According to the passage, the first step in starting a resta

According to the passage, the first step in starting a restaurant is to ______.

find a suitable location.


set up your profit goal.


learn much about your competitors.


advertise the opening of your restaurant.

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


24. Which is true according to the passage?

A. Jackie Chan is about forty years old.

B. He was born in America.

C. He wasn’t very successful when he first went to Hollywood.

D. He became famous at the age of 17.



According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?( )

A.You should be the first one to leave your work.

B.You should ask your C0—workers for your duties.

C.You should not be eager to go back home.

D.You are required to arrive l 5 minutes earlier.

这是道细节题,问哪一个选项符合文章原意。A句意为你应该第一个去上班。B句意为你应该问同事你的职责是什么,而Tip4说应该问上司supervisor。C句意为你不应该很急切地想要回家,Tip 5说急切地想离开并不好,这个正确。D句意为你被要求提前15分钟到,而Tip 2只是要你留出l5分钟机动时间,并不是一定要提前15分钟到。所以答案选C。


According to the passage, what is the most important job for a perfect mom?


Being a mom.  


Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim: students will know more about the history of New Zealand.
Ability aim: students can catch some detailed information about the passage.
Emotional aim: students will appreciate different culture and history.
Key and difficult point:
Students will get the history about New Zealand.
Students can express their ideas about the topic.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
Greet the students.
Watch a clip about “Dad, where are we going” and try to describe the video.
Step 2: Pre-reading
Show some pictures to introduce New Zealand’s background information.
Step 3: While-reading
1st reading: leave the question to you--try to find the key time-points?
2nd reading: now try to find the issues according to responding time-points?
3rd reading: leave the question to them-what is the capital before and now?
Step4: Post-reading
Activity 1: invite two students to retell the passage according the timeline on the blackboard.
Activity 2: divide them into groups of 3 to talk about which country do they like best?
Step5: Summary and homework
Invite a student to make a summary then leave them the homework-search online for the development of coffee culture in China.



Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. This influenza can cause death if not treated immediately.

B. The number of the influenza virus can grow very rapidly.

C. The people who got the disease recovered soon.

D. The London doctors did not take the virus seriously at first.

答案为B。根据第三段和第四段,They found that by reproducing itself at very high speed,the virus had multiplied more than a million times within two days.There experiments revealed that the new virus spread easily, but that it was not a killer 作出该项选择。其他选项与这两句矛盾。


According to the passage,a preliminary step in the creation of the Canadian Wheat Board was the appointment of______.

A. the Winnipeg Grain Exchange

B. a board of supervisors

C. several producer groups

D. a new government

 [解析] 见第三段第一句话。


According to the passage, the first winter of the colonists was hard because______.

A. they had too many enemies

B. the weather was too bad

C. they died from disease

D. they arrived too late to grow crops


53.答案为D  从第二段They had arrived too late to grow many crops...得知他们到达新大陆时已经错过了播种的季节,因此没有粮食导致生活艰难。D选项表达了原因,是正确选项。


According to the passage, the first settlers used wood for their utensils and tools because it was ______.





解析:注意题干上的信号词utensils and tools,以此为目标可以很容易地找到本题的依据句“Because of the lack of other materials,early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood.”选择C的原因在于当时十分缺乏其他材料而木材到处都有所以得到采用。available意思为“有,存在”。



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will master the meaning and usage of the structure “be doing” through reading the passage.
Ability aim:
Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more interest in learning English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will master how to improve reading abilities through finding main idea and details.
Difficult Point: Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a riddle and students guess the animals, such as “long nose, big ears and strong body——elephant”, then lead to the topic of “let’s go to the zoo to see what animals are doing”.
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. According to the title, students have a prediction about what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage.
Step 3: While-reading
1. Fast reading: students read the passage fast and figure out what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage then make a list.
2. Careful reading: students read the passage carefully and answer the question: what are the animals doing? Then fill in the blanks.

1. How do you improve students’ interest in learning English?
2. What principle should you use in the post-reading step?

In the process of English teaching, teachers should enrich the teaching approaches, not only teach students through "listening, speaking, reading", but also integrate situational teaching, so that students can feel the diversity of teaching and learning.
Besides, teachers can make use of the form of cooperative study and organize various practice activities in the classroom to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and cooperation, so that students have positive sense of learning.
First, we should persist in the communicative principle. In the production step of reading
class, students should be organized in groups to cultivate their speaking ability and communicative ability. In this way, we can reach the New Curriculum Standard.
Then, we should insist on the truth principle. That means we should provide more real materials that are closet to students’ real life, such as situation creation like what I did in this class. In this way, students’ interest can be aroused and they can apply what they’ve learned in real communication.



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can know the basic meaning of passage and are able to master the different greeting for the strangers.
Ability aims:
Students can practice guessing content of next paragraph according to the clues which is given in the passage.
Emotional aim:
Students are able to love learning English and like to read different English passage after this lesson.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: guess the content of next paragraph according to the clues and know the “learned” body language, especially different greetings
Difficult Point: improve students’ reading interest.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a video about Chaplin’s mime and ask students several questions:
What kind of body language can you see from this video?
Do you know the meaning of these body language?
Step 2: Pre-reading
Present the passage on the screen and read it for all the students. Before reading, ask students one question: What’s the main ideas of these two paragraphs? And guess the main to topic of this lesson?
Then invite several students to share their ideas.
Step 3: While-reading
1.Lead the students to think one question: Is this a whole passage? And ask students to scan the whole passage and give the teacher answer.
2.Ask students to discuss in group and after 10 minutes to invite several students to share their ideas with all the students.
3.And different students may be just guess the content of several paragraphs. So give students a chart, ask them to finish discussing in 5 minutes. Then invite two representatives to state the whole passage.

Step4: Post-reading
Guessing game: Present another passage on the screen. And give students 10 minutes to read and discuss.Then make a chart and tell your own stories according to chart in your own group .Then invite the representatives to make a report for the whole class.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: Present a passage and ask students to read and write a short passsage,which will be put behind of last paragraph.
Blackboard design:

1.Do you have the experience in teaching?
2. What will you do if you pass this exam?

Yes, I do. I have taught a teenager in high school. She was the junior. I mainly taught her grammar. I found her grammar was not very systematic. So I taught her from the grammar in words to the grammar in sentences in order to make her master the whole grammar, especially those always appeared in her exams. And during the teaching, I find the most important that it is the teacher should have a better understanding of the whole grammar and the high school English course. Besides, the teacher should pay more attention to the patience. It will make students relax when their learning and get along with the students.
First, I will find a teaching job to practice my teaching ability. And at the same time to prepare the teachers’ exams for school. When I prepare, I think the most important it’s to know the content of text in high school and do many exercises to practice these knowledge.
Second, I will visit some good teachers who is teaching the high school and learn some experience and practice my teaching ability.
Last, I need to reflect myself to improve my knowledge and my teaching procedures.
