问题:单选题The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries ______.A heavy industry becomes more energy-intensiveB income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil pricesC manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezedD oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP
问题:问答题Directions: You have taken a message from a phone call for your roommate Sun Fei, who is supposed to be back later to go to a movie with you tonight. Now you have to leave to attend to some urgent business. Write a note to your roommate to tell her about: (1)the telephone message you’ve taken, (2)your reason for not waiting in the dorm, and (3)what to do with your film ticket. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the note. Use “Tian Jie” instead.
问题:单选题What lessons can be learned from the past in this decade?A Private issue has always been associated with data collection.B Attacks on freedom are new.C The accumulation of data encourages oppression.D Privacy has been a neglected issue.
问题:问答题Directions: You are planning to study abroad. Write a letter of inquiry to (1) give your brief personal information; (2) ask for the terms of admission into that university; (3) ask for the possibility of getting a scholarship. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You don't need to write the address.
问题:问答题Even the most uninformed student of climate change could tell you that the solution to global warming is to alleviate global greenhouse gas emissions, and fast. But the problem is that the sheer amount of greenhouse gases we’ve already pumped into the atmosphere has irreversibly bound us to a certain amount of warming over the next several decades. No matter what we do, we’ll have to adapt to it. (1)_______________. Already precipitation patterns seem to be changing, making some drier areas—like the arid American southwest —even drier, and rainy regions even wetter. As warmer temperatures creep northward, so do insects and other pests that are adapted to the heat. The results can be distressing. The tiny mountain pine beetle, which infests pine trees in the Rocky Mountain region, used to be controlled by freezing winters. But as temperatures have warmed over the past decade, the mountain pine beetle’s territory has spread, destroying millions of acres of Canadian pines. (2)_______________Generations of American conservationists have fought to preserve wild- life and to keep nature pristine in the face of a growing population and pollution. To a remarkable extent, they’ve succeeded—almost 16% of the entire landmass of the U.S. is protected, and the Endangered Species Acthas helped save countless animals from extinction. (3)_______________. What good is a wildlife reserve if the protected animals can’t live there, because climate change pushes them out? What difference does it make to defend trees from logging, if global warming will allow a new pest to destroy whole forests? (4)_______________. Last week the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy brought together conservation leaders from around the U.S. to discuss how to cope with warming, trying to work out a new framework for the biggest challenge facing conservation. (5)_______________. So too is the scale required to properly adapt to climate change, which will almost certainly continue for decades into the future. “Climate change will affect agriculture, water resources, forestry, transportation, waste management, energy generation, national security, immigration patterns, fisheries, food security, you name it,” said Lara Hansen. “We need to change the way we allocate resources, plan economies and protect livelihoods.” That means that the way we’ve been carrying out conservation—picking the right land spaces and playing goalie—won’t work anymore, as climate change keeps moving the target. Regardless of what we do, the changes will be coming fast. We need to begin cutting our carbon immediately, but we need to adapt now as well. The world is changing because of us; to save what’s left, we’ll have to change too. [A] But global warming threatens to change all that, by altering the very foundation on which the conservation movement was built. [B] Global warming was already having “profound effects” in the American West, and that the future would bring increased drought, heat waves, rainstorms, extinctions and more. [C] That means climate change isn’t a problem for tomorrow; the effects are happening now. [D] The conference was fruitful, if a bit depressing. What’s clear is that the sheer speed of the changes already taking place due to warming—like the mountain pine beetle infestation—are catching us off guard. [E] Conservationists will have to work even harder, trying to minimize non climate-related threats to land and species. [F] The pine beetle infestation is just one example of global warming’s present danger. It also represents the unique challenges that warming will pose for land conservation managers on the front lines of the battle against it. [G] The answer is to adapt the way we practice wildlife and land conservation to climate change. There’s a term for this—adaptive management.(此文选自Time2008年刊)
问题:单选题Seed is a physicist, which means that he studies______.A human bodyB medicineC surgeryD physics
问题:问答题Напишите сочинение на тему 《Как решить демографическую проблему》.
