I shall be surprised if he does this the same way()I do.

I shall be surprised if he does this the same way()I do.








如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Why does a man in the west who asks for a job say something like "Yes, I can certainly do it"?

A. Because to get the job he should give an impression that he's just fit for the job.

B. Because he is not modest.

C. Because he could do nothing but speak that way.

D. Because he was eager to get the job.




He can ride a motorbike, so ______ I.





参考答案: A


He knows that I said it,()?

A、did't I

B、does he

C、did I

D、doesn't he



If I he ________ job, I would do it in a different way..

A. do

B. to do

C. am to do

D. were to do



If I were to do it, I ___ it in a different way.

A.shall do

B.will do

C.would do

D.have done



I arrived in the United Stated on February 6, 1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o'clock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day.

Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn't speak a word of English, I couldn't tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter didn't understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to walk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try.

When I returned to the hotel, I was tired out, but I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings, big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English.

1. On the way to his hotel, the writer _____.

A. was silent all the time

B. kept talking to his friend

C. looked out of the window with great interest

D. showed his friend something he brought with him

2. He went to _____ to get something to eat.

A. a tea house

B. a pub

C. a café room

D. a nearby restaurant

3. He did not have what he really wanted, because _____.

A. he only made some gestures

B. he did not order at all

C. he could not make himself understood

D. the waiter was unwilling to serve

4. The waiter _____.

A. knew what he would order

B. finally understood what he said

C. took the order through his gestures

D. served the same thing the man at the next table was having

5. After dinner, he _____.

A. walked back to the hotel right away

B. had a walking tour about the city

C. went to the movies

D. did some shopping on Broadway

参考答案: CDCDB


听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?

W: I am sorry for that. But you have to go to that counter over there for the card business.

Q: Why does the customer come to the bank?


A.He got a credit card of his friend and come to ask how to use it.

B.He got a card and did not know whose card it is.

C.He has lost his credit card and come to ask what to do.

D.He has found a credit card and come to ask what to do.

解析:录音原文中男士说:I've lost my credit card issued by your bank,即他丢失了信用卡,来银行想知道该怎么办。


I am ________ to hear that a man of your age and with such good sense could talk in this way.()







I’m surprised by the sense of ________ he has with children.

A easiness

B ease

C rest

D alarm



I would rather he does not come.()


