The last paragraph implies that ________. A. Mr. Scrushy told a lie B. Ms. Lewis


The last paragraph implies that ________.

A. Mr. Scrushy told a lie

B. Ms. Lewis will get the money Mr. Scrushy owes her

C. the Lewis Group may be a go-between

D. Mr. Scrushy will be involved in the trial again

最后一段讲述因为Mr. Scrushy还欠他们一大笔债务,Ms. Lewis拿出财务详细证据来,包括Mr. Scrushy可能就是通过Lewis Group付给她钱的。选项A“Mr. Scrushy撒谎了”,从全文来看,Mr. Scrushy就此事其实没有说过什么,不能算是撒谎;B“Ms. Lewis会拿到Mr. Scrushy欠的钱”,但其实这并不能确定;C“Lewis Group可能是中间人”,因为在文章开始Ms. Lewis提到是Mr. Scrushy通过Lewis Group支付给她的,而且她拿出了两方面的财务证明,所以Lewis Group非常有可能是中间人;D“Mr. Scrushy将会再次卷入审判”,这也是不可知的事情。因此,正确答案为C。
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The word “cognition” in the last paragraph refers to __________.

A. concept

B. thinking

C. instinct

D. distinction



Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss&q

Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss". "Mr." is used before the names of gentlemen. "Mrs." is for married women and "Miss" is for single women. But what is "Ms."?

For some time, businessmen in the US have used "Ms." before a woman's name when they do not know whether or not the woman is marrieD.Today, however, many women prefer to use "Ms." rather than "Mrs." or "Miss". The word "Mr." does not tell us whether a man is married or not. Many women think this is an advantage for men. They want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether or not they are marrieD.

There are some problems with "Ms.", however. Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find it difficult to pronounce. ("Ms." sounds like [miz].) Generally, young women like it better than older women do. It is difficult to know whether "Ms." will be used by more American women in the future or not. What do you think of this change?

1. Many young women prefer to use "Ms." because ________.

:A.they think themselves as good as men doesn't tell whether they're married or not

C.the word sounds more pleasant than "Mrs." does

D.the word has been used for a long time



The statement “it is all too monkey” (Last line, paragraph l) implies that ________.

[A] monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals

[B] resenting unfairness is also monkeys’ nature

[C] monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other

[D] no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions



Mr. Scrushy made donations to the black groups probably because ________.

A. he had close relations with Birmingham's African-American population

B. he wanted the church to set up more buildings

C. he was very benevolent

D. he wanted to get support from the blacks in his trial

Mr. Scrushy给黑人团体捐款的原因在文中有提及,关于捐款文章第四、五段有涉及。第四段提到,陪审团18个人中有11个是黑人,在审判前和审判中他和伯明翰的非裔美国人建立了关系,他加入了一个黑人教会,捐款给他们,与此同时还给其他一些黑人团体捐款。第五段一开头就提出,教堂牧师说他收到Mr. Scrushy的钱款,交换条件是为他在黑人中间赢得支持,而Mr. Scrushy本人则称这个和他的案子无关。从全文来看,Mr. Scrushy多次涉嫌欺诈,他说的话也有欲盖弥彰的感觉。在A“他和伯明翰非裔美国人有密切联系”,B“他希望教堂可以建造更多的房子”,C“他非常慈善”,D“他希望在他的案件中得到黑人的支持”中,从逻辑上推断,D最恰当。


The last paragraph implies that the happiness of the little girl came from______.

A.the honey she tasted

B.the ability to read books

C.the book her grandpa had shown her

D.the collective memory that accepted her



The phrase “hold water” in the last paragraph most probably means”_____”.

A. to be believable B. to be valuable C. to be admirable D. to be suitable



He didn't want to upset his wife, so he told a ________ lie.