问题:问答题Most U.S. businesses, large or small, belong to what is called the private enterprise system. 1)This means simply that firms operate in a dynamic environment where success or failure is determined by how well they match and counter the offerings of competitors. Competition is the battle among businesses for consumer acceptance. 2)Sales and profits are the yardsticks by which such acceptance is measured.3)The business world has abundant examples of firms that were once successful but that failed to continue satisfying consumer demands.Competition assures that, over the long run, firms that satisfy consumer demands will be successful and those that do not will be replaced. The private enterprise system requires that firms continually adjust their strategies, product offerings, service standards, operating procedures, and the like. 4)Otherwise the competition will gain higher shares of an industry’s sales and profits.Consider the following cases. A & P was long the largest supermarket chain. Now Safeway is the largest, and A & P is attempting a recovery. Ford once was the dominant automaker. Today, it is second to General Motors, among domestic producers. These events suggest the dynamic environment of the private enterprise system. 5)Competition is a critical mechanism for guaranteeing that the private enterprise system will continue to provide the goods and services that make for high living standards and sophisticated life styles.Few organizations that offer a product or service can escape the influence of competition. The American Cancer Society competes for contributions with the American Heart Association, your own college, and other nonprofit enterprises. The armed forces compete in the labor market with private employers. Even the U.S. Postal Service faces competition. United Parcel Service competes for package shipments. Express Mail faces competition from Western Union’s mailgrams. And firms like The Mailbox, which rents post office boxes in the Seattle area, compete for the post-office-box business.
问题:问答题Our brains respond to our shadows as if they were another part of the body, according to a scientific study. When we see something about to come into contact with the edge of our shadow, brain activity suggests it is as if they are about to touch us instead. Scientists tested volunteers’ reaction speeds and accuracy while distracting them with flashing lights. They found that similar errors happened when lights flashed either next to a hand’s shadow or the hand itself. The brain develops an internal “map” which helps it define exactly where the body is—which helps it navigate around the world outside.The results, by researchers at Royal Holloway College in London, suggest that the body’s shadow may form part of that map. The tests used shadows cast onto a white table in front of a seated volunteer. The subject was asked to distinguish between touches on the thumb and forefinger of the hand, and the number of errors—and the overall reaction time—were recorded. When flashing lights placed near the hand are activated, the number of errors rises and reaction time slows as the brain is forced to deal with the distraction.
问题:问答题The percentage of immigrants (including those unlawfully present) in the United States has been creeping upward for years. At 12.6 percent, it is now higher than at any points since the mid 1920s. We are not about to go back to the days when Congress openly worried about inferior races polluting America’s bloodstream. But once again we are wondering whether we have too many of the wrong sort of new comers. Their loudest critics argue that the new wave of immigrants cannot, and indeed do not want to, fit in as previous generations did. We now know that these racist views were wrong. In time, Italians, Romanians and members of other so-called inferior races became exemplary Americans and contributed greatly, in ways too numerous to detail, to the building of this magnificent nation. There is no reason why these new immigrants should not have the same success. Although children of Mexican immigrants do better, in terms of educational and professional attainment, than their parents, UCLA sociologist Edward Telles has found that the gains don’t continue. Indeed, the fourth generation is marginally worse off than the third. James Jackson, of the University of Michigan, has found a similar trend among black Caribbean immigrants. Telles fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps of American blacks that large parts of the community may become mired in a seemingly state of poverty and Underachievement. Like African-Americans, Mexican-Americans are increasingly relegated to segregated, substandard schools, and their dropout rate is the highest for any ethnic group in the country. We have learned much about the foolish idea of excluding people on the presumption of the ethnic/racial inferiority. But what we have not yet learned is how to make the process of Americanization work for all. I am not talking about requiring people to learn English or to adopt American ways; those things happen pretty much on their own, but as arguments about immigration hear up the campaign trail, we also ought to ask some broader question about assimilation, about how to ensure that people, once outsiders, don’t forever remain marginalized within these shores. That is a much larger question than what should happen with undocumented workers, or how best to secure the border, and it is one that affects not only newcomers but groups that have been here for generations. It will have more impact on our future than where we decide to set the admissions bar for the latest wave of would-be Americans. And it would be nice if we finally got the answer right.
问题:问答题In the early to mid-1990s, up to 80% of all Internet traffic was adult-related. Even today, the adult-entertainment industry still drives the Internet, with profit margins of 30% or more, even though they have no off-line revenue stream generated by magazines, books, videocassettes, etc. But in the past couple of years, cybersex has moved uptown. From time to time, we need an expert. In such situations, the Internet has been like a gift from the gods. In the old days, authorities were near at hand for expert advice: the village seamstress on how to make a button hole, the blacksmith on how to take care of a horse hooves, etc. On the Internet, advice and answer sites are popping up all over the place with self-proclaimed experts at the ready. It’s said that expert sites or knowledge networks represent the latest stage in the Internet’s evolution, a “democratization of expertise.” However, if your question is about something other than “Who invented the light bulb?” the answers are likely to be a wild potpourri of personal opinions.
