The police took fingerprints and identified the body.A:discovered B:touched C:recognized D:missed

The police took fingerprints and identified the body.

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The poor police had never __________ of winning.

A. made a chance

B. took a chance

C. stood a chance

D. kept a chance



( )is not accepted by all.

A. America was discovered by Columbus

B. America discovered by Columbus

C. That America was discovered by Columbus

D. With America discovered by Columbus



他们配合警察, 协管周围道路的车辆和行人

A.They will assist the police to supervise the traffic and passengers as well

B.They will help the police to control the traffic and pedestrians as well.

C.They will cooperate with the police in checking the traffic and pedestrians as well.

D.They will obey the police to control the traffic and pedestrians as well.



His stupid remarks ____ a fight.

A、touched down

B、touched on

C、touched off

D、touched up



Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Searching through the files of Chevies owners was impossibly difficult.

B. The suspect lived within a fifteen-mile radius of the suburb.

C. The suspect had received a number of traffic tickets before.

D. It took the police hours to find the suspect.

本题为细节题。根据作者在Ordinarilysearching through the files for owners of elderly Chevies would have been an impossibly difficult task...句中所用的虚拟语气就可肯定A正确。


They have discovered a new medical herb, which they have ________ a large number of patients and found to have great healing power.

A. operated

B. tried on

C. took on

D. tried with



25. The sick boy _________to hospital by the police yesterday. taken

B.was taken

C. takes

D. took

25.B【解析】句意,那个生病的男孩昨天被警察送到了医院。根据yesterday,可排除A和C项;boy和 take是被动关系,故D也被排除.


No sooner had the thief disappeared into a side street ( ).

A. than the police arrived

B. when the police arrived

C. as the police arrived

D. than police arrived



POLICE INVESTIGATING CHILD LURING CASE Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school. It happened on Tuesday afternoon, during the lunch hour. Mary, a student of John Lake School was approached by two men in a black van. She refused and ran away. When she arrived at school, she reported it to the school staff. The schools and the police took it seriously. The schools wrote a letter to parents immediately, informing them of the case and making safety suggestions. Police are looking into the matter. Police responded to the case as soon as they received the report. "It's a matter of public safety," said the police spokesperson. "We want to make sure everybody, including kids, adults and people out and about are safe.So, we take this very seriously." Police were making some safety suggestions for the students. Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school.Kids were encouraged to walk in pairs and walk in the daylight where it's well lit. One of the police officer said, "… Students should try to walk where there are people around, and always let somebody, your family or friends, know where you are going."

1. The two men in the black van ().

A. knew Mary

B. was the school staff

C. probably wanted to lure Mary

2. Mary is probably a() school student.

A. kindergarten(幼儿园)

B. primary

C. middle

3.() too the case seriously.

A. The schools

B. The police

C. Both of the above

4. In order to be safe when going to school, kids should()

A. go to school on their own

B. take self-defense sprayers(自卫喷雾器)

C. not tell anyone where they’re going

5. This case indicated that() should pay attention to the safety problems.

A. the public

B. the parents

C. only school kids

参考答案:1:C; 2:B; 3:C; 4:B; 5:A


The police got to know about the murder because _____.( Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police)

A. the man called the police

B. the man’s friend called the police

C. the police discovered the body of Miss Genovese on the street

D. two women who were at the scene reported the murder

