问题:单选题Users of your web application have requested that they should be able to set the duration of their sessions.So for example, one user might want a webapp to stay connected for an hour rather than the webapp’sdefault of fifteen minutes; another user might want to stay connected for a whole day. Furthermore, youhave a special login servlet that performs user authentication and retrieves the User object from the database. You want to augment this code to set up the user’s specified session duration. Which codesnippet in the login servlet will accomplish this goal?()A User user = // retrieve the User object from the database session.setDurationInterval(user.getSessionDuration());B User user = // retrieve the User object from the database session.setMaxDuration(user.getSessionDuration());C User user = // retrieve the User object from the database session.setInactiveInterval(user.getSessionDuration());D User user=//retrieve the User object from the database session.setDuration(user.getSessionDuratio());E User user = // retrieve the User object from the database session.setMaxInactiveInterval(user.getSessionDuration());
问题:多选题Given: 3.class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { 4.public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,IOException { 5.// servlet code here ... 26.} 27.} If the DD contains a single security constraint associated with MyServlet and its only tagsand tags are:GETPUT Admin Which four requests would be allowed by the container?()AA user whose role is Admin can perform a PUT.BA user whose role is Admin can perform a GET.CA user whose role is Admin can perform a POST.DA user whose role is Member can perform a PUT.EA user whose role is Member can perform a POST.FA user whose role is Member can perform a GET.
问题:单选题Which ensures that a JSP response is of type "text/plain"?()A <%@ page mimeType=text/plain %>B <%@ page contentType=text/plain %>C <%@ page pageEncoding=text/plain %>D <%@ page contentEncoding=text/plain %>E <% response.setEncoding(text/plain); %>
问题:单选题A web browser need NOT always perform a complete request for a particular page that it suspects mightNOT have changed. The HTTP specification provides a mechanism for the browser to retrieve only a partialresponse from the web server; this response includes information, such as the Last-Modified date but NOTthe body of the page. Which HTTP method will the browser use to retrieve such a partial response?()A GETB ASKC SENDD HEADE TRACE
问题:多选题If you want to use the Java EE platform’s built-in type of authentication that uses a custom HTML page for authentication. Which two statements are true?()AYour deployment descriptor will need to contain this tag: CUSTOM.BThe related custom HTML login page must be named loginPage.html.CWhen you use this type of authentication, SSL is turned on automatically.DYou must have a tag in your deployment descriptor that allows you to point to both a login HTML pageand an HTML page for handling any login errors.EIn the HTML related to authentication for this application, you must use predefined variable names fort he variables that store the user and password values.
问题:单选题Given a Filter class definition with this method: 21.public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, 22.ServletResponse response, 23.FilterChain chain) 24.throws ServletException, IOException { 25.// insert code here26. } Which should you insert at line 25 to properly invoke the next filter in the chain,or the target servlet if thereare no more filters?()A chain.forward(request, response);B chain.doFilter(request, response);C request.forward(request, response);D request.doFilter(request, response);
问题:单选题Which implicit object is used in a JSP page to retrieve values associated with entries inthe deployment descriptor?()A ConfigB RequestC SessionD Application
问题:单选题Click the Exhibit button. Assuming the tag library in the exhibit is imported with the prefix stock,which custom tag invocation outputsthe contents of the variable exposed by the quote tag?()A<;stock:quote&ensp;symbol=";SUNW";&ensp;/>;${var}B${var}.&ensp;<;stock:quote&ensp;symbol=";SUNW";&ensp;/>;C<;stock:quote&ensp;symbol=";SUNW";>;.&ensp;${var}.&ensp;<;/stock:quote>;D<;stock:quote&ensp;symbol=";SUNW";&ensp;var=";quote";&ensp;/>;${quote}
问题:单选题The JSP developer wants a comment to be visible in the final output to the browser. Which comment styleneeds to be used in a JSP page?()A <!-- this is a comment -->B <% // this is a comment %>C <%-- this is a comment --%>D <% /** this is a comment **/ %>
问题:单选题Given an HttpServletRequest request and an HttpServletResponse response: 41.HttpSession session = null; 42.// insert code here 43.if(session == null) { 44.// do something if session does not exist 45.} else { 46.// do something if session exists47. } To implement the design intent,which statement must be inserted at line 42?()A session = response.getSession();B session = request.getSession();C session = request.getSession(true);D session = request.getSession(false);E session = request.getSession(jsessionid);
问题:单选题The Squeaky Bean company has decided to port their web application to a new J2EE 1.4 container. Whilereviewing the application, a developer realizes that in multiple places within the current application, nearlyduplicate code exists that finds enterprise beans. Which pattern should be used to eliminate this duplicatecode?()A Transfer ObjectB Front ControllerC Service LocatorD Intercepting FilterE Business DelegateF Model-View-Controller
问题:多选题Your web application uses a simple architecture in which servlets handle requests and then forward to aJSP using a request dispatcher. You need to pass information calculated in the servlet to the JSP for view generation.This information must NOT be accessible to any other servlet,JSP or session in the webapp. Which two techniques can you use to accomplish this goal?()AAdd attributes to the session object.BAdd attributes on the request object.CAdd parameters to the request object.DUse the pageContext object to add request attributes.EAdd parameters to the JSP’s URL when generating the request dispatcher.
