填空题In astrology, the earth is regarded as the center of the solar system.____

In astrology, the earth is regarded as the center of the solar system.____
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A mean sun is used as the reference for solar time for three reasons. Which reason is NOT a cause for use of a mean sun?

A.The motion of the apparent sun is along the ecliptic

B.Measurement of time is along the celestial equator

C.The speed of the Earth's revolution is not constant

D.There are variations in the Earth's rotational speed



Solar Storm

At the end of October 2003,a sudden solar storm hit the earth.A solar storm refers to
the large amounts of charged particles released into space_________(1)the solar energy
increases.The release of the energy_________(2)place along with the activity of the
sunspots with a cycle of 11 years.This time,the_________(3)of the storm exceeded
This_________(4)of intense solar storm was caused by the eruption of a solar flare
(闪光)and the ejection(喷发)of the solar corona(日冠)on October28, 2003. Large
amounts of charged particles moved 150, 000,000 kilometers through space toward the
_________(5)in 19 hours. They could affect aircraft roaming(漫游)in space.
The high-energy particles will_________(6)some of the parts of an aircraft.They
may also cause it to fail.High-energy particles can threaten the safety of an aircraft at a
high orbit.If an aircraft orbits at a lower orbit,it is_________(7)because it is under the
protection of the earth's magnetic field.
A solar storm not only affects aircraft but also is a_________(8)to the environment
and humans.The aerosphere and magnetic field of the earth can_________(9)humans
from ultraviolet radiation and X-rays. While most of the X-rays are absorbed after they enter
the aerosphere(大气层),still a few can_________(10) the ground.
The geomagnetic storm caused by this round of solar storm reaches its highest level on
the two_________(11)of the earth,which affects electricity supply of North America.
Overexposure to_________(12)threatens the health of passengers on planes flying over
the Polar Regions.If we fly in the sky during such a solar storm,it_________(13)we
receive ten times the X-ray radiation.It's really damaging.
Scientists say a solar eruption is like the sun sneezing,which will make the earth
_________(14)a cold.Though this natural force is irresistible,scientists can still
_________(15)its movement accurately by monitoring.Facing successive solar storms,
humans can't drop their guard.




Earth-like planets are extremely common in the Universe, () the latest computer simulation of the formation of the Solar System.

A.according to

B.in addition to

C.in regard to

D.thanks to



The Northern Lights
The sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather.It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour.These particles are called plasma (等离子体),and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind.The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.
The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth.When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into tile Earth's atmosphere at the poles.As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky.
Each atmospheric gas glows a different color.Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green arid nitrogen glows violet purple.As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
Watching auroras(北极光)is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada.The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate(跳动),flicker(闪烁),or even move like waves.During solar maximum,5 auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly.A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.
We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime.We know you will never forget it!

What happens when solar wind comes to the Earth?
A:It is trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth.
B:A protective magnetic field is formed at the same time.
C:It destroys the protective magnetic field surrounding the Earth.
D:It breaks magnetic field lines and does severe damage to the Earth.



The Northern Lights
The sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather.It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour.These particles are called plasma (等离子体),and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind.The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.
The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth.When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into tile Earth's atmosphere at the poles.As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky.
Each atmospheric gas glows a different color.Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green arid nitrogen glows violet purple.As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
Watching auroras(北极光)is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada.The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate(跳动),flicker(闪烁),or even move like waves.During solar maximum,5 auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly.A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.
We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime.We know you will never forget it!

What is the author's tone toward the Northern Lights?



The Northern Lights
The Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.
The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.
The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
Watching auroras is fun and exciting,but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!
Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.
We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know you will never forget it!

