When countries develop economically,people live longer lives.Development experts have long Delieved this is because having more money expands lifespan,but a massive new study suggests that education

When countries develop economically,people live longer lives.Development experts have long Delieved this is because having more money expands lifespan,but a massive new study suggests that education may play a bigger role.The finding has huge implications for public health spending.Back in 1975,economists plotted rising life expectancies against countries'wealth,and concluded that wealth itself increases longevity.It seemed self-evident:everything people need to be health from food to medical care--costs money But soon it emerged that the data didn't always fit that theory.Economic upturns didn’t always mean longer lives.In addition,for reasons that weren't clear,a given gain in gross domestic product(GDP)caused increasingly higher gains in life expectancy over time,as though it was becoming cheaper to add years of life.Me moreover,in the 1980s researchers found ga ins in literacy were associated with greater increases in life expectancy than gains in wealth were Finally,the more educated people in any country tend to live longer than their less educated compatriots.But such people also tend to be wealthier,so it has been difficult to untangle which factor is increasing lifespan Permanent change Wolfgang Lutz of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Vienna and colleagues have now done that by compiling average data on GDP per person,lifespans,and years of education from 174 countries,dating from 1970 to 2010 They found that,Just as in 1975,wealth correlated with longevity.But the correlation between longevity and years of schooling was closer,with a direct relationship that did not change over time way wealth does When the team put both these factors into the same mathematical model,they found that differences in education closely predicted differences in life expectancy,while changes in wealth barely mattered Lutz argues that because schooling happens many years before a person has attained their life expectancy,this correlation reflects cause:better education drives longer life.It also tends to lead to more wealh,which is why wealth and longevity are also correlated.But what is important,says Lutz,is that wealth does not seem to be driving longevity,as experts thought-in fact,education is driving both of them Lifestyle choices Some medical professionals may not like these findings,"says Lutz,as they suggest schools may be a better health investment than high-tech hospitals.But RudigerKrech at the World Health Organization welcomes the study."It confirms education as a major social determinant of health,"he says-aconcept WHO actively promotes.But if medical health experts welcome the findings,economists are less comfortable Sangheon Lee,at the UN International Labour Organisation in Geneva,Switzerland agrees education affects lifespan but doubts that simple models like Lutz's can fully resolve cause and effect."It's a very difficult econometric problem,"he says,with health,wealth and education all affecting each other But Lutz says that extreme examples are telling.Cuba is dead poor but has a higher life expectancy than the US because it is well educated.Meanwhile in oil-rich but poorly-educated Equatorial Guinea,people rarely reach 60
Why did RudigerKrech support the findings of Wolfgang Lutz?

A.Because it is identical to the notion of Who.
B.Because it is contrary to economists'concept.
C.Because it helps promote people’s longevity
D.Because it can fully revolve the cause and effect
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Education will no longer be meaningful as people have more and more information at their fingertips.()




英语四级:study abroad

Nowadays , more and more students go to foreign countries to study . many people are spare no effort in applying for going abroad .

About this phenomenon , different people have different points . some people agree with it . first of all , studying abroad is the best way to improve our language . if we want to break away from “ mute English ” , it’s a good method to help you . second , by studying abroad we can better to know foreign countries’ culture . going in a country and we can experience different culture’s charm . last but not least , it’s a good opportunity to travel , make friends with different people and broaden your horizon .

But others disagree with it . in the first few months these students will have a language barrier and hard to go in their society . many students can’t make a good programme when their parents aren’t with them , some of them spend their abroad’ time in vain .

As long as I’m concerned , if we have a chance to study abroad ,we should treasure make full use of it . it will make us be wiser . because of the study’s experience , I believe that our life will also be more beautiful and wonderful .


improve our language 后面加上ability吧


Nowadays , more and more students go to foreign countries to study . many people are spare no effort in applying for going abroad .


About this phenomenon , different people have different points . some people agree with it . first of all , studying abroad is the best way to improve our language . if we want to break away from “ mute English ” , it’s a good method to help you . second , by studying abroad we can better to know foreign countries’ culture . going in a country and we can experience different culture’s charm . last but not least , it’s a good opportunity to travel , make friends with different people and broaden your horizon .