问题:单选题The main reason for the latest rise of oil price is ______.A global inflationB reduction in supplyC fast growth in economyD Iraq’s suspension of exports
问题:单选题From the context, we may guess that the word “squabble” means______.A accidentB mealC jokeD quarrel
问题:单选题The estimates in Economic Outlookshow that in rich countries ______.A heavy industry becomes more energy-intensiveB income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil pricesC manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezedD oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP
问题:单选题What does the author feel about the vanishing languages throughout the world?A Concerned.B Indifferent.C Pleased.D Sympathetic.
问题:问答题Tomorrow is Tuesday, I’ll spend five minutes warming up on the Versa-Climber. Then I’ll do 30 minutes on a stair mill. On Wednesday a personal trainer will work me like a farm animal for an hour. Thursday is “body wedge” class, which involves another exercise contraption (device). Friday will bring a 5.5-mile run, the extra half-mile my exhausting compensation of any gastrono mical (the art or science of good eating) indulgences during the week. I have exercised like this—obsessively, a bit persistently—for years, but recently I began to wonder: Why am I doing this? Except for a two-year period at the end of an unhappy relationship—a period when I self-medicated with lots of Italian desserts—I have never been overweight. One of the most widely accepted, commonly repeated assumptions in our culture is that if you exercise, you will lose weight. But I exercise all the time, and since I ended that relationship and cut most of those desserts, my weight has returned to the same 163 lb. it has been most of my adult life. I still have gut fat that hangs over my belt when I sit. Why isn’t all the exercise wiping it out? (1)________________. Of course, some people join and never go. Still, as one major study— the Minnesota Heart Survey-found, more of us at least say we exercise regularly. The survey ran from 1980, when only 47%of respondents said they engaged in regular exercise, to 2000, when the figure had grown to 57%. (2) ________________. Yes, it’s entirely possible that those of us who regularly go to the gym would weigh even more if we exercised less. But like many other people, I get hungry after I exercise, so I often eat more on the days I work out than on the days I don’t. Could exercise actually be keeping me from losing weight? (3) ________________. Today doctors encourage even their oldest patients to exercise, which is sound advice for many reasons: People who regularly exercise are at significantly lower risk for all manner of diseases—those of the heart in particular. They less often develop cancer, diabetes and many other ill-nesses. But the past few years of obesity research show that the role of exercise in weight loss has been wildly overstated. (4) ________________. Many recent studies have found that exercise isn’t as important in holding people lose weight as you hear so regularly in gym advertisements or on shows like The Biggest Loser—or, for that matter, from magazines like this one. (5) ________________. That causes us to eat more, which in turn can cancel out the weight-loss benefits we just accrued. Exercise, in other words, isn’t necessarily helping us lose weight. It may even be making it harder. (本文选自Time 2009年刊) [A] And yet obesity figures have risen dramatically in the same period: a third of Americans are obese, and another third count as overweight by the Federal Government’s definition. [B] The conventional wisdom that exercise is essential for shedding pounds is actually fairly new. As recently as the 1960s, doctors routinely advised against rigorous exercise, particularly for older adults who could injure themselves. [C] It’s a question many of us could ask. More than 45 million Americans now belong to a health club, up from 23 million in 1993. We spend some $19 billion a year on gym memberships. [D] The findings were surprising. On average, the women in all the groups, even the control group, lost weight, but the women who exercised—sweating it out with a trainer several days a week for six months—did not lose significantly more weight than the control subjects did. [E] The basic problem is that while it’s true that exercise burns calories and that you must burn calories to lose weight, exercise has another effect: it can stimulate hunger. [F] “In general, for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless,” says Eric Ravussin, chair in diabetes and metabolism (any basic process of organic functioning or operating) at Louisiana State University and a prominent exercise researcher. [G] Yes, although the muscle-fat relationship is often misunderstood. According to calculations published in the journalObesity Researchby a Columbia University team in 2001, a pound of muscle bums approximately six calories a day in a resting body, compared with the two calories that a pound of fat burns.
问题:单选题This passage is mainly about______.A the comparison between private institutions and state universitiesB the differences in quality and reputation among state universitiesC the American higher educationD the famous Harvard