单选题I really _______ when I asked him how his wife was—they got divorced last year!A landed on his feetB got off the wrong footC found my feetD put my foot in it

I really _______ when I asked him how his wife was—they got divorced last year!

landed on his feet


got off the wrong foot


found my feet


put my foot in it

正确答案: D
我真的失言了,我问他“你的妻子好吗”?这真的令他很难堪,因为他们去年就离婚了。put one’s foot in失言,得说错话,令人难堪。land on one's feet安然脱险。get off the wrong foot开始做某事时就错了。find one's feet能够站稳,能够走稳。
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Dear Madam/Sir, I’m writing to claim for the insurance on my camera, which was stolen during my honeymoon last month in South America. It was mid-morning on 3 June. My wife and I were lying on the beach outside our hotel.A man came up to us to ask for directions. We had a small map of the island. As we were showing him our map, a group of children came along. We thought they were with the man who was asking directions. The children started to ask my wife some questions and she took their picture. The man sat down and talked to us while the children were playing nearby. As he was leaving, we realized that the children were not with him. Suddenly, one of them grabbed my wife抯 handbag and ran away along the beach. I chased him, and my wife followed me. The child dropped the bag, and so we got it back. We were walking back along the beach when we realized that we had left the camera behind. When we got back to our place, the camera was not there and nor were the rest of the children. The same day I reported the matter to the local police. I bought a replacement camera the next day and I enclose a receipt. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Tim Manning

(1). The man came to us to ().

A、 ask for the way

B、ask for some money

C、tell us about his children

(2). We thought the children ().

A、 knew the man who was asking directions

B、wanted to ask for directions

C、didn’t know the man

(3). My wife and I () the child who took away the handbag.

A、 grabbed

B、ran after

C、waited for

(4). Our camera () when we came back to our place.

A、 was still there

B、was broken by the other children

C、was taken away by the other children

(5). The writer of the letter wants the insurance company to ().

A、 pay for their unlucky holiday

B、report the theft to the police

C、give them insurance on their camera



My husband Christopher was once a financial planner. Even though he couldn't balance our budget,his clients trusted him completely and he made them feel secure. In exchange they paid him very well. We had a nice life then. At that time,my yoga studio(瑜伽馆)was just starting to make a profit,and I had recently decorated it. At last,I was in control of my working life and poured my heart and soul into making it succeed.

When we first met,I fell hard for Christopher right away. although I wouldn't call it love. I'd never been with a man who was prettier than I was,but after a while I got used to this. and it didn't bother me so much. I was recovering from a broken heart and needed something to help me move on. If it wasn't love,it was good enough,and when he asked me to marry him I jumped at the chance. knowing that it might be my last.

Things started out so well. I was working steadily and Christopher was patiently climbing up the ladder in his department. Then,without any warning,one gray winter afternoon in year five,he just upped and left his desk at the bank,handed in his resignation,and came home and told me he wanted to start an interior design business.

He has always loved mixing and matching,and has a real eye for color,texture,and shape,but the idea of turning a hobby into a business wasn't something we had ever discussed. I thought the stress of his job was becoming too much and perhaps he would take a few months off over the spring and summer to relax and get the idea out of his system. I didn't believe he could be serious. But once he had a few clients,he began to draw up plans,ordering catalogues and turning our empty workshop into a kind of makeshift studio with all of his sketches pinned to the wall. After spending a lot of time and money on all of this preparation,and really doing quite a nice job of it,he called each client in turn and apologized,saying he wouldn't be able to design their living spaces after all.

As a financial planner,Christopher______.

A.paid his clients very well

B.was trusted by his clients

C.was making his yoga studio profitable

D.could make his family's budget balanced



54. The manager called my neighbor in when he saw him because______.

A. he didn’t have enough shoes for his customers(顾客)

B. my neighbor’s mother had taken a wrong pair of shoes

C. there was something wrong with his check

D. he found it hard to satisfy his customers



His Own Way to Express Love
Yesterday was our three-year anniversary.We didn't do anything romantic;we just walked hand in hand and talked about our past and the future.This was pretty much what I had expected.
Andy is an unromantic guy : no sweet words or roses.Smart as he is,he is a little bit shy expressing his love. In contrast , I am an outspoken(直言不讳)girl who likes to show her feelings directly .So needless to say,I often feel that he is insensitive.I envy other girls who are surrounded by sweet words.
I was in this sullen mood until I heard a beautiful sentence one day:“If one does not love you in the way you like,it does not mean that he does not love you.”This simple but sensible sentence made me think about our happy days and recall his deep concern for me.
One cold winter night,I got a high fever. He hurried to my dormitory and took me to the hospital.He was in such a hurry that he even forgot to wear socks.After arrival,he ran through the hospital handling all the formalities(手续).When I was put on a drip(点滴),he told me interesting stories to make me happy. Being held in his warm arms and listening to his tender(温柔的)voice,I had never felt so safe and comfortable.Gradually,I fell asleep.When I woke up 15 minutes later , he was still mumbling(咕浓地说)to me. He explained that if he had stopped talking I would have woken up.At that moment,I found love in his eyes.
Another time,I had a bad quarrel with my best friend.Although I knew it was my fault,I refused to admit it.I was angry when he insisted I apologize to her. He said that it was difficult to admit a mistake,but this was what everyone should do. The next morning,I apologized to my friend and asked for her forgiveness.
My unromantic boyfriend cares about my health like my father,understands me like my mother and helps me like my elder brother.