But others disagree with it . in the first few months these students will have a language barrier and hard to go in their society . many students can’t make a good programme when their parents aren’t with them , some of them spend their abroad’ time in vain .


As long as I’m concerned , if we have a chance to study abroad ,we should treasure make full use of it . it will make us be wiser . because of the study’s experience , I believe that our life will also be more beautiful and wonderful .


1.many people are spare no effort in applying for going abroad .
spare 应该改成 sparing ,一般进行时。

2.About this phenomenon , different people have different points .
point 改成 standpoint 或许更佳。或者直接把这个句子改成:Standpoints vary from person to person. 感觉更舒服些。

3.second , by studying abroad we can better to know foreign countries’ culture .
better不是个动词,所以不能接在情态动词后。应改成we can know foreign countries’ culture better.

4.going in a country and we can experience different culture’s charm .
好像一般不会说go in a country, 可以说成 go to a country.

5.in the first few months these students will have a language barrier and hard to go in their society .
hard前面要加上be,will be hard to do sth.
另外,go in society 也好别扭,step into the society或join the society应该更舒服。

6.many students can’t make a good programme when their parents aren’t with them .
一般没make a programme这种说法,楼主或许是想表达制定计划吧。那应该用schedule。

7.As long as I’m concerned
没这种说法,应该说成As far as I’m concerned。

8.we should treasure make full use of it
这句话把两个动词谓语叠在一起了,可以分开说成we should treasure it and make full use of it。

9. it will make us be wiser
应该去掉be. 说成make us wiser.


在整体上,我建议楼主在写四级作文的时候可以多用些从句,以及对一些词汇进行适当的润色。比如说最后一句的because of,可以说成owing to或者 as a consequence of之类的。agree with 可以说成 in favor of。

1.many people are spare no effort in applying for going abroad .
spare 应该改成 sparing ,一般进行时。

2.About this phenomenon , different people have different points .
point 改成 standpoint 或许更佳。或者直接把这个句子改成:Standpoints vary from person to person. 感觉更舒服些。

3.second , by studying abroad we can better to know foreign countries’ culture .
better不是个动词,所以不能接在情态动词后。应改成we can know foreign countries’ culture better.

4.going in a country and we can experience different culture’s charm .
好像一般不会说go in a country, 可以说成 go to a country.

5.in the first few months these students will have a language barrier and hard to go in their society .
hard前面要加上be,will be hard to do sth.
另外,go in society 也好别扭,step into the society或join the society应该更舒服。

6.many students can’t make a good programme when their parents aren’t with them .
一般没make a programme这种说法,楼主或许是想表达制定计划吧。那应该用schedule。

7.As long as I’m concerned
没这种说法,应该说成As far as I’m concerned。

8.we should treasure make full use of it
这句话把两个动词谓语叠在一起了,可以分开说成we should treasure it and make full use of it。

9. it will make us be wiser
应该去掉be. 说成make us wiser.


在整体上,我建议楼主在写四级作文的时候可以多用些从句,以及对一些词汇进行适当的润色。比如说最后一句的because of,可以说成owing to或者 as a consequence of之类的。agree with 可以说成 in favor of。



When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York City for one-year stay, they did not bring very many things with them. They had planned either to live in a furnished apartment or to buy used furniture. But they soon learned about a new system that more and more people are using. The renting of home furnishings (bed, tables, dishes, and so on) has become one of America’s fastest growing businesses.

What kinds of people rent tent officials, foreign students, airline workers, young married couples - people whose job or buw homes. Young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike. They prefer to wait until they have enough money to buy furniture they really like. Meanwhile, they find they can rent better quality furniture than they could afford to buy.

One family, who now have a large, beautiful home of their own, liked their rented furniture so much that they decided to keep renting it instead of buying new things. But usually people don’t like to tell others about it. The idea of renting home furnishings is still quite new, and they are not sure what their neighbors might think.

11.Which of the following has become one of America’s fastest growing businesses?

A.Selling home furnishings.

B.Renting furnished apartments.

C.Selling used furniture.

D.Renting home furnishings.

