单选题The passage provides an answer to which of the following questions?A What is the explanation for the phenomenon of bioluminescence in marine life?B Does the phenomenon of plankton bioluminescence have any practical applications?C Why do only certain sp

The passage provides an answer to which of the following questions?

What is the explanation for the phenomenon of bioluminescence in marine life?


Does the phenomenon of plankton bioluminescence have any practical applications?


Why do only certain specimens of marine life exhibit the phenomenon of bioluminescence?


How does underwater bioluminescence differ from atmospheric bioluminescence?


What are the steps that take place as an individual microorganism becomes bioluminescent?

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The purpose of two questions in the second paragraph is to ________.

[A] demonstrate why people are amused

[B] display what people laugh at

[C] bring to light the phenomenon of laughter

[D] accent what a phenomenon laughter really is



Lewis’ research provides an answer to the question 。

A. why TV is important in family life

B. why parents should keep good order

C. why children in small families seem to be quieter

D. why middle children seem to have more difficulties in life



Now more people are buying lottery tickets. Study the following charts carefully and write an article on the topic of lottery. In your article, you should cover the following points: 1) describe the phenomenon; 2) analyze the phenomenon, and give your comments on it. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


二、      参考范文

Nowadays, more and more people, especially in big cities, become interested in buying lottery tickets. According to chart 1, averagely 70 percent of those polled in the survey, held in three big cities, claimed to have dreamed of winning the big prize of five-million yuan. 85 percent of those polled in Guangzhou had had such a dream, compared with 65 percent and 60 percent, respectively, in Beijing and Shanghai.

The attraction of buying lottery tickets is obvious. The winner can get the biggest profit for the future with only a small investment. It realizes the beautiful dream of every participant-to be richer and to improve living standards. As is shown in Chart 2, should they win a big lottery, 81.3% of people would buy a new house, 61.9% would buy a car, and 61.7% would save the money for the education of themselves or their kids. And a great proportion of people say they would put the money in the bank or use it for investment or touring. Despite all the attractions brought by the lottery buying, it has also come under criticism. Some regard it as a kind of gambling, which is a potentially addictive behaviour.

In my opinion, buying lottery tickets is not so bad as some people think. Instead, it is good for society by creating new jobs and representing an important source of income for charity and sports causes. Of course, it is not a means of making money for individuals we should encourage, because the result is hardly predictable. Therefore, we should take a positive but cautious attitude towards lottery buying behavior.


Which of the following may illustrate the difference between "competence" and__________ "performance"?

A.What a person "knows" and what he/she "does".
B.What a person "can do" and what he/she "does".
C.What a person "does" and what he/she "knows".
D.What a person "does" and what he/she "can do".



Teacher: After listening, answer the following two questions according to what you have heard on the tape.
(1) What is the relationship between the speakers
(2) What are the speakers' attitudes towards each other
What listening strategy does this listening activity help to train

B.Gist listening.
C.Listening for details.

考查听力教学。在听力训练中,教师让学生在听完录音后推测出说话人之间的关系以及对彼此的态度。从这两个问题可知,教师在训练学生的inferring listening strategy。其他选项gist listening“要求抓主旨”.listeningfor details“侧重于细节”,dictation“听写”,均不符合。


What can be said about the experiments at Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

A) They have no practical value in earthquake prevention.

B) They may have practical value in earthquake prevention.

C) They are certain to have practical value in earthquake prevention.

D) The article does not say anything about their practical value in earthquake prevention.

[试题分析] 推断题。
[详细解答] 根据上一题,知道了研究experiments at Rocky Mountain Arsenal的意义,显然可判断:They may have practical value in earthquake prevention,因此,答案为B。


Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing

A.Did you get all the questions right in today's class
B.Did you finish the task on time
C.Can you use the strategies we have learned today
D.What did you do in your group work today



According to the passage, which of the following statement is true? __________.

A. People can know happiness at any age.

B. A happy person lives a successful life.

C. Enjoying what you have can make you happy.

D. Parents want to pursue the study of happiness.

逻辑推理题。由文中第四段最后一句“Happiness is the capacity…you don’t have.”(快乐是享受自己拥有的事物的能力,而非对自己没有的事物的渴望。)可推断选项C正确,其余各项文中均未提及。


Teacher: After listening, answer the following two questions according to what you have heard on the tape.
(1) What is the relationship between the speakers?
(2) What are the speakers' attitudes towards each other?
What strategy does this listening activity help to train?

B.Listening for the gist.
C.Listening for details.

考查听力教学。在听力训练中,教师让学生在听完录音后推测出说话人之间的关系以及对彼此的态度。从这两个问题可知,教师在训练学生的推理判断能力(inferring)。其他选项listeningfor gist“听主旨”,listening for details“听细节”。dictation“听写”.均不符合.


Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the UnitedStates,( )when massive highway-building programs permitted greater suburban growth.

A.and accelerated a phenomenon
B.a phenomenon that accelerated
C.accelerating a phenomenon which
D.the acceleration of which phenomenon

考查同位语结构。a phenomenon是the decentralization of cities throughout the United States的同位语。A项中and为连词,后面应该连接一个完整的句子,但缺主语,故错误。C项语序混乱,which后不能接when引导的时间状语从句。D项中of which作介词宾语,后面应该接一个完整的句子,但只有phenomenon 一个主语,句子不完整,因此错误。故本题选B。句意:可能战后最重大的趋势就是美国城市的分散化,当大规模高速公路建设项目促进了郊区的发展时,这种现象就更明显了。