The writer tells the reader two stories to show that______.
A: Andy is a romantic guy
B: Andy has his own way to express love
C: Andy is an insensitive guy
D: Andy is a foolish guy

本题问的是“作者和Andy何时相爱?”文章第一句说“Yesterday was our three-year anniversary”,说明他们已经相爱了三年。
本题问的是“关于作者以下哪项正确?”文章第二段提到“In contrast , I am an out spoken girl who likes to show her feelings directly”,说明作者喜欢直接地表达她的情感。


Too Late to Regret It
When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much .He was natural,warm,and sincere.
I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus , or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm .He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me .Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied(妒忌)me. He wasn't a local , but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
However,when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation,people began giving me a lot of pressure,saying that a pretty,intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with .This was also what my family thought.He spent the summer in his hometown,so I was all by myself. When he got back,I began finding faults with him.But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away .However,I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well.With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the oth- er hand,did not do so well at school or at work .I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores。
Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.Then we had a quarrel last June .He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
Graduation time was drawing near. He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore,and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.I was shocked and looked at him in despair. True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

Why did he leave her?
A: Because he could no longer bear her.
B: Because he hated her.
C: Because his parents needed taking care of.
D: Because he wasn't a local.







听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?

W: I am sorry for that. But you have to go to that counter over there for the card business.

Q: Why does the customer come to the bank?


A.He got a credit card of his friend and come to ask how to use it.

B.He got a card and did not know whose card it is.

C.He has lost his credit card and come to ask what to do.

D.He has found a credit card and come to ask what to do.

解析:录音原文中男士说:I've lost my credit card issued by your bank,即他丢失了信用卡,来银行想知道该怎么办。


III.阅读理解. (20分)


Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.One day ,my dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and asked me to sit in a chair to rest for a while. I tried to say something ,but my mouth was full of cotton-wool(药棉). He knew I collected stamps and asked me whether I got any new recently. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job.

As I could not speak ,l either nodded or made strange noises to answer these questions. At the same time ,l tr;ed hard to use my tonguec舌头) to find the hole(洞) in the place of my bad tooth. Suddenly I felt very worried because the bad tooth was still there ,but I could not say any- thing. At last the dentist pulled the cotton-wool out of my mouth ,and I was able to tell lum that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.

( )21. Why did the dentist ask me to rest for a while?

A. I felt tired.

B. I felt painful.

C. I just had a tooth pulled out.



While my wife and my children were away for the long weekend,__________.

A.I alone in the house

B.I alone had a house

C.I had the entire house to myself

D.I got a house to myself




Too Late to Regret It

When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-loo-king,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much.He was natural,warm,and sincere.
I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me.Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model,and the girls envied(妒忌)me. He wasn't a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
However,when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation,people began giving me a lot of pressure,saying that a pretty,intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with. This was also what my family thought. He spent the summer in his hometown,so I was all by myself. When he got back,I began finding faults with him. But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away.However,I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well.With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the other hand,did not do so well at school or at work.I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores.
Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.Then we had a quarrel last June.He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
Graduation time was drawing near. He said that he couldn't put up with me any more and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.I was shocked and looked at him in despair.
True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

When did the author fall in love with the boy?
A:After she had a quarrel with him.
B:When she was a junior.
C:When she was a second-year student.
D:After she found a part-time job.




Too Late to Regret It

When I was a junior,I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-loo-king,but he was very nice,attractive and athletic.He had something that I admired very much.He was natural,warm,and sincere.
I disregarded(不顾)my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning,and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe(晒太阳)on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family,but in order to make me happy,he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me.Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model,and the girls envied(妒忌)me. He wasn't a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
However,when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation,people began giving me a lot of pressure,saying that a pretty,intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with. This was also what my family thought. He spent the summer in his hometown,so I was all by myself. When he got back,I began finding faults with him. But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away.However,I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well.With my good performance at school,I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities.He,on the other hand,did not do so well at school or at work.I had to worry about his living expenses,job and scores.
Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him.Then we had a quarrel last June.He was in great pain,and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
Graduation time was drawing near. He said that he couldn't put up with me any more and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown.I was shocked and looked at him in despair.
True love happens only once,but I found it out too late.

Who advised her to break up with him?
A:His parents.
B:Her teachers.
C:Her colleagues and friends.
D:Their fellow students.