12.Why do some people prefer to rent furniture?

A.Because the furniture they get in this way is new.

B.Because it saves them a lot of money.

C.Because it saves them much trouble and money.

D.Because they can always get better quality furniture in this way.

13.What can you infer from the passage?

A.The idea of renting furniture is not acceptable.

B.Renting furniture is not popular in the couple’s home town.

C.Only those who don’t have enough money to rent furniture.

D.People usually grow to like the furniture they have rented.

14.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A.Rent or Buy?

B.A New Way of Getting Home Furnishings.

C.Furnished Apartments.

D.A New Idea.

15.Young people liked renting home furniture because_________

A.they have less money.

B.they don’t want to buy old furniture.

C.the new furniture is of good quality.

D.they don’t have much money and don’t want to buy the cheap furniture.



Germs(细菌)on Banknotes
People in different countries use different types of money:yuan in China,pesos in Mexico,pounds in the United Kingdom,dollars in the United States,Australia and New Zeal-and. They may use different currencies,but these countries,and probably all countries,still have one thing in______(1):germs on the banknotes.
Scientists have been studying the germs on money for well over 100 years. At the turn of the 20th______(2),some researchers began to suspect that germs living on money could spread disease.
Most studies of germy money have looked at the germs on the currency______(3)one country. In a new study,Frank Vriesekoop and other researchers compared the germ populations found on bills of different______(4).
Vriesekoop is a microbiologist at the University of Ballarat in Australia. He led the stud-y,which compared the germ populations found on money______(5)from 10 nations. The scientists studied 1,280 banknotes in total;all came from places where people buy food,like supermarkets,street vendors and cafes,______(6)those businesses often rely on cash.
Overall,the Australian dollars hosted the fewest live bacteria一no more than 10 per square centimeter. Chinese yuan had the______(7)about 100 per square centimeter. Most of the germs on money probably would not cause harm.
What we call“paper money”_________(8)isn't made from paper. The U. S. dollar,for ex- ample,is printed on fabric that is mostly cotton. Different countries may use different______(9)to print their money. Some of the currencies studied by Vriesekoop and his team,such as the American dollar,were made from cotton. Others were made from polymers.
The three______(10)with the lowest numbers of bacteria were all printed on poly-mers. They included the Australian dollar,the New Zealand dollar and some Mexican pesos.
The______(11)currencies were printed on fabric made mostly of cotton. Fewer germs lived on the polymer notes. This______(12)suggests that germs have a harder time staying alive on polymer surfaces. Scientists need to do more studies to understand______(13)germs live on, mon-ey—and whether or not we need to be concerned. Vriesekoop is now starting a study that will______(14)the amounts of time bacteria can stay alive on different types of bills.
Whatever Vriesekoop finds,the fact remains:Paper money______(15)germs. We should wash our hands after touching it;After all,you never know where your money's been. Or what's living on it.

A: if
B: where
C: how
D: when

前文说了很多不同国家钞票的不同,最后一个转折,肯定是要说相同的地方。in common是固定搭配,意思是相同,共同。故选C项common。
选century最合理,意为20世纪之交。period(A项), year(B项)或decade (D项)都不合逻辑。故选C项century。
本段第二句提供了解答本题的线索。Frank Vriesekoop的研究与以前的科学家的研究不同,他比较了各国钱币上的病菌数量,在他之前的科学家的研究范围局限于一个国家的纸币。四个选项中只有within表达“在(一个国家)里”的意思。故选B项within。
填词所在的句子与前面的主句存在因果关系。为什么要从食品店和食品摊收集纸币呢? 因为这些地方常要用现金支付。所以本题答案是A项because。
本句的句意是我们所说的纸币其实并不是由纸做的。所选的副词来修饰所说,给的四个选项分别是A项“相似地”;B项“简直不”;C项“轻微地”;D项“通常地”。所以选 D项usually合适。
the other+名词表示“其他的……”。其他选项从语法上无法与the搭配。此句意为:其他纸币大部分是印在棉织物上的。所以选D项other。
本句前面两句讲述了细菌在什么样的介质上更容易存活。承接下来的应该是对之前的总结。本句四个选项的含义分别为A项“连接”;B项“参与”;C项“表述”;D项 “估计”。C选项比较合适,填入后句意为:前面的表述说明细菌在聚合物表面不易存活。故选 C项expression。
科学家要研究细菌如何在纸币上存活。所以本句选how。 if(A项), where(B项), when(D项)都与文意不符。故选C项how。
on different types of bills(在不同的纸币上)说明是比较关系,所以本句要选compare“比较”。故选B项compare。
纸币和细菌的关系肯定是纸币携带细菌。“避免”(A项)、“杀死”(B项)和 “选择”(D项)细菌都不正确。所以选C项carries。


