It is a Rule requirement that the Owner should advise LR of

It is a Rule requirement that the Owner should advise LR of any damage which may affect the classification of a ship and that all repairs necessary for the ship to retain her class are carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyors. In which circumstances, the Owner/Master may not necessary report to the classification?()

Portside anchor lost


Starboard auxiliary engine broken down


Fresh water cock in Kitchen found drip leaking


Cargo hold hopper plating cracked by grab

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.

(b) Explain the consequences of filing the VAT returns late and advise Fred how he should deal with the

underpayment and bad debt for VAT purposes. Your explanation should be supported by relevant

calculations. (10 marks)

(b) Late filing of VAT returns
The late filing of two or more VAT returns within the period of one year will give rise to a default surcharge. This occurs when
– The return is late and/or
– The payment is late.
Customs & Excise will serve a surcharge liability notice on the taxpayer when a single return is filed late and/or the VAT due
is paid late. The surcharge period will run from the date of notice to the anniversary of the quarter end of the period in which
the trader is in default.
Any further defaults within the surcharge period will extend the surcharge period.
If there is a late payment of VAT in the surcharge period, a surcharge will be levied at the rate of 2% on the first occasion,
rising progressively to a maximum of 15% if there are several defaults. One complete year of correct compliance is necessary
to escape the default surcharge regime.
For Flop Ltd, the surcharge period originally ran to 31 December 2005 but was extended to 31 March 2006 as the second
return is late. This could be extended again if the June return is late. The second default (31 March return) will give rise to
a 2% surcharge, based on the tax paid late of £24,000. This gives a surcharge of £480. This exceeds the de minimus level
of £400, so will be collected.
To avoid a further surcharge, the VAT return to 30 June 2005 should be submitted by 31 July at the latest. This would save
5% x £8,250 = £412.
In addition, Flop Ltd should obtain a refund of the VAT on the bad debt. Relief is available where;
(i) the debt is more than six months old, and
(ii) the debt has been written off in the creditor’s accounts.
The claim must be made within three years. The amount of VAT repayable is 17·5% of £50,000 = £8,750. If this is claimed
though the VAT return to 30 June 2005, there should be a net VAT repayment of (£8,250 - £8,750) = £500. Even if this
return is submitted late, the fact that no VAT is outstanding means that there will be no surcharge actually payable (as
calculated above), but the surcharge period will nevertheless be extended.


(b) Advise on the capital gains implications should Trent Limited’s old building be sold as proposed. Support your

advice with relevant calculations. (4 marks)



This gives a higher post-entry loss of £50,000 (150,000 – 100,000) and so it is advisable for Trent Limited to make
this election.
The £100,000 of pre-entry losses are still available, but can only be set against gains on assets which:
(i) Trent Limited sold prior to being acquired (subject to the normal carry back restrictions), or
(ii) Trent Limited already owned when it was acquired, or
(iii) Trent Limited acquired from outside the group and used in its trade after being bought by Tay Limited.


(c) (i) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s self-assessment corporation tax return for the year ended

30 September 2005 should be submitted, and advise the company of the penalties that will be due if

the return is not submitted until 31 May 2007. (3 marks)

(ii) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2005

should be paid, and advise the company of the interest that will be due if the liability is not paid until

31 May 2007. (3 marks)


(c) Self-assessment tax return
(1) Thai Curry Ltd’s self-assessment corporation tax return for the year ended 30 September 2005 must be submitted by
30 September 2006.
(2) If the company does not submit its self-assessment tax return until 31 May 2007, then there will be an automatic fixed
penalty of £200 since the return is more than three months late.
(3) There will also be an additional corporation tax related penalty of £4,415 (44,150 × 10%) being 10% of the tax unpaid,
since the self-assessment tax return is more than six months late.
Corporation tax liability
(1) Thai Curry Ltd’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2005 must be paid by 1 July 2006.
(2) If the company does not pay its corporation tax until 31 May 2007, then interest of £3,035 (44,150 at 7·5% = 3,311
× 11/12) will be charged by HM Revenue & Customs for the period 1 July 2006 to 31 May 2007.


