,”Under New York city law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work , but not a empty ashtray.”相关句提到((名利场》杂志的编辑嘲讽根据纽约的法律枪支可以带到工作场所,但却不可以带一个空的烟灰缸,依据相关句的内容可以看出《名利场》杂志的编辑认为新的法规的做法是很愚蠢的。所以答案为A。
题干意为“纽约比以往更干净,更安全”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语 New York作为定位线索,同时关注题干中的修饰词cleaner和safer,这样在短文中找到相关句:”And it's true一It(指纽约)'s safer, cleaner and more healthy than before.”相关句提到 “纽约比以往更安全,更干净,也更卫生”。显然题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关信息一致。所 以答案为A。
