It won t be long () they are falling out over that money their mother left them, or I m Dutchman.

It won t be long () they are falling out over that money their mother left them, or I m Dutchman.





如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


请阅读下面程序 public class ThreadTest{ public static void main(String args[])throws Ex- ception{ int i=0; Hello t=new Hello; ; while(true){ System.Out.println("Good Morning"+i++): if(i= =2t.isAlive){ System.out.println("Main waiting for Hel- lo!"); join;//等待t运行结束 } if(i= =5)break;} } } class Hello extends Thread{ int l; public void run{ while(true)( System.Out.println("Hell0"+i++); if(i= =5)break;)))







若程序中已包含头文件stdio.h,以下选项中,正确运用指针变量的程序段是 ______。*i=NULL; scanf("%d",i);

B.float * f=NULL *f=19.5;

C.char t='m',*c=&t; *c=&t;

D.long *L; L='\0';



下列程序段的输出结果是【 】。

public class Test {

void printValue(int m) {

do {

System.out.println("The value is"+m);

}while (--m>10);


public static void main (String args[]) {

int i=10;

Test t= new Test();




正确答案:Thevalue is 10
Thevalue is 10 解析:本题考查do-while循环的用法。do-while至少执行一次,在执行完do中的内容后,判断while中的条件是否为true。如果为true,就再执行do中的内容,然后再进行判断。依次类推,直到while的判断为false时退出循环,执行循环后面的内容。题目中m的值为10,当程序运行到do-while循环时,程序先执行一次循环然后再作判断,在判断条件--m>10时,其值为false,退出循环。因此只执行了一次输出操作,输出内容为:The value is 10。


·teaching ;objectives?
·teaching ;contents?
·key ;and ;difficult ;broints?
·major ;stebrs ;and ;time ;allocation?
· ;activities ;and ;justifications?
;Boy ;1: ;Wow, ;how ;luck!?
;Girl ;1 ;: ;What ;would ;you ;do ;if ;you ;won ;the ;lottery??
;Boy ;1 ;: ;If ;I ;won ;the ;lottery, ;I'd ;give ;the ;money ;to ;the ;Zoo. ;I ;want ;to ;helbr ;the ;brandas.?
;Girl ;1 ;.. ;That's ;a ;good ;idea ;! ;I ;know ;what ;I' ;d ;do. ;If ;I ;won ;the ;lottery, ;I' ;d ;buy ;a ;big ;house ;for ;my ;family.?
;Girl ;2.. ;Really? ;I'd ;brut ;the ;money ;in ;the ;bank. ;Then ;I'd ;just ;watch ;it ;grow!?
;Boy ;2: ;Hmm ;... ;I ;think ;I'd ;give ;the ;money ;to ;medical ;research. ;I'd ;want ;to ;helbr ;other ;breobrle.?

Teaching Contents: In this class, students could control the structure"I would / I'd do" to talk about the imaginary situations. Teaching Objectives ..
?( 1 ) Knowledge objective
①Key Vocabulary
lottery, million, medical, research
②Target Language
Look!This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.
Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?
I'd give it to medical research.
③ Structure
I would / I'd do
?(2) Ability objective
Students' listening ability will be well improved.
(3) Emotional objective
Students can be more interested in English. Students should remember it's really being cool to realize your dream through great efforts.
Teaching Key Points:
(1) Target language
(2) The structure: I would / I'd do
Teaching Difficult Point:
The structure : I would / I' d do
Teaching Aid :
A tape recorder
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Revision (3 minutes)
Review the structure "should be allowed to" by asking students to make sentences about school rules.
(Justification: The revision can examine students' learning effect and easily lead in the text.)
Step 2 Presentation (25 minutes)
This activity focuses on vocabulary and structures introduced in the unit.
Read the instructions to the class.
Call students' attention to the words in the box. Ask a student to read them to the class.
T: What would you do if you had a lot of money?Add more ideas to the list.
Then share your answers with other students.
Get students to complete the task. First individually, then in groups.
As they work, walk around the room checking progress and offering any help they may need.
Collect answers from students on the blackboard.
Answers will vary but should include a mixture of ideas for helping themselves and others.
The teacher reads the instructions to the class, and reads the question in the speech bubble, then explains the word "lottery" to students.
T: You will hear teenagers talking about what they would do if they won the lottery.
Point to the pictures. Ask students to describe them one by one.
For example, for Picture One, a student might say, "If I won the lottery, I' d buy a big house."
Point out the sample answer.
T: The first picture you will hear about has the number one on it.
Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.
Play the recording again. This time students listen and number the pictures in the order they hear them.
Check the answers.
?(Justification: This step can arouse students' interests and presents the target language in spoken conversation.)
Step 3 Practice (12 minutes)
Read the instructions to the class in order to call students' attention to the conversation in the box. Then,explain the vocabulary words"million" and"medical research". Finally, invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
?S1 : Look ! This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.
?S2: Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?
?S1 : I'd give it to medical research.
?Write it on the blackboard.
?T: Pretend you are the people in the picture. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you won a million dollars.
Get students to work in pairs. As they work in pairs together, walk around the room offering language support as needed.
After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.
(Justification: This step can provide an oral practice using the target language for students.)
Step 4 Summary and Homework (5 minutes)
Summary: In this class, we've learned some vocabulary words and the target language"What would you do if you won the lottery?I'd give it to medical research".
Homework: If you had a large amount of money, e.g. $100,000, what would you buy?Please write down each item and its cost to see how you will spend the full amount. And bring your lists to class tomorrow.
(Justification: Homework can help students consolidate what they have learned in this class and improve their writing abilities.)
Blackboard Design :
Unit 4 What would you do?
Section A
The First Period
Target language :
A: Look. This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.
B: Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars?
A: I'd give it to medical research.