Some scientists are worrying about the possible disappearance of the Earth's protective magnetic field in the future.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

题干意为“太阳的引力太弱,等离子体逃离太阳,流向地球”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语the Sun's gravity, plasma, Earth作为定位线索,在第一段中找到相关句: The Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather. It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun, the stronger the solar wind.定位线索词集中出现在第一段中,因此重点关注第一段。第一段意为“太阳是多风暴的,有它自己独特的气候。太阳非常热,而且活动又极为剧烈,以至于太阳的引力也无法紧紧吸住它自己的大气层。热量以电粒子流的形式逃离太阳,流向地球,时速高达100万英里。这些粒子叫等离子体,来自太阳的等离子流叫太阳风。太阳活动越剧烈,太阳风越强烈”。依据第一段的内容来看,等离子体逃离太阳的原因不是因为太阳的引力太弱,而是因为太阳非常热,活动又极为剧烈,由此可见题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。所以答案为B。
题干意为“地球相当安全,因为有磁场在高空包围着地球,将太阳风档在地球大气层外面”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语the Earth, a magnetic field, attack by the solar wind作为定位线索,在第二段中找到相关句:The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet(指地 球).The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and recon-fleet.定位线索词集中出现在第二段第一句中,因此重点关注该句。该句提到“太阳风不断地流向地球,但是不必担心,因为有一个保护性的磁场包围着我们的地球”。显然该句意义与题干意义一致。所以答案为A。
题干意为“有些科学家担心包围地球起防护作用的磁场有一天会消失”。利 用题干中的细节信息短语some scientists, possible disappearance of the Earth's protective magnetic field, in the future作为定位线索,结果发现disappearance of the Earth's protective magnetic field在短文中根本没有提到,some scientists在短文中也没有出现,由此可知一些科学家是否在担心包围地球起防护作用的磁场有一天会消失是短文中未提及的信息。所以答 案为C。
题干意为“当电子落入地球两极的大气层中,并与大气层中的气体分子碰 撞时就形成了极光”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语auroras, electrons, Earth's atmos-phere, poles, gas molecule作为定位线索,在第三段中找到相关句:The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles.As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmos- pheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.定位线索词集中出现在第三段中,因此重点关注第三段。首先重点关注第三段的前两句。这两个句子说明“磁场磁力线的断开和闭合产生叫电子的原子粒子,该原子粒子会被截留在磁场中,并最终落入地球两极的大气层中。等离子流的电子进入地球,与大气层的气体分子发生碰撞,在天空中产生光芒”。接下来的句子提到 “每一种大气层的气体会产生不同颜色的光,氧和氮发红绿光,氮气发蓝紫光。当这些不同颜色的光在夜空中闪烁时就产生了北极光和南极光”。由此可见当等离子流的电子进入两极的大气层,并与大气层的气体分子发生碰撞时,就会产出极光。题干句表达的意思与短文介绍的极光成因相符,所以答案是A。
题干意为“除非你在阿拉斯加州或是在加拿大,否则你看不见北极光”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语Northern Lights, Alaska, Canada作为定位线索,在第四段中找 到相关句:Watching auroras (Northern Lights的近义词)is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada.The movement of the auro- ra across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pul- sate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida, even Mexico!定位线索词集中在第四段中,因此重点关注这个段落,尤其是该段第一句。该句意为“看北极光很有趣也很令人兴奋,但是通常你只有在极北的地方,例如在阿 拉斯加州和加拿大才能看见极光”。但是接下来,该段最后一句还提到“在太阳风暴达到最高峰的期间,明亮的北极光甚至在位于极南面的佛罗里达州甚至墨西哥都能看到”,由此可见 并非只有在阿拉斯加州或是在加拿大才能看见北极光。所以题干陈述的信息与短文内容不一 致。因此答案为B。
题干意为“每年都会有上万游客专程前往娜威和瑞典观赏北极光”。利用题 干中的细节信息词/短语tens of thousands of tourists, special trips, Norway, Sweden, every year, Northern Lights作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有提到关于游客的信息,因此题干中陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。所以答案为C。
题干意为“极光通常很接近地面,又长又厚”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语aurora , ground作为定位线索,在短文中寻找相关句,同时因为题千中出现了修饰词 long , thick,也关注这两个修饰词在短文中的出现情况,这样在第五段中找到相关句:Auro- ras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilome- ters above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are f


