What is an example of the term "Restraint of Rulers,Princes,or Peoples" in a marine insura


What is an example of the term "Restraint of Rulers,Princes,or Peoples" in a marine insurance policy?

A.A prohibition from loading a cargo from a country when the cargo may be a carrier of infectious diseases

B.Arrest of a vessel by legal authorities to satisfy claims through exercise of a maritime lien

C.Damage caused by riot of the population of a port

D.Losses caused by fines from polluting the harbor after malfunction of a piping system

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What is talk mainly about?

A. The history of the term.

B. The courses for the term.

C. The plan for the day.



Text 4

No man has been more harshly judged than Machiavelli, especially in the two centuries follow-ing his death. But he has since found many able champions and the tide has turned. The prince has been termed a manual for tyrants, the effect of which has been most harmful. But were Machiavelli's doctrines really new? Did he discover them? He merely had the frankness and cour- age to write down what everybody was thinking and what everybody knew. He merely gives us the impressions he had received from a long and intimate intercourse with princes and the affairs of state. It was Lord Bacon who said that Machiavelli tells us what princes do, not what they ought to do. When Machiavelli takes Caesar Borgia as a model, he does not praise him as a hero at all, but merely as a prince who was capable of attaining the end in view. The life of the state was the prima- ry object. It must be maintained. And Machiavelli has laid down the principles, based upon his stud-y and wide experience, by which this may be accomplished. He wrote from the view-point of the politician-not of the moralist. What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand. And will anyone contend that the principles set forth by Machiavelli in his Prince or his Discourses have entirely per- ished from the earth? Has diplomacy been entirely stripped of fraud and duplicity? Let anyone read the famous eighteenth chapter of The Prince:"ln what Manner Princes should Keep their Faith,"and he will be convinced that what was true nearly four hundred years ago, is quite as true today.

Of the remaining works of Machiavelli the most important is the History of Florence written be-

tween 1521 and 1525, and dedicated to Clement VII. This book is merely a rapid review of the Middle

Ages, and as part of it the history of Florence. Machiavelli's method has been criticized for adhering

at times too closely to the chroniclers of his time, and at others rejecting their testimony without ap-

parent reason, while in its details the authority of his History is often questionable.lt is the straightfor-

ward, logical narrative, which always holds the interest of the reader, that is the greatest charm of

the History.

56. It can be inferred from the beginning of the text that

[ A] many people used to think highly of Machiavelli.

[ B] Machiavelli had been very influential among the rulers.

[ C] Machiavelli was widely read among his contemporaries.

[ D] Machiavelli has been a target of criticism throughout history.

Text 4 参考译文没人比马基雅维利所遭受的批判更严酷了,尤其是在他死后的两个世纪以内。但是,他从此铸造了许多能干的斗士,潮流也从此逆转了。 2010年9月笔试真卷参考答案及精析第9页(共12页)《君主论》被称作是一个暴君手册,其影响非常恶劣。但是马基雅维利的学说是全新的吗?那些学说是他发现的吗?其实他只是够坦白、有勇气将每个人所想的和所知道的写下来而已。他所告诉我们的是他和君主的长期亲密接触过程中以及国家事务中所留下的印象。培根大臣说过,马基雅维利告诉我们君主所做的事,而不是他们应该做的事。当马基雅维利以卡萨尔·博鲁吉亚为例时,他完全没有把他赞美成英雄,而是仅仅说他作为一个君主,能够达到自己想要的目的。国家的生活是他的文章中一定包含的主题。马基雅维利力基于他的研究和广泛的经历,尽可能地列举了一些准则。他是从政治家的角度——而不是道德家的角度进行写作。政治上的好事从道德方面看可能是坏事,事实上,很奇怪的是当道德和政治发生冲突时,往往后者会占据上风。会有人主张马基雅雏利在他的《君主论》或者他的《论李维》里所提出的准则已经消失了吗?外交过程就没有欺诈行为了吗?让任何一个人读《君主论》里面著名的第十八章《君主应该怎样保持信仰?》,他都会深信将近四百年前的放在现在也一样有道理。在马基雅维利其余的著作中,最重要的就是他在1521年到1525年之间献给克莱门特七世的《佛罗伦萨史》。这本书仅仅是对中世纪的简述,其中一部分是讲佛罗伦萨的历史。马基雅维利的写作方法遭到批判是因为有时候太过于附和他所在时代的编年史,而有时候又坚决抛弃其中的论断,而没有给出任何明显的理由,同时,书中诸多细节之处也使其权威性遭受了质疑。它直接的、有逻辑的叙述常常能引起读者的兴趣,这就是他这本书的魅力所在。答案及解析 56.D该题为推理题。根据第一段第一句“No man has been more harshly judged than Machiavelli, especially in the two centuries fol- lowing his death.”可知,没人比马基雅维利所遭受的批判更严酷了,尤其是在他死后的两个世纪以内。由此可以推断出马基雅维利在历史上一直都是人们批判的对象,故选D。


The mid-term examination has finally been canceled,makes students sort of relaxed.







What requires a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death?

A.Collision with a bridge

B.Injury beyond first aid

C.loss of life

D.All of the above



Of the following, which one is not a term of Marine Weather Bulletin?______.

A.Complex low


C.High pressure

D.Ambient pressure



At what time of the school term does the conversation most probably take place? ( )

A.At the end of it.

B.In the middle of it.

C.At the beginning of it.



The following statements concerning long-term debt are true except that ______.

A.long-term debt is a liability of a period longer than one year

B.long-term debts are paid in installments

C.despite of different payment plans, long-term debts are never classified as current liabilities

D.the loan borrowed by the company is a typical example of long-term debt



What's the meaning of "long-term loan"?






Cargo contaminated due to failure to provide clean holds prior to loading is an example of ________ .

A.Lack of due diligence

B.Restraint of princes

C.Inherent vice

D.Latent defect



What is NOT required on an uninspected towing vessel?

A.Certificate of Documentation

B.Certificate of Inspection

C.Operators Merchant Marine license

D.FCC Station License

