Sensitivity Labels for subjects & objects and a system high evaluation.对主体和客体实施敏感性标识以及对其进行系统高的评价
Security Clearances for subjects & Security Labels for objects and Mandatory Access Control.对主体和客体安全标识的安全许可以及强制访问控制
Sensitivity Labels for only objects and Mandatory Access Control.只针对客体的敏感性标识和强制访问控制
Sensitivity Labels for subjects & objects and Discretionary Access Control.对主体及客体的敏感性表情和自主访问控制
What mechanism does a system use to compare the security labels of a subject and an object?系统使用什么机制来比较的主体和客体的安全标识?()
Which of the following are necessary components of a Multi-Level Security Policy? 下面哪项是多级安全策略的必要组成部分吗?()
A. host security
B. perimeter security
C. security monitoring
D. policy management
A network vulnerability scanner is part of which critical element of network and system security?()
Which two firewall user authentication objects can be referenced in a security policy?()
Which of the following are necessary components of a Multi-Level Security Policy?下列哪一项是多级安全策略必需的组件?()
What is a "system high" security policy?什么是一个“系统高”的安全策略?()
What is necessary for a subject to have read access to an object in a Multi-Level Security Policy?什么对于主体在多层安全策略中拥有对一个客体的访问权限是必要的?()
When installing a security system, which of the following connectors would be used to connect the security system to the telephone service demarcation?()
For the following attempts, which one is to ensure that no one employee becomes a pervasive securitythreat, that data can be recovered from backups, and that information system changes do not compromisea system’s security?()