California Gives Green Light to Space Solar Power

Energy beamed down from space is one step closer to reality,now that California has given the green
light to an agreement that would see the Pacific Gas and Electric Company buy 200 megawatts(兆瓦)of power
beamed down from solar-power satellites beginning in 2016.But some major challenges will have to be
overcome if the technology is to be used widely.
A start-up company called Solaren is designing the satellites,which it says will use radio waves to beam
energy down to a receiving station on Earth.
The attraction of collecting solar power in space is the almost uninterrupted sunshine available in geo-
synchronous(与地球同步的)orbit. Earth-based solar cells , by contrast , can only collect sun light during day-
time and when skies are clear.
But space-based solar power must grapple(努力克服)with the high cost per kilogram of launching things in-
to space,says Richard Schwartz of Purdue University in West Lafayette,Indiana."if you're talking about it being
economically viable for power of the Earth,it's a tough go,"he says.
Cal Boerman,Solaren's director of energy services,says the company designed its satellites with a view
to keeping launch costs down."We knew we had to come up with a different,revolutionary design,"he says.
A patent the company has won describes ways to reduce the system's weight,including using inflatable mir-
rors to focus sunlight on solar cells,so a smaller number can collect the same amount of energy.
But using mirrors introduces other challenges,including keeping the solar cells from overheating,says
Schwartz."You have to take care of heat dissipation(散发)because you're now concentrating a lot of energy
in one place,"he says.According to the company's patent,Solaren's solar cells will be connected to radia-
tors to help keep them cool.
Though Boerman says the company believes it can make space-based solar power work,it is not expec-
ting to crowd out other forms of renewable energy.Laws in California and other states require increasing use
of renewable energy in coming years,he points out."To meet those needs,we're going to need all types of
renewable energy sources,"he says.

Solaren is going to design 200 solar-power satellites.
C:Not mentioned

短文在第一段中讲太平洋天然气和电力公司将购买200兆瓦的从太阳能电站的卫星上 发送来的电力时提到了200这个数字。
根据短文第四段可知,在太空的太阳能工厂必须努力克服的问题是:向太空每发射一 千克的物品都要付出高昂代价,即成本高的问题。


It is stated in astrology that ________.

[A] the sun is so distant from us that it was hard to follow its motion

[B] the sun was moving westward around the sky

[C] the motion of the sun is at the rate of about thirty degrees every week

[D] the motion of the sun is similar to the revolution of the earth around the sun



The Northern Lights
The sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather.It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour.These particles are called plasma (等离子体),and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind.The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.
The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth.When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into tile Earth's atmosphere at the poles.As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky.
Each atmospheric gas glows a different color.Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green arid nitrogen glows violet purple.As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
Watching auroras(北极光)is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada.The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate(跳动),flicker(闪烁),or even move like waves.During solar maximum,5 auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly.A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.
We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime.We know you will never forget it!

The solar wind comes into being as a result of_______.
A:disappearance of the Sun's gravity
B:unpredictable weather of the Sun
C:fast flow of energy away from the Sun
D:a stream of particles being blown away



The Northern Lights
The Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.
The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.
The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
Watching auroras is fun and exciting,but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!
Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.
We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know you will never forget it!