According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?

A.In boiler and machinery spaces, there is the air conditioning.

B.In the boiler rooms the requirement of air volume should meet 25-50% of combustion requirement.

C.To maintain the comfort zone in the separate control room the air conditioning plant should be fitted.

D.The comfort conditions can be maintained in the engine room all the time.



I advise that she _______ another day.

A:will come



D:should come



(c) Advise Alan on the proposed disposal of the shares in Mobile Ltd. Your answer should include calculations

of the potential capital gain, and explain any options available to Alan to reduce this tax liability. (7 marks)



However, an exemption from corporation tax exists for any gain arising when a trading company (or member of a trading
group) sells the whole or any part of a substantial shareholding in another trading company.
A substantial shareholding is one where the investing company holds 10% of the ordinary share capital and is beneficially
entitled to at least 10% of the
(i) profits available for distribution to equity holders and
(ii) assets of the company available for distribution to equity holders on a winding up.
In meeting the 10% test, shares owned by a chargeable gains group may be amalgamated. The 10% test must have been
met for a continuous 12 month period during the 2 years preceding the disposal.
The companies making the disposals must have been trading companies (or members of a trading group) throughout the
12 month period, as well as at the date of disposal. In addition, they must also be trading companies (or members of a trading
group) immediately after the disposal.
The exemption is given automatically, and acts to deny losses as well as eliminate gains.
While Alantech Ltd has owned its holding in Mobile Ltd for 33 months, its ownership of the Boron holding has only lasted
for 10 months (at 1 June 2005) since Boron was acquired on 1 July 2004. Selling the shares in June 2005 will fail the
12 month test, and the gain will become chargeable.
It would be better for the companies to wait for a further month until July 2005 before selling the amalgamated shareholding.
By doing so, they will both be able to take advantage of the substantial shareholdings relief, thereby saving tax of £29,625
assuming a corporation tax rate of 19%.


(b) (i) Advise Andrew of the income tax (IT) and capital gains tax (CGT) reliefs available on his investment in

the ordinary share capital of Scalar Limited, together with any conditions which need to be satisfied.

Your answer should clearly identify any steps that should be taken by Andrew and the other investors

to obtain the maximum relief. (13 marks)

