Why can businessmen make money in the emerging elder market?

Why can businessmen make money in the emerging elder market?

Retirees are more generous in spending money.


They can employ more gerontologists.


The elderly possess an enormous purchasing power.


There are more elderly people working than before.

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Which of the following statements about a money market is NOT true according to this passage?

A.Money market does not exist in planned economies.

B.Money market has been established in some socialist countries.

C.Money market encourages open competition among bulk suppliers of funds.

D.Money market relies upon market processes to distribute funds to final users.



What will happen if a draft is stamped "accepted" by a bank?

A.The bank will sell it as soon as possible to the buyer.

B.The draft will become money market funds.

C.Dealers will buy it in the domestic market.

D.The draft becomes a banker's acceptance and will be sold in the money market.

解析:最后一句指出Alternatively, the bank can stamp the draft "accepted" with the appropriate signature,...sell it in the secondary market, 意思是作为一种选择,由银行承兑的汇票可以在二级市场上流通(这是因为银行信誉度高的缘故)。


Why did they found Google?

A. Because they loved working with the Internet so much.

B. Because they wanted to make a lot of money through the Internet.

C. Because they hoped to make it easier to find specific information online.

D. Because they believed everything is possible.



A survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians. A similar survey carried out 5 years ago showed that 50% of people thought that what politicians said was usually not true, and that 35% of people thought that what they saw on the television or read in newspapers was not true. Now both those figures have increased sharply, to 80% of people not believing politicians and 70% not believing the television or newspapers. Experts think that these figures are not going to come down in the near future.

Stories about politicians and journalists taking money from businessmen have caused the public to stop trusting them. Also politicians keep making promises that they do not keep. Mr Smith of York said, ‘When the politicians make new laws, they only help their friends, not people like me’. Mrs Marley of Leeds said, ‘The newspapers and television are not interested in what is true; they are only interested in money for advertising’.

It has got worse recently as more people can get news from the Internet and learn if the journalists and politicians are telling the truth or not. What can our politicians and journalists do? The only answer is to be more honest.

1.The number of people believing politicians and journalists has __________.


B.not changed


2.Experts think this problem ____________.

A.will get better soon

B.will not get better soon

C.will get worse soon

3.Stories say businessmen give money to _______.


B.politicians and journalists


4.Mr Smith thinks politicians make laws __________.

A.to help their friends

B.to help him

C.to help everybody

5.People can now check stories using _________.

A.the newspapers

B.the television

C.the Internet



听力原文:With a current account, your money is immediately available.


A.You have to deposit your money once a month.

B.You can use your money at any time you need it.

C.Your money is immediately run out.

D.Your money can immediately make more money.



In face of the current stock market, most stock-holders_____.

[A] stop injecting more money into the stock market

[B] react angrily to the devaluing stock

[C] switch their money around in the market

[D] turn a deaf ear to the warning


本题考虑事实细节题。第四段第一句提到,许多投资者(savers)对拥有太多公司股票的危险视而不见。[D]项是该句的改写,其中turn a deaf ear对应原文中的shut their eyes tothe warning对应the dangers

第三段作者通过休伊特(Hewitt)咨询公司的职员的介绍说明,投资者仍在不断地投钱(keeping their contributions up),但是他们不太愿意把资金转投其他地方了(less inclined to switch their money around)。由此排除[A]和[C]项。第三段末句“投资者普遍感到吃惊(overwhelmed)”指的就是持股者对股市不景气的反应。因此[B]项与事实不符。


- They want to make sure you're paying taxes on the money you make. - ________ .

A We're paying alright ;

B At least, our records for money in are very complete ;

C That's something you can improve by talking to human resources



—But why is it so much higher in this market? — ()

A.I don’t think I can follow the course.

B.Sometimes things don’t go as expected.

C.There are many rich people in this area.



Why do the depository institutions have the fractional reserve banking?

A.Because they can keep a large amount of deposits from their depositors in the form. of reserves.

B.Because most of their depositors would withdraw their deposits.

C.Because only a small fraction of their depositors would deposit money during a day or week.

D.Because they can meet the need of withdrawing of their depositors and make investments in other financial assets.

解析:文章第一段提到Depository institutions...week to withdraw their deposits。存款准备金是指金融机构为保证客户提取存款和资金清算需要而准备的在中央银行的存款。存款机构能这样做是因为存款者在不定的时间内会提取存款。只有D选项的意思是与题意相符。


All children want to have pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amountOne main purpose is to let kids learn _____their own money. First of all, children are expected to _____a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things _____they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it _____buying things they want.They can save it for future use.Saving helps children _____that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children.

1.A. when to manage

B. how to manage

C. which

2.A. take

B. give

C. make

3.A. that

B. who

C. what

4.A. to

B. at

C. by

5.A. understanding

B. understand

C. understood

参考答案:子问题 1:B; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:B
