Which statement is TRUE concerning the flash point of a substance ________.A.It is lower t


Which statement is TRUE concerning the flash point of a substance ________.

A.It is lower than the ignition temperature

B.It is the temperature at which a substance will spontaneously ignite

C.It is the temperature at which a substance,when ignited,will continue to burn

D.It is the temperature at which the released vapors will fall within the explosive range

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Which statement is true about FLUSH LOGS command?()

A.It requires the RELOAD, FILE, and DROP privileges

B.It closes and reopens all log files

C.It closes and sends binary log files to slave servers

D.It flushes dirty pages in the buffer pool to the REDO logs



Which statement concerning carbon dioxide is FALSE ________.

A.It displaces the oxygen in the air

B.It cannot be seen

C.It cannot be smelled

D.It is safe to use near personnel in a confined space



Concerning baby-sitting and managing a paper route, which of the following statement is true?

A. Both call for daily service.

B. Both call for a sense of responsibility.

C. Neither is affected by bad weather.

D. Neither is helpful to character development.

逻辑推理题。关于临时保姆和送报纸这两项工作,文中均有提到责任感的重要性,分别在第一段最后一句“This has its greatest...reliable,responsible and mature”(这项工作尤其适合女孩,一个可靠、负责和成熟的临时保姆可以挣到不少钱。)及最后一段第二句“The job also requires a sense of maturity and responsibility...”(这项工作同样需要成熟、稳重与责任感……)。


Which statement concerning GPS is TRUE ________.

A.It cannot be used in all parts of the world

B.There are 12 functioning GPS satellites at present

C.It may be suspended without warning

D.Two position lines are used to give a 2D fix



Which statement is TRUE concerning combustible gas indicators ________.

A.One sample of air is adequate to test a tank

B.They do not work properly where there is a lack of oxygen

C.They will detect a lack of oxygen

D.They are calibrated to read the percentage chance of explosion



The flash point of a petroleum product is an indication of its ______.


B.pour point


D.lower explosive limit



Which statement is TRUE concerning the placard entitled Discharge of Oil Prohibited ________.

A.It is required on all vessels

B.It may be located in a conspicuous place in the wheelhouse

C.It may be located at the bilge and ballast pump control station

D.All of the above



Given:Which statement is true about the class of an object that can reference the variable base? ()

A.It can be any class.

B.No class has access to base.

C.The class must belong to the geometry package.

D.The class must be a subclass of the class Hypotenuse.



Which statement is TRUE concerning inert gas systems on tankers ________.

A.Flue gases from the ship's boilers are used in some systems

B.The gas is helium

C.Using the system accelerates the rusting of the tanks

D.All of the above



Which statement is TRUE of a gasoline spill ________.

A.It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill

B.It is not covered by the pollution laws

C.It does little harm to marine life

D.It will sink more rapidly than crude oil

