Expressionism  Expressionism is an art movement that produce

Expressionism  Expressionism is an art movement that produced a wealth of wonderful works of art, and the lives of the artists who created them were no less colorful and exciting. The word expressionism can be used to describe art from different times and places, most of them were part of a movement that took place in Germany from 1905 to 1920. They shared some of the beliefs. Those beliefs were that art should try to change society, to make it less conservative. It should express the energy of nature—following in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh—-and personal feeling rather than simply representing nature. It should feel uncomfortable, which means it should challenge the traditional ways of looking at the world. This differed from the opinion of Henri Matisse who believed that art should be comfortable. Expressionist art should be inspired by folk art, and the art of what were then called primitive people, for example from Africa.  The aim of the Expressionists was to express personal feeling about what they were painting rather than representing it exactly as it was. It should have strong colors and shapes, be relatively direct, untutored and unplanned and should still contain recognizable things, but not be realistic. The lines could be distorted, and the colors could be strengthened or changed as in the art movement that began in 1905 called Fauvism.  Expressionism was more than a style in painting. It could be found in theatre and cinema, literature and architecture. It was a sharing of ideas and experiences across all these media. The life stories of the Expressionist artists show just how much they had in common. Many began by studying applied art, such as furniture design, often to please their parents. Although they later made more personal art, they continued to make use of those technical skills. Both art critics and the public received this new movement with derision and outrage. Expressionist artists were trying to shock by challenging the traditional, conservative views held by many people. Gradually, however, it became accepted and even admired.  All the Expressionists were affected by World War I (1914-18). Some fled from Germany and spent the war years in exile. Some never returned to their homeland. Most served in the war and some were killed. At first some of them hoped a war would change society for the better but they were soon disillusioned when they saw the destruction and suffering that it caused. In the years after the war, many Expressionist artist revealed the horrors they experienced in their work.  After World War I, Expressionism became very fashionable in Germany, where art was allowed to flourish. This freedom ended in 1933 when Hitler declared all Expressionists were degenerate. This led to them being sacked from their jobs or forced to leave Germany. In 1937 the Nazis took thousands of art works from German museums and put them in an enormous exhibition called the Degenerate Art Exhibition, to show how bad and decadent this art was. It presented a view of the world that went against their political and cultural ambitions to rid Germany of all inferior races.
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Which of the following statements is NOT true?( )

[A] Sales of contemporary art fell dramatically from 2007 to 2008.

[B] The art market surpassed many other industries in momentum.

[C] The art market generally went downward in various ways.

[D] Some art dealers were awaiting better chances to come.



Current refers to the ______.

A.vertical movement of the water

B.horizontal movement of the water

C.density changes in the water

D.None of the above



When a sentence changes from a statement to a general/ special question, which movement is struc-turally required

A NP–movement/WH-movement

B NP–movement/Aux-movement

C AUX-movement/WH–movement

D WH–movement/AUX-movement



border movement

正确答案: 边缘运动为下颌最大范围的运动,受骨、肌、韧带及其他软组织等解剖生理条件所限定。


建筑探新运动的先驱人物贝伦斯(Peter Behrens)是哪个设计流派或组织的代表人物?( )

A.艺术与工艺运动(Art and Crafts Movement)
B.维也纳分离派(Vienna's Secession)
D.德意志制造联盟(Deutscher Werkbund)



The most appropriate title for this text could be __.( )

[A] Fluctuation of Art Prices

[B] Up-to-date Art Auctions

[C] Art Market in Decline

[D] Shifted Interest in Arts



Although there are disagreements over the definition of revolution,there is a standard view that revolutions are successful social movements on a much grander( ).That is,involving more people and much more social change.Although social movement like the U.S.Civil Rights
Movement may be working to enact some law or produce some reform in the society,revolutions like the Chinese Revolution are aimed at major social change.


on a grand scale即“大规模地”,是常用搭配。A.level“水平,水准,级别”;“等级,程度,温度”,如:by degrees渐渐地;in no degree一点也不;in a degree惊人地;D.range“范围,系列,射程”,如:a country with a wide range of temperature一个气温变化很大的国家;people in the£3,000/4,000 income range收入在三千至四千镑之间的人。


The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the _____ and _____ conditions.






__________ was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s.

A.Free Speech Movement
B.The Women's Movement
C.Anti-War Movement
D.Counter Culture Movement

考查英美概况知识。Free Speech Movement“言论自由运动”是1964年的加州大学伯克利分校的伯克利言论自由运动:The Women’s Movement“女权运动”是20世纪六七十年代解放女性思想,帮助她们获得自由、取得普遍平等的社会地位的美国女权运动;Anti—War Movement“反战运动”是60年代美国国民因对和平的渴求而发起的一场运动:Counter Culture Movement“反正统文化运动”是美国青年们以自己独特的方式来反对传统文化的价值观念和道德观念存在着某种传承的运动。故选D。



  • A、强烈的黑白对比
  • B、不规则的线条
  • C、演员夸张的妆
  • D、写实的风格

