John: What plastic products do you have in mind that are eas

John: What plastic products do you have in mind that are easy to recycle?  Tom: Shampoo bottles, detergent bottles, medicine bottles, food containers, etc. They are all easily collectable and reusable.  John: ______, but actually I think you are missing the point of recycling. It doesn’t just mean using old bottles again and again for the same purpose. What it means these days is melting the plastics down and building them up again into some completely new product.

Not too bad    


Something is wrong


You’re right there


It’s a new idea

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


– Then what do you think of the opportunities? – ________ , if we come up with some new products for young people, we’ll have a bigger market share.

A、According to me

B、In my opinion

C、 my mind



— () — We would like to get in with the fall publication, if possible.

A.How much do you plan to spend on advertisement?

B.Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in?

C.What do you want to say about your products in the advertisement?



What should you do if you have to go back home late?.


We should let our parents know.


Would you mind helping me for a minute, Barbara?

().What do you want me to do?

A. Yes, I do

B. I'd be glad to

C. Sorry,I have no time



A What do you mean B What about you

C I’m not sure D What a pity

E What do you think F Sounds great

G Say, why don’t you come with us H Do you mean it

Jessica: I’m so excited! We have two weeks off! What are going to do?

Natasha:__56__. I guess I’ll just stay home. Maybe I’ll catch up on my reading. __57__? Any plans?

Jessica: Well, my parents have rented an apartment in California. I’m going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.

Natasha: __58__!

Jessica: __59__? My parents will be happy to have you with in.

Natasha: __60__?I’d love to!

56-60        C    B    F    G    H


– But what do you want me to do there? – ()

A、You have to give a presentation on what our products are.

B、Thank you so much for doing such a favor for me.

C、Take it easy. There’s nothing to be worried about.



10. The most important thing is _________

A. what do you learn

B. what did you learn

C. what you have learn

D. what you learnt



You look(). What () you () ?

A、tire, did…do

B、tiring, have…done

C、tired, do…do

D、tired, have…been doing



(作文)1.What is your biggest dream?

2.Why do you have it? For how long have you got it?

3.What are your plans to achieve your dream?

The Biggest Dream of My Life
I know many people whose biggest dreams are things such as what career they want to get into, how much money they can earn.My dream is nothing like that.My biggest dream has always been and will always be to travel around the world.I have one life here on Earth, so I don’t want to die regretting that I didn’t see it all.
Actually I have had this dream ever since I was in primary school.In one geography class, when the teacher presented us the globe and national fl ags of various nations, I thought I found the dream in the depth of my heart.And the moment I came to college, I had always envisioned myself of becoming a nomad.I would roam around the world.No permanent address.Any place can be my home and I am home within myself.
Meanwhile, I am aware that it’s really a costly dream.The first step I need to take is to begin to save money to support it.And I think it’s a good idea to start exploration from my hometown and the city where my university is located.Just as a saying goes: a big dream begins with the first step.


What a waste! Why do you () the water () all the time ?



C、have…to flow