The Earth is quite safe with a magnetic field surrounding it to protect it from the attack by the solar wind.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

题干意为“太阳的引力太弱,等离子体逃离太阳,流向地球”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语the Sun's gravity, plasma, Earth作为定位线索,在第一段中找到相关句: The Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather. It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun, the stronger the solar wind.定位线索词集中出现在第一段中,因此重点关注第一段。第一段意为“太阳是多风暴的,有它自己独特的气候。太阳非常热,而且活动又极为剧烈,以至于太阳的引力也无法紧紧吸住它自己的大气层。热量以电粒子流的形式逃离太阳,流向地球,时速高达100万英里。这些粒子叫等离子体,来自太阳的等离子流叫太阳风。太阳活动越剧烈,太阳风越强烈”。依据第一段的内容来看,等离子体逃离太阳的原因不是因为太阳的引力太弱,而是因为太阳非常热,活动又极为剧烈,由此可见题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。所以答案为B。
题干意为“地球相当安全,因为有磁场在高空包围着地球,将太阳风档在地球大气层外面”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语the Earth, a magnetic field, attack by the solar wind作为定位线索,在第二段中找到相关句:The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet(指地 球).The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and recon-fleet.定位线索词集中出现在第二段第一句中,因此重点关注该句。该句提到“太阳风不断地流向地球,但是不必担心,因为有一个保护性的磁场包围着我们的地球”。显然该句意义与题干意义一致。所以答案为A。
题干意为“有些科学家担心包围地球起防护作用的磁场有一天会消失”。利 用题干中的细节信息短语some scientists, possible disappearance of the Earth's protective magnetic field, in the future作为定位线索,结果发现disappearance of the Earth's protective magnetic field在短文中根本没有提到,some scientists在短文中也没有出现,由此可知一些科学家是否在担心包围地球起防护作用的磁场有一天会消失是短文中未提及的信息。所以答 案为C。
题干意为“当电子落入地球两极的大气层中,并与大气层中的气体分子碰 撞时就形成了极光”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语auroras, electrons, Earth's atmos-phere, poles, gas molecule作为定位线索,在第三段中找到相关句:The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles.As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmos- pheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.定位线索词集中出现在第三段中,因此重点关注第三段。首先重点关注第三段的前两句。这两个句子说明“磁场磁力线的断开和闭合产生叫电子的原子粒子,该原子粒子会被截留在磁场中,并最终落入地球两极的大气层中。等离子流的电子进入地球,与大气层的气体分子发生碰撞,在天空中产生光芒”。接下来的句子提到 “每一种大气层的气体会产生不同颜色的光,氧和氮发红绿光,氮气发蓝紫光。当这些不同颜色的光在夜空中闪烁时就产生了北极光和南极光”。由此可见当等离子流的电子进入两极的大气层,并与大气层的气体分子发生碰撞时,就会产出极光。题干句表达的意思与短文介绍的极光成因相符,所以答案是A。
题干意为“除非你在阿拉斯加州或是在加拿大,否则你看不见北极光”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语Northern Lights, Alaska, Canada作为定位线索,在第四段中找 到相关句:Watching auroras (Northern Lights的近义词)is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada.The movement of the auro- ra across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pul- sate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida, even Mexico!定位线索词集中在第四段中,因此重点关注这个段落,尤其是该段第一句。该句意为“看北极光很有趣也很令人兴奋,但是通常你只有在极北的地方,例如在阿 拉斯加州和加拿大才能看见极光”。但是接下来,该段最后一句还提到“在太阳风暴达到最高峰的期间,明亮的北极光甚至在位于极南面的佛罗里达州甚至墨西哥都能看到”,由此可见 并非只有在阿拉斯加州或是在加拿大才能看见北极光。所以题干陈述的信息与短文内容不一 致。因此答案为B。
题干意为“每年都会有上万游客专程前往娜威和瑞典观赏北极光”。利用题 干中的细节信息词/短语tens of thousands of tourists, special trips, Norway, Sweden, every year, Northern Lights作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有提到关于游客的信息,因此题干中陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。所以答案为C。
题干意为“极光通常很接近地面,又长又厚”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语aurora , ground作为定位线索,在短文中寻找相关句,同时因为题千中出现了修饰词 long , thick,也关注这两个修饰词在短文中的出现情况,这样在第五段中找到相关句:Auro- ras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilome- ters above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are f
