You are keeping the required garbage disposal records. The amount of garbage disposed must


You are keeping the required garbage disposal records. The amount of garbage disposed must be stated in ______.

A.cubic meters

B.both cubic meters and cubic feet

C.both kilos and pounds

D.barrels of 55 gallon capacity

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Which statement regarding garbage disposal is correct?

A.Records for ground garbage disposal are not required when disposal into the sea occurs more than 25 miles offshore

B.Discharging or transfer of garbage while in port to a shore facility must be recorded

C.Maintaining records for the incineration of garbage aboard ship is not required

D.The recording of garbage disposal should include the approximate weight



Under the Pollution Regulations,garbage disposal records must be kept ______.

A.two years year

C.until the next Coast Guard inspection

D.until the end of the voyage



Passage Three

How can we get rid of garbage.9 Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?

These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an energy source, and at the time it can save the land to hold garbage.

For a long time, people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land. Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fuel to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels. As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source. Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years. The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Paris, France, some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.

Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.

44. What two problems can man solve by burning garbage?

A. The shortage of energy and air pollution.

B. The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbage.

C. Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fuel.

D. Air pollution and the shortage of land to hold garbage.

44.第二段。燃烧垃圾既补充了能源又省了地。选项 B是正确的。


Passage Four
How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?
These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.
For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.
Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth.

According to the passage,using garbage is______

A.for heating in France each year
B.a new way in a modern society
C.a good way to solve the problem of energy shortage
D.too expensive as an energy source



Which is an exception to the garbage discharge requirements in Annex V to MARPOL 73/78?

A.The garbage to be discharged will sink

B.Garbage accumulation on board has exceeded storage space

C.A person falls overboard,and a plastic ice chest is thrown for flotation

D.The destination port or terminal cannot receive garbage



Under the Pollution Regulations,when you dump garbage in to the sea you must ______.

A.notify Coast Guard or MSA

B.make an entry in the Official Logbook

C.keep a record for two years

D.No action is required if you are more than 25 miles fromland and no plastic materials are dumped



Providing you are not sailing in the Red Sea or another special area as listed in ANNEX V of MARPOL,how many miles from land must you be to throw garbage including bottles,rags,and glass that has not been ground up into the sea?

A.3 nm

B.6 nm

C.12 nm

D.25 nm



You are offloading garbage to another ship. Your records must identify that ship by name and show her ________.

A.home port port-of-call

C.official number




Passage Four
How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?
These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.
For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.
Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth.

The best title for the passage may be______

A.Garbage and the Earth
B.Fossil Fuel and Garbage
C.Land and Garbage
D.Garbage?Energy Source



Passage Four
How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?
These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.
For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.
Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth.

What is the author's attitude?

C.Agree in
D.Disagree in

