问题:单选题使用下排气压力蒸汽灭菌器灭菌时,对物品包装要求的叙述错误的是()A 包装材料使用前应在温度18~22℃条件下放置2小时B 布包层数不少于两层C 灭菌包每包内放置化学指示剂D 敷料包不超过5kgE 物品包体积不超过30cm×30cm×50cm
问题:单选题“运用鼻音引起对方注意”属于非语言传播技巧中的( )。A 面部表情B 动态语言C 体态语言D 同类语言E 仪表形象
问题:单选题下列哪项属于“违规行为”的危险行为?( )A 不遵医嘱B 吸烟酗酒C 讳疾忌医D 瞒病恐病E 药物滥用
问题:单选题Your computer has Windows 2000 Professional installed. Your office has a power outrage while you were running the disk defragmenter utility on your computer. When you start the computer again, you receive the following message: "Bad or missing OS". What should you do?()A Start the computer in safe mode and reformat the hard disk.B Start the computer in the debug mode and reformat the hard disk.C Start the computer using the ERD and repair the Master Boot Record.D Start the computer by using the Windows 2000 Professional CD-Rom. Then use recovery console to repair the Master Boot Record.
问题:单选题患者发生多部位白色念珠菌感染,其主要原因为( )。A 多发性损伤伴休克,免疫功能低下B 侵入性操作易并发感染C 无菌操作、消毒灭菌不严D 环境污染E 长期广谱抗菌药物使用
问题:单选题高度危险的物品处理方法宜选用( )。A 高水平消毒法B 清洁法C 中水平消毒法D 低水平消毒法E 灭菌法
问题:单选题人本原理对应的哪一原则?( )A B C D E
问题:单选题下列哪项是目标管理的特点?( )A 重视互相监督B 管理者制定目标C 强调他人评价D 全体员工实现E 以自我管理为中心
问题:单选题对细菌繁殖体污染的物品消毒为( )。A B C D E
问题:单选题MMPL属于( )。A B C D E
问题:单选题下列哪种方法不属于院外护士培训?( )A 电视大学B 国外进修C 网络学院D 业余大学培训E 读书报告会
问题:单选题下列不属于“知信行模式”构成要素( )。A 需要B 知识C 态度D 信念E 行为
问题:单选题有效沟通原则正确的是()A 越级沟通原则B 严禁使用非正式沟通的原则C 信息明确原则D 渠道畅通原则E 限时沟通原则
问题:单选题社区健康教育的内容不包括以下哪一项?( )A 公共卫生道德教育B 常见疾病防治教育C 心理卫生知识教育D 出院健康教育E 生殖健康教育
问题:单选题领导对不成熟的下属采取指令性指导体现的是( )。A B C D E
问题:单选题As a Company employee you are the desktop administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer. The Windows 2000 Professional computer has 25 MB of free disk space drive C and 800 MB of free disks pace on drive E. You are unable to print large documents because if inadequate disk space on drive C. You want to be able to use the space on drive E to print large documents. What should you do? ()AFrom the Printer Properties dialog box, change the location field to E:/Winnt/System32/Spool/PrintersBFrom the Print Server Properties dialog box, change the location of the spool folder to any existing file path on drive ECCopy the C:/Winnt/System32/Spool/Printers folder to the E:/Winnt/System32/Spool/Printers folderDMount drive C as a subdirectory on drive E
问题:单选题消毒后的内镜合格标准为细菌总数()A ≤10cfu/件B ≤20cfu/件C ≤30cfu/件D ≤100cfu/件E ≤200cfu/件
问题:单选题You upgrade 6 MPS compliant computers from Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to Windows 2000 Professional computer. Each computer has two 550 MHz processors. The computers are used for high-resolution graphics applications that require exceptional performance. After the upgrade users complain that the processing time for graphic applications is much slower than before. What should you do?()A Use Device Manager to enable AGP bridge controller. B Use Device Manager to install the MPS compliant drivers for the second processor. C Use Device Manager to install ACPI compliant driver for second processor. D During startup press F8 and install MPS compliant driver for second processor.
问题:单选题属于协调原则的是()A 勤于公关B 增加利益C 个体优化D 坚持原则E 目标导向
问题:单选题传播途径是粪-口为主的是( )。A 甲肝B 乙肝C 丙肝D 丁肝E 以上均不是