Passage Three

It's Christmas again. We live on a dirty street in a shabby house among people who aren't much good. You can't see how pitiful it is that our neighbors have to make happiness out of this filth (污秽) and dirt. My children must get out of this. But how? The money that we've saved isn't nearly enough.

The McGaritys have money, but they are show-offs with it. The McGarity girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of cookies while a group of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts, and when she couldn't eat any more, she threw the rest down the sewer (阴沟).

Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House (教育中心) isn’t rich, but she knows things, she understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. Everyboby else here looks away because they'rs ashamed of their lives. I'd like to see the children be like Miss Jackson when they grow up.

41. The writer suggests that her family______.

A. is extremely rich

B. is an unhappy one

C. live with nice and kind people

D. long for a change in their life

41.答案为D  从第一段最后三句可知作者希望孩子们能离开这里。因此D为最佳答案。


When people in developing countries worry about migration, they are usually concerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valsey or to hospitals and universities in the developed world. These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.

Lots of studies have found that well-education people form. developing counting are particularly likely to emigrants , A big survey of Indian households in 2004found that nearly 40% of emigrants had morn than a high-school education ,compared with around 3.3%of all Indian over the age of 25. This "brain drain" has long bothered policymakers in poor counties .They fear that it hurts their economies, depriving them of much-needed skilled worker who could have taught at their universities, worked in their hospital and come up with clever new product for their factories to make



Passage Four

Students all over the world have to work for their education. A college education in the United States is

expensive. The costs are so high that most families begin to save for their children's education when their children are babies. Even so, many young people cannot afford to pay the expenses of full-time college work. They do not have enough money to pay for school costs. Tuition for attending the university, books for classes, and living expenses are high. There are other expenses such as chemistry and biology lab fees and special student activity fees for such things as parking permits and football tic, kets. The cost of college education increases every year. However, classrooms are still crowded with students. Some American students have scholarships or other support, but many do not.

Students from other countries have money problems to overcome, too. Because students in most international programs need to have a sponsor, they work hard to earn scholarships or special loans. International students understand the value of going to school in another country. They also know that it is difficult. Yet just as Americans choose to attend American universities in spite of the difficulty, however, it is usually possible for students from abroad to work on university campuses to pay for some of the costs of their education. Some people believe that students value their education more if they work for it.

48. Tuition for attending the university in the United States is ______.

A. inexpensive

B. high

C. free from charge

D. costless




The Cost of Higher Education

Individuals (个人) should pay for their higher education.

A university education is of huge and direct benefit to the individual. Graduates earn more than non-graduates. Meanwhile, social mobility is ever more dependent on having a degree. However, only some people have it. So the individual, not the taxpayers, should pay for it. There are pressing calls on the resources (资源) of the government. Using taxpayers' money to help a small number of people to earn high incomes in the future is not one of them.

Full government funding (资助) is not very good for universities. Adam Smith worked in a Scottish university whose teachers lived off student fees. He knew and looked down upon 18th-century Oxford, where the academics lived comfortably off the income received from the government. Guaranteed salaries, Smith argued, were the enemy of hard work; and when the academics were lazy and incompetent, the students were similarly lazy.

If students have to pay for their education, they not only work harder, but also demand more from their teachers. And their teachers have to keep them satisfied. If that means taking teaching seriously, and giving less time to their own research interests, that is surely something to celebrate.