以下选项中,正确运用指针变量的程序段是( )。*i=NULL;

B.float*f=NULL; scanf("%d",i); *f=10.5;

C.char t='m',*C=&t;

D.long*L; *C=&t; L='0';





t(n+1)=t(n)/2 (当t(n)为偶数时)







include<stdio. h>

int jsValue(int m)


main ( )


int m;


printf ("m=%d, k-%d\n", m, jsValue (m));

writeDat ( );

writeDat ( )


FILE *in, *out;

int i,m,s;

in= fopen ( "in. dar" , "r" );

ut=f open ( "out. dar" , "w" );

for (i=0; i<50; i++) {

fscanf (in, "%d", &m);

s=jsValue (m);

printf( "%d\n", s );

fprintf (out, "%d\n" , s );


fclose (in);

fclose (out);

正确答案:int isValue(int m) { /*初值t(0)=m*/ int fn=m k=0; /*t(k) != 1 求t(k+1)*/ while ( fn>) { if (fn%2==1) /*t(k)为奇数*/ { fn-3*fn+1; } else /*t (k) 为偶数*/ { fn=fn/2; } k++; } /*t (k) ==1 返回 k*/ return k; }
int isValue(int m) { /*初值t(0)=m*/ int fn=m, k=0; /*t(k) != 1, 求t(k+1)*/ while ( fn>) { if (fn%2==1) /*t(k)为奇数*/ { fn-3*fn+1; } else /*t (k) 为偶数*/ { fn=fn/2; } k++; } /*t (k) ==1, 返回 k*/ return k; } 解析:类型:序列计算。


若程序中已包含头文件stdio.h,以下选项中,正确运用指针变量的程序段是 *i=NULL; scanf("%d",i;

B.float *f=NULL; *f=10.5;

C.char t='m',*c=&t; *c=&t;

D.long *L; L='\0';

解析:选项A定义了一个整型变量i,并且初始化让它指向NULL,接着通过scanf()函数,改变i指向的存储空间的值,选项A中首先定义了整型指针变量i并初始化为NULL,即表示指针i不指向任何内存,即此时程序还没有为i在内存中开辟存储单元,而在scanf()函数中第二个参数是地址参数,显然在这里i不是表示地址,所以下面的 scanf(“%d”,i)语句是不正确的;选项B定义了一个浮点型变量f并初始化让它指向 NULL,而当一个指针变量指向NULL以后不能再给它赋值,而接下来的程序中为其赋了一值;选项C中首先定义了一个字符变量t并给它赋初值'm',然后定义一个字符型指针c并让它指向了变量t,这一部分正确,然后接着用了一个语句“*c=&t;”应该将该语句中c前的“*”去掉。






include <stdio.h>

define N 12

typedef struct

{char num[10];

double S;


double fun(STREC *a,STREC *b,STREC *C,int *n,int *m)





STREC s[N]={{“GA05”,65},{“GA03”,86},





STREC h[N],l[N],t;

FILE *out;

int i,j,m,n;

double ave;


printf("The %d student data which is higher than %7.3f:\n",n,ave);


printf("%s %4.lf\n",h[i].num,



printf("The %d Student data which iS lower than%7.3f:\n",m,ave);


printf("%s %4.1f\n",l[i].num, l[i].s);


ut=fopen("out26.dat", "w");

fprintf(out, "%d\n %7.3f\n",n,ave);






for(i=0;i<n; i++)


fprintf(out,"%d\n %7.3f\n",m,ave);










正确答案:double fun (STREC *aSTREC *bSTREC *C int *nint *m) { int i; double av=0.0; *n=0; *m=0; for(i=0;iN;i++) av=av+a[i].S; av=av/N; /*求平均值*/ for(i=0;iN;i++) if(av=a[i].s) { b[*n]=a[i]; /*将高于等于平均分的学生存从所指存储单元中并统计人数*/ *n=*n+l; } else { c[*m]=a[i]; /*将低于平均分的学生存入c所指存储单元中并统计人数*/ *m=*m+1; } return av; /*返回平均分*/ }
double fun (STREC *a,STREC *b,STREC *C, int *n,int *m) { int i; double av=0.0; *n=0; *m=0; for(i=0;iN;i++) av=av+a[i].S; av=av/N; /*求平均值*/ for(i=0;iN;i++) if(av=a[i].s) { b[*n]=a[i]; /*将高于等于平均分的学生存从所指存储单元中,并统计人数*/ *n=*n+l; } else { c[*m]=a[i]; /*将低于平均分的学生存入c所指存储单元中,并统计人数*/ *m=*m+1; } return av; /*返回平均分*/ } 解析:本题中第1个循环的作用求出所有分数的总和,只有进行了av=av/N后才得到平均值(我们在前面的程序中碰到过类似问题)。第2个循环的作用是将高于等于平均分的学生存/kb所指存储单元中,将低于平均分的学生存入c所指存储单元中。同一结构体变量之间可以互相赋值。
本程序中直接用*n,*m来分别表示b,c的下标,注意开始时要给*n,*m赋0,且使用时不能少*号。因为单独的n, m是一个指针变量,而我们要用的是它所指向的那个存储单元中的值。