(b) (i) Andrew may be able to take advantage of tax reliefs under the enterprise investment scheme (EIS) provided the
necessary conditions are met. The conditions that have to be satisfied before full relief is available fall into three areas,
and broadly require that a ‘qualifying individual’ subscribes for ‘eligible shares’ in a ‘qualifying company’.
‘Qualifying Individual’
To be a qualifying individual, Andrew must not be connected with the EIS company. This means that he should not be
an employee (or, at the time the shares are issued, a director) or have an interest in (i.e. control) 30% or more of the
capital of the company. These conditions need to be satisfied throughout the period beginning two years before the share
issue and three years after the ‘relevant date’. Where the relevant date is defined as the later of the date the shares were
issued and the date on which the company commenced trading.
Andrew does not intend to become an employee (or director) of Scalar Limited, but he needs to exercise caution as to
how many shares he subscribes for. If only three investors subscribe for 100% of the shares, each will hold 33% of the
share capital. This exceeds the 30% limit and will mean that EIS relief (other than deferral relief) will not be available.
Therefore, Andrew and the other two investors should ensure not only that the potential fourth investor is recruited, but
that s/he subscribes for sufficient shares, such that none of them will hold 30% or more of the issued share capital, as
only then will they all attain qualifying individual status.
‘Eligible shares’
Qualifying shares need to be new ordinary shares which are subscribed for in cash and fully paid up at the time of issue.
The shares must not be redeemable for at least three years from the relevant date, and not carry any preferential rights
to dividends. On the basis of the information provided, the shares of Scalar Limited would qualify as eligible shares.
‘Qualifying Company’
The company must be unquoted, not controlled by another company, and engaged in qualifying business activities. The
latter requires that the company engage in a trading activity, which is carried on wholly or mainly in the UK, throughout
the three years following the relevant date. While certain trading activities, such as dealing in shares or trading in land,
are excluded, the manufacturing trade Scalar Limited proposes to carry on will qualify.
However, it is also necessary for at least 80% of the money raised to be used for the qualifying business activity within
12 months of the relevant date and the remaining 20% to be so used within the following 12 months. Andrew and the
other investors will thus have to ensure that Scalar Limited has not raised more funds than it is able to employ in the
business within the appropriate time periods.
Reliefs available:
Andrew can claim income tax relief at 20% income tax relief on the amount invested up to a maximum of £200,000
in any one tax year. The relief is given in the form. of a tax reducing allowance, which can reduce the investor’s income
tax liability to nil, but cannot be used to generate a tax refund. If the investment is made prior to 6 October in the tax
year, then 50% of the amount invested (up to a maximum of £25,000) can be treated as having been made in the
previous tax year.
Any capital gains arising on the sale of EIS shares will be fully exempt from capital gains tax provided that income tax
relief was given on the investment when made and has not been withdrawn. If the EIS shares are disposed of at a loss,
capital losses are still allowable, but reduced by the amount of any EIS relief attributable to the shares disposed of.
In addition, gains from the disposal of other assets can be deferred against the base cost of EIS shares acquired within
one year before and three years after their disposal. Such gains will, thus, not normally become chargeable until the EIS
shares themselves are disposed of. Further, for deferral relief to be available, it is not necessary for the investment to
qualify for EIS income tax relief, i.e. deferral is available even where the investor is not a qualifying individual. Thus,
Andrew could still defer the gain arising on the disposal of the residential property lease made in order to raise part of
the funds for his EIS investment, even if no fourth investor were to be found and his shareholding were to exceed 30%
of the issued share capital of Scalar Limited. Does not require the existence of income tax relief in order to be claimed.
Withdrawal of relief:
Any EIS relief claimed by Andrew will be withdrawn (partially or fully) if, within three year of the relevant date:
(1) he disposes of the shares;
(2) he receives value from the company;
(3) he ceases to be a qualifying individual; or
(4) Scalar Limited ceases to be a qualifying company.
With regard to receiving value from the company, the definition excludes dividends which do not exceed a normal rate
of return, but does include the repayment of any loans made to the company before the shares were issued, the provision
of benefits and the purchase of assets from the company at an undervalue. In this regard, Andrew and the other
subscribers should ensure that the £50,000 they are to invest in Scalar Limited as loan capital is appropriately timed
and structured relative to the issue of the EIS shares.


(b) Advise the management of SCC Ltd of THREE strategies that should be considered in order to improve the

future performance of SCC Ltd. (6 marks)

(b) The four quadrants of the Boston-growth share matrix summarise expected profits and resultant cash flows and recommends
an outline strategy to follow which rather simplistically may be summarised as invest in stars, scrutinise the problem children,
milk the cows and divest the dogs.
Value Chain Analysis
It is vital that the management of SCC Ltd undertake a value chain analysis of each of its divisions in order to identify and
eliminate all non-value added activities, thereby improving profitability and cash flow without necessarily increasing turnover
or market share.
Divestment of the Footwear division
Serious consideration should be given to the divestment of the Footwear division. This will enable resources to be redirected
to divisions categorised as problem children i.e. the Industrial and Children’s divisions.
Support the Stars
As far as the Fashion division is concerned, it is obviously in a growth market and currently performing well. It is vital, given
the forecast performance of the other subsidiaries that the management of SCC Ltd do not concentrate on the poor performers
to the detriment of its only star.


(接上一题)It is a(2)process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which aproject outcome(product or service)should conform.







There is no specific rule__________what we should wear to a dinner party.

A.because of to of
D.but for

【考情点拨】考查词组词义辨析。【应试指导】句意:至于出席宴会我们应该穿什么样的服装并没有具体的规定。because of因为;as t0关于,至于;as of从……开始;but for若不是。