Many people believe that higher education should be free because it is good for the economy (经济). Many graduates clearly do contribute to national wealth, but so do all the businesses that invest (投资) and create jobs. If you believe that the government should pay for higher education because graduates are economically productive, you should also believe that the government should pay part of business costs. Anyone promising to create jobs should receive a gift of capital from the government to invest. Therefore, it is the individual, not the government, who should pay for their university education.

68. The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 2 refers to

A. taxpayers

B. pressing calls

C. college graduates

D. government resources



Passage Three

My husband and children feel very happy to live here. They can't see that we live on a dirty street in a dirty house among people who aren't good. They can't see that our neighbors have to make happiness out of all this dirt. I decided that my children must get out of this. The money that we've saved isn't nearly enough.

The McGaritys have money but they are so proud. They look down upon the poor The McGarity girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of candy while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts; and when she couldn't eat any more she threw the rest down the sewer (下水道). Why? Is it only because they have money? There is more to happiness than money in the world, isn't there?

Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isn't rich, but she knows things. She understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. She can read your mind. I'd like to see the children will be like Miss Jackson when they grow up.

44. This passage suggests that the writer______.

A. is easy to get along with

B. is never pleased with her neighbors

C. is unhappy with the life they are living

D. is good at observing and understanding people




Gross National Happiness

In the last century,new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries.However,one
country resisted these changes.High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia,the kingdom of Bhutan remained
separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan,
however,was a poor country.People died at a young age.Most of its people could not read,and they did not
know much about the outside world.Then,in 1972,a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck de-
cided to help Bhutan to become modern,but without losing its traditions.
King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas.He saw that most countries measured their progress
by their Gross National Product(GNP).The GNP measures products and money. When the number of products
sold increases,people say the country is making progress.King Wangchuck had a different idea for Bhutan.
He wanted to measure his country's progress by people's happiness.If the people's happiness increased,
the king could say that Bhutan was making progress.To decide if people were happier,he created a measure
called Gross National Happiness(GNH).
GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness.People are happier if they have health care,
education,and jobs.They are happier when they live in a healthy,protected environment. They are happier
when they can keep their traditional culture and customs.Finally,people are happier when they have a
good,stable government.
Now there is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan.People are healthier and are living longer.
More people are educated and employed.Twenty-five percent of the land has become national parks,and the
country has almost no pollution. The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their
ancient Buddhist customs.Bhutan has also become a democracy.In 2008,King Wangchuck gave his power
to his son.Although the country still had a king,it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had
political parties and political candidates for the first time.Finally,Bhutan has connected to the rest of the
world through television and internet.
Bhutan is a symbol for social progress.Many countries are now interested in Bhutan's GNH.These
countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness.They want to create new policies that take
care of their people,cultures,and land.
Brazil may be the next country to use the principles of GNH.Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH
as a source of inspiration.Brazil is a large country with a diverse population.If happiness works as a measure
of progress in Brazil,perhaps the rest of the world will follow.

A country shows its progress with GNP by____________.
A:spending more money
B:spending less money
C:providing more jobs
D:selling more products

由文章第一段倒数第一句“a new ruler named King Jigme Wangchuck decided…” 可知,Jigme Singye Wangchuck是一位国王,故选A。
由文章第一段倒数第一句“King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to be- come modem,but without losing its traditions”可知,国王Jigme Singye Wangchuck 决定要使自己 的国家实现现代化外还要保留自己的传统习俗,故选B。
由文章第二段第四句“When the number ofproducts sold increases,peoples say the country is making progress.”可知,对于用GNP(国民生产总值)衡量进步的国家而言,当生产的产品销 售量增加时,这个国家才算是有所进步,故选D。
由文章的第三段内容可知,CNH是以能够产生幸福感的事物衡量的。A、C、D三项的 内容都不包含在这些标准之中,故选C。
由文章倒数第二段的内容可知,许多国家都对不丹王国的国民幸福总值(GNH)很感兴 趣,并在研究各自衡量幸福的标准。这些国家并未采用GNH,也没有通力合作,形成国民幸福 指数的指标;同时也没效仿不丹和巴西的实例,故选D。第二篇 本篇文章列举了人类向大自然的生物学习所发明的实例,从而说明了仿生学在生活中的重 要性。