若程序中已包含头文件stdio.h,以下选项中,正确运用指针变量的程序段是 *i = NULL; scanf("%d", i);

B.float *f = NULL; *f = 10.5;

C.char t = 'm', *c = &t; *c = &t;

D.long *L; L = '\0';



·teaching ;objectives
·teaching ;contents
·key ;and ;difficult ;broints
·major ;stebrs ;and ;time ;allocation
· ;activities ;and ;justifications
;Boy ;1: ;Wow, ;how ;luck!
;Girl ;1 ;: ;What ;would ;you ;do ;if ;you ;won ;the ;lottery
;Boy ;1 ;: ;If ;I ;won ;the ;lottery, ;I'd ;give ;the ;money ;to ;the ;Zoo. ;I ;want ;to ;helbr ;the ;brandas.
;Girl ;1 ;.. ;That's ;a ;good ;idea ;! ;I ;know ;what ;I' ;d ;do. ;If ;I ;won ;the ;lottery, ;I' ;d ;buy ;a ;big ;house ;for ;my ;family.
;Girl ;2.. ;Really ;I'd ;brut ;the ;money ;in ;the ;bank. ;Then ;I'd ;just ;watch ;it ;grow!
;Boy ;2: ;Hmm ;... ;I ;think ;I'd ;give ;the ;money ;to ;medical ;research. ;I'd ;want ;to ;helbr ;other ;breobrle.

Teaching Contents: In this class, students could control the structure"I would / I'd do" to talk about the imaginary situations. Teaching Objectives ..
( 1 ) Knowledge objective
①Key Vocabulary
lottery, million, medical, research
②Target Language
Look!This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.
Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars
I'd give it to medical research.
③ Structure
I would / I'd do
(2) Ability objective
Students' listening ability will be well improved.
(3) Emotional objective
Students can be more interested in English. Students should remember it's really being cool to realize your dream through great efforts.
Teaching Key Points:
(1) Target language
(2) The structure: I would / I'd do
Teaching Difficult Point:
The structure : I would / I' d do
Teaching Aid :
A tape recorder
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Revision (3 minutes)
Review the structure "should be allowed to" by asking students to make sentences about school rules.
(Justification: The revision can examine students' learning effect and easily lead in the text.)
Step 2 Presentation (25 minutes)
This activity focuses on vocabulary and structures introduced in the unit.
Read the instructions to the class.
Call students' attention to the words in the box. Ask a student to read them to the class.
T: What would you do if you had a lot of money Add more ideas to the list.
Then share your answers with other students.
Get students to complete the task. First individually, then in groups.
As they work, walk around the room checking progress and offering any help they may need.
Collect answers from students on the blackboard.
Answers will vary but should include a mixture of ideas for helping themselves and others.
The teacher reads the instructions to the class, and reads the question in the speech bubble, then explains the word "lottery" to students.
T: You will hear teenagers talking about what they would do if they won the lottery.
Point to the pictures. Ask students to describe them one by one.
For example, for Picture One, a student might say, "If I won the lottery, I' d buy a big house."
Point out the sample answer.
T: The first picture you will hear about has the number one on it.
Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.
Play the recording again. This time students listen and number the pictures in the order they hear them.
Check the answers.
(Justification: This step can arouse students' interests and presents the target language in spoken conversation.)
Step 3 Practice (12 minutes)
Read the instructions to the class in order to call students' attention to the conversation in the box. Then,explain the vocabulary words"million" and"medical research". Finally, invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
S1 : Look ! This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.
S2: Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars
S1 : I'd give it to medical research.
Write it on the blackboard.
T: Pretend you are the people in the picture. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you won a million dollars.
Get students to work in pairs. As they work in pairs together, walk around the room offering language support as needed.
After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come to the front of the classroom and act out their conversations.
(Justification: This step can provide an oral practice using the target language for students.)
Step 4 Summary and Homework (5 minutes)
Summary: In this class, we've learned some vocabulary words and the target language"What would you do if you won the lottery I'd give it to medical research".
Homework: If you had a large amount of money, e.g. $100,000, what would you buy Please write down each item and its cost to see how you will spend the full amount. And bring your lists to class tomorrow.
(Justification: Homework can help students consolidate what they have learned in this class and improve their writing abilities.)
Blackboard Design :
Unit 4 What would you do
Section A
The First Period
Target language :
A: Look. This girl won a million dollars in the lottery.
B: Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars
A: I'd give it to medical research.