问题:多选题Given: 11. 15. Which three EL expressions, inserted at line 15,are valid and evaluate to "3"?()A${vals.2}B${vals[2]}C${vals.index}D${vals[index]}E${vals}[index]F${vals[vals[index-1]]}
问题:多选题A session-scoped attribute is stored by a servlet, and then that servlet forwards to a JSP page. Which threejsp:useBean attributes must be used to access this attribute in the JSP page?()AidBnameCbeanDtypeEscope
问题:多选题A web application allows the HTML title banner to be set using a servlet context initialization parametercalled titleStr. Which two properly set the title in this scenario?()A<title>${titleStr}</title>B<title>${initParam.titleStr}</title>C<title>${params[0].titleStr}</title>D<title>${paramValues.titleStr}</title>E<title>${initParam[’titleStr’]}</title>
问题:单选题A developer is designing a multi-tier web application and discovers a need to hide the details of establishingand maintaining remote communications from the client. In addition, because the business and resourcetiers are distributed, the application needs to minimize the inter-tier network traffic related to servicing clientrequests. Which design patterns, working together, address these issues?()A Front Controller and Transfer ObjectB Front Controller and Service LocatorC Business Delegate and Transfer ObjectD Business Delegate and Intercepting Filter
问题:单选题You have a new IT manager that has mandated that all JSPs must be refactored to include no scritpletcode. The IT manager has asked you to enforce this. Which deployment descriptor element will satisfy thisconstraint?()A <jsp-property-group>. <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>. <permit-scripting>false</permit-scripting>. </jsp-property-group>B <jsp-config>. <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern><permit-scripting>false</permit-scripting>. </jsp-config>C <jsp-config>. <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>. <scripting-invalid>true</scripting-invalid>. </jsp-config>D <jsp-property-group>. <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>. <scripting-invalid>true</scripting-invalid>. </jsp-property-group>
问题:单选题Your IT department is building a lightweight Front Controller servlet that invokes an application logic objectwith the interface: public interface ApplicationController {public String invoke(HttpServletRequest request)} The return value of this method indicates a symbolic name of the next view. From this name, the FrontController servlet looks up the JSP URL in a configuration table. This URL might be an absolute path or apath relative to the current request. Next, the Front Controller servlet must send the request to this JSP togenerate the view. Assume that the servlet variable request is assigned the current HttpServletRequestobject and the variable context is assigned the webapp’s ServletContext. Which code snippet of the FrontController servlet accomplishes this goal?()A Dispatcher view=context.getDispatcher(viewURL);view.forward Request(request, response);B Dispatcher view=request.getDispatcher(viewURL);view.forward Request(request, response);C RequestDispatcher view. =context.getRequestDispatcher(viewURL);view.forward(request,response);D RequestDispatcher view=request.getRequestDispatcher(viewURL);view.forward(request, response);
问题:多选题Which three are valid values for the body-content attribute of a tag directive in a tag file?()AELBJSPCEmptyDDynamicEScriptlessFTagdependent