解析:本句参考译文:他不想让太太担心,所以就撒了一个善意的谎言。【知识点来源:Unit 4】本题考查英语颜色词的联想意义。习语“a white lie”寓意“善意的谎言”。


Who has got a little child according to the text? 【 】

A. Ms. Leon

B. Mr. Lewis

C. Mr. Moeller

D. Dr. Jeffers



Text 4A writer said yesterday that Richard M. Scrushy, the former chief executive of HealthSouth, paid her through a public relations firm to produce several favorable articles for an Alabama newspaper that he reviewed before publication during his fraud trial last year.

The articles appeared in The Birmingham Times, a black-owned weekly in Birmingham, Ala. Mr. Scrushy was acquitted in June in a six-month trial there on all 36 counts against him, despite testimony from former HealthSouth executives who said he presided over a huge accounting fraud. "I sat in that courtroom for six months, and I did every thing possible to advocate for his cause," Audrey Lewis, the author of the articles, said in a telephone interview. She said she received $10,000 from Mr. Scrushy through the Lewis Group, a public relations firm, and another $1,000 to help buy a computer. "Scrushy promised me a lot more than what I got," she said.

Charles A. Russell, a spokesman for Mr. Scrushy, said he was not aware of an explicit agreement for the Lewis Group to pay Ms. Lewis. The payments to Ms. Lewis were first reported by The Associated Press yesterday. "There's nothing there I think Richard would have any part of," Mr. Russell said.

Mr. Russell said that Mr. Scrushy reviewed the articles before they were published. "Richard thought she was doing a little, 'F.Y.I., here's what I'm writing,' " Mr. Russell said. Ms. Lewis said that Mr. Russell, a prominent Denver-based crisis communications consultant, was also involved in providing her with financial compensation. She said Mr. Russell wrote her a $2,500 personal check at the end of May 2005; Mr. Russell said that was true. "She was looking for freelance community-relations work after the trial," Mr. Russell said.

Ms. Lewis came into Mr. Scrushy's sphere through Believers Temple Church; she attends services and works as an administrator there. She and Rev. Herman Henderson, the pastor, were part of a group that appeared in court with Mr. Scrushy and often prayed with him during breaks. Before and during the trial, in which 11 of the 18 jurors were black, Mr. Scrushy, who is white, forged ties with Birmingham's African-American population. He joined a predominantly black church, and his foundation donated to it and other black congregations.

Mr. Henderson also said he received payments from Mr. Scrushy in exchange for building support for him among blacks. Mr. Scrushy said in a statement yesterday that his foundation donated money to Mr. Henderson's church, but said the payments were unrelated to his case. "My foundation donated to his church building fund and to a Katrina relief effort that his church sponsored," Mr. Scrushy said. "That's it. Period."

Ms. Lewis, 31, said she was disclosing details about the financial arrangement because Mr. Scrushy still owes her and Mr. Henderson a significant amount of money. Ms. Lewis provided copies of a retainer agreement that Mr. Scrushy signed last April with the Lewis Group, a public relations firm controlled by Jesse J. Lewis Sr., 82 the founder of The Birmingham Times, and a check issued to her in May from the Lewis Group. (Ms Lewis and Mr. Lewis are not related.)

第36题:The word \\\"acquitted\\\" (Line 2, Para. 2) probably means ________.

A. discharged

B. arrested

C. quitted

D. punished

该词所在原句为“Mr. Scrushy was acquitted in June in a six-month trial there on all 36 counts against him, despite testimony from former HealthSouth executives who said he presided over a huge accounting fraud.”(Mr. Scrushy因36项指控而授受了6个月的审判,6月份……,尽管前HealthSouth主管指证其策划了一项大的账目作假。)因为前后半句是转折关系,所以可以推断Mr. Scrushy并没有受到制裁,因此选项A“宣布无罪”,B“逮捕”,C“解除”,D“惩罚”中,A符合逻辑。


From the text we can conclude that the author ________.

A. is supportive of Mr. Scrushy

B. favors Ms. Lewis's side

C. takes a detached attitude

D. is sympathetic


