问题:单选题A system administrator wants to ensure that the cluster will failover if quorum is lost for appAvg in RG1 whichis mirrored between hdisk3 and hdisk5. Automatic error notification has been configured in this cluster. Which of the following actions should be usedto test that the cluster fails over correctly when quorum is lost for appAvg?()A Emulate the errpt entry from the HACMP Error Notification menuB Execute a custom test procedure from the HACMP Cluster Test Tool menuC Emulate the LVM_SA_QUORCLOSE event from the HACMP Event Emulation menuD Execute the automated test procedure from the HACMP Cluster Test Tool menu
问题:单选题A customer needs to test the failover capabilities of their cluster. Which of the following AIX commands, whenissued from the command line, will simulate a node crash and cause the cluster resource group running onthat server to fail over to another node?()A clstopB halt -qC shutdown -FD stopsrc -s cluster
问题:单选题An administrator is beginning a set of failover tests. The administrator would like to have clean log files foreach test. Which command will achieve this?()A clcycleB clrefreshC cllogcycleD cllogrotate
问题:单选题An active PowerHA cluster was shutdown from C-SPOC with the "Unmanage Resource Groups" option. Afterthe operation successfully completes, what is the internal state of the cluster manager as shown by the lssrc -ls clstrmgrES command?()A ST_STABLEB ST_BARRIERC ST_CBARRIERD ST_UNMANAGED
问题:单选题An administrator is notified that a resource group has failed over from the home node, Node1 to a standbynode, Node2 and that Node1 has been powered off. Upon restarting Node1 the administrator checks the AIXerror log and the cluster.log Which of the following is the most likely cause of the failure of Node1?()A The operating system crashedB A disk failure forced a volume group off lineC The System Resource Controller executed a system haltD The topology services daemon has crashed due to an ODM mismatch
问题:单选题When tuning a network module what is the purpose of the grace period?()A It defines the maximum permissible time period between missed heartbeats before a failure is detectedB It defines the time period to wait to activate the network module after starting the cluster managerC It defines the period between detecting a missed heartbeat and initiating a network down, allowing thenetwork to stabilizeD It defines the time period during which, after a network failure was detected, further network failures of thesame type will be ignored
问题:单选题What happens on failure of a pre or post event script?()A The error is logged and HA will continue processingB If configured, a recovery command will be run to deal with the problemC An event error is generated and 3 minutes later the cluster will enter config_too_long stateD An event error is generated and 6 minutes later the cluster will enter config_too_long state
问题:单选题When does the Online Planning Worksheet tool run a validation?()A When loading and activating a definition file into an inactive clusterB When exporting a definition to a cluster node or saving a definition fileC When importing a definition from an active cluster or saving a definition fileD When loading a definition into an active cluster or synchronizing a definition file
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will display any user defined verification methods?()A cldumpB clautover vC clve c .custom vD cllscustom t verify
问题:单选题An administrator has a two node cluster, Node1 and Node2, running resource group rg1. The resource groupis active on Node1. The administrator stopped cluster services and unmanaged the resource group on Node1to work on a problem. Now the administrator needs to move rg1 to Node2. Which of the following will achievethis?()A Perform a clstart on Node1 with ’Manage Resource Groups’ set to ’Manually’ and select the destination ofNode2B Perform a resource group move operation from Node1 to Node2 and select the option to ’Re-manageResource Groups’ set to ’Automatically’C Perform a clstop on Node1 with option to move resource groups, this will release the resource group fromNode1 and accquire the resource group on Node2.D Perform a clstart on Node1 with ’Manage Resource Groups’ set to ’Automatically’, then perform a resourcegroup move operation to move rg1 from Node1 to Node2
问题:单选题In a cluster using /etc/hosts for name resolution, which of the following describes the minimum requirementsfor the /etc/hosts file?()A IP address and IP label of each service and boot interface in the clusterB IP address and IP label of each service and boot interface in the cluster, loopback interface, and the hostname of the nodeC IP address and IP label of each service and boot interface in the cluster, the loopbackinterface, and the cluster gatewayD IP address and IP label of each service and boot interface in the cluster, the loopbackinterface, the cluster gateway, and the subnet network addresses
问题:单选题An administrator wants to use the online planning worksheets as an aid to configuring a PowerHA cluster.Which PowerHA fileset would the administrator need to install in order to obtain this tool?()A cluster.es.hawB cluster.es.worksheetsC cluster.es.tools.worksheetsD cluster.es.server.worksheets
问题:单选题A customer synchronizes the cluster in a virtualized environment. During the process the following warning isdisplayed: "For nodes with a single Network Interface Card per logical network configured, it is recommended to includethe file ’/usr/es/sbin/cluster/netmon.cf’ with a pingable IP address as described in the PowerHA PlanningGuide". What should the customer do next?()A Ignore the warning as synchronization completed successfully.B Populate the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/netmon.cf file with one or many IP addresses external to the cluster.C Create another virtual adapter on each node and set-up PowerHA networking in a more traditional fashionD Populate the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/netmon.cf file with any of the boot IP addresses on one of the othercluster nodes
问题:单选题An administrator is configuring a new cluster and has a requirement for a notification to be generated if the /tmp File System becomes greater than 90% full. Which of the following PowerHA components will support theadministrator’s requirement?()A Pre-defined EventsB User-defined EventsC Remote notification methodsD The integration between RMC and WebSM
问题:单选题A customer who has a two node PowerHA cluster, with each node being at a different site and using cross siteLVM, plans to add a third heartbeat to further reduce the chance of data divergence or partitioned cluster. Theheartbeat will make use of spare adapters in the nodes. However, the heartbeats must go via an externalnetwork requiring static routes to be added for cluster functionality.How can this be achieved?()A Configure the static route in the /etc/rc.net fileB Using application Start/Stop scripts to manage the static routeC Configure Pre and Post event commands to manage the static routeD Using smitty route command to create the static route and update the ODM
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will display a snapshot of cluster status, including details of current networkstatus and resource group fallover/fallback policies?()A cldumpB cllssvcsC clshowresD clstat -o
问题:单选题A customer wants to migrate their existing cluster onto new POWER6 hardware, and in addition requires thecluster to be migrated from PowerHA version 5.3 to 5.5. Given that AIX 6.1 and PowerHA 5.5 filesets arealready installed in the new hardware, which of the following methods would allow the customer to maintaintheir current cluster configuration?()A Add the new nodes to the existing cluster, and perform a rolling migration and remove the original nodesfrom the clusterB Add the new nodes to the existing cluster, and perform a non-disruptive upgrade and remove the originalnodes from the cluster.C Create a snapshot of the existing cluster and apply the snapshot to the new cluster. Start cluster serviceson the new cluster and stop the original clusterD Create a snapshot of the existing cluster and apply the snapshot to the new cluster. Stop cluster serviceson the original cluster and start on the new cluster