问题:单选题企业信息系统项目的基础是企业信息战略规划,规划的起点是将(1)与企业的信息需求转换成信息系统的目标,实施信息系统项目是要为企业建立起数据处理中心,以满足各级管理人员关于信息的需求,它坚持以(2)为中心的原则。 空白(1)处应选择()A 事务处理B 现行人工和电算化混合的信息系统C 企业战略目标D 第一把手要求
问题:单选题在()中,①用于防止信息抵赖;②用于防止信息被窃取;⑧用于防止信息被篡改;④用于防止信息被假冒。A ①加密技术②数字签名③完整性技术④认证技术B ①完整性技术②认证技术③加密技术④数字签名C ①数字签名②完整性技术③认证技术④加密技术D ①数字签名②加密技术③完整性技术④认证技术
问题:单选题JPEG标准中定义了有失真的静态图像编码方案,其中的失真主要产生于()编码步骤。A DCT变换B RLEC 熵编码D 变换系数量化
问题:单选题Ravi, like many project (1) , had studied the waterfall model of software development as the primary software life-cycle (2) . He has all set to use it for an upcoming project, his first assignment. However, Ravi found that the waterfall model could not be used because the customer wanted the software delivered in stages, something that implied that the system had to be delivered and built in (3) and not as (4) . The situation in many other projects is not very different. The real world rarely presents a problem in which a standard process, or the process used in a previous project, is the best choice. To be the most situation, an existing process must be (5) to the new problem. A development process, even after tailoring, generally cannot handle change requests. To accommodate change requests without losing control of the project, you must supplement the development process with a requirement change management process. 空白(2)处应选择()A activityB procedureC processD progress
问题:单选题()操作需要特权指令执行。A 读取当前时钟B 清除一块内存C 关闭中断D 从用户态切换到管态
问题:单选题SOX is an alternative(1)for XML.It is useful for reading and creating XML content in a(2).editor.It is then easily transformed into proper XML.SOX was created because developers can spend a great deal oftime with raw XML.For many ofus,thepopular XML(3)have not reached a point where their tree views,tables and forms can completely substitute for the underlying(4)languagE.This is not surprising when one considers that developers still use a text view,albeit enhanced,for editing other languages such as Java)SOX uses(5)to represent the structure of an XML document,which eliminates the need for closing tags and a number of quoting devices.The result is surprisingly clear. 空白(4)处应选择()A programmingB commandC markupD interactive
问题:单选题某流水线浮点加法器分为五级,若每一级所需要的时间分别是6ns、7ns、8ns、9ns和6ns,则此流水线的最大加速比为(1)。若每一级的时间均为7ns,则最大加速比为(2)。空白(2)处应选择()A 4.1B 5.0C 5.6D 6.2
问题:单选题总线复用方式可以()。A 提高总线的传输宽度B 增加总线的功能C 减少总线中信号线的数量D 提高CPU利用率
问题:单选题要在8×8的棋盘上摆放8个"皇后",要求"皇后"之间不能发生冲突,即任何两个"皇后"不能在同一行、同一列和相同的对角线上,则一般采用()来实现。A 分治法B 动态规划法C 贪心法D 回溯法
问题:单选题分治算法设计技术()A 一般由三个步骤组成:问题划分、递归求解、合并解B 一定是用递归技术来实现C 将问题划分为k个规模相等的子问题D 划分代价很小而合并代价很大
问题:单选题MD5是一种()算法。A 共享密钥B 公开密钥C 报文摘要D 访问控制
问题:单选题关于RTOS的任务调度器,以下描述中正确的是()A 任务之间的公平性是最重要的调度目标B 大多数RTOS调度算法都是可抢占式(可剥夺式)的C RTOS调度器都采用了基于时间片轮转的调度算法D RTOS调度算法只是一种静态优先级调度算法
问题:单选题商标法主要是保护()的权利。A 商标设计人B 商标注册人C 商标使用人D 商品生产权
问题:单选题某个项目在开发时采用了不成熟的前沿技术,由此而带来的风险属于()风险。A 市场B 技术C 经济D 商业