Will the Apple launch have an audience of thousands clapping and cheering?Must be a new iPhone or i Watch?The truth may sound dull,but it matters as much as any fancy new product What Apple's boss,Ti

Will the Apple launch have an audience of thousands clapping and cheering?Must be a new iPhone or i Watch?The truth may sound dull,but it matters as much as any fancy new product What Apple's boss,Tim Cook,presented on June 2nd,at the company's annual conference for soft-ware developers in San Francisco,were upgraded operating systems,one for its Mac desktops and laptops and another for its mobile devices,plus a new programming language These,combined with other moves to nurture the Apple"ecosystem",should make its offerings even more attractive to both developers and consumers-and even more formidable to its rivals.alple has long devoted to providing greater convenience and user experience.The new operating sys-tems will do more than improve on the current versions when they are released in the autumn.They will allow devices to work together perfectly

这次苹果发布会能让千万观众欢呼雀跃吗?肯定是一款新的iPhone或i Watch吧?虽然答案或许听来无趣,但它的重要性不亚于任何一款华丽的新产品。6月2号,在三藩市举行的年度软件开发者会议上,苹果总裁蒂姆·库克展示了最新升级的操作系统,其中包括一套台式和笔记本电脑系统,一套移动设备系统,同时还有一套新的编程语言。与其他构建苹果“生态系统”的举措相结合,无论是站在开发者还是消费者的角度看,新一代操作系统都会使其产品变得更有吸引力,甚至会让竞争对手望尘莫及。长期以来,苹果致力于提供更好的便利性与用户体验。新一代操作系统将于秋季发布,这一系统将不仅仅是对当前系统的提升,还会使各种设备配合得天衣无缝。
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


10. I have ________apple. It’s ______ red apple.





10.B【解析】apple读音的第一个音素是元音,red 是辅音。


Apple Inc.on Monday unveiled new controls to help people curb the amount of time they spend on iPhones and iPads,as well as allow parents to remotely track and limit their children's use of those devices-a 1 to growing societal concern that adults and children are too 2on phones The company said a new app it will s 3 in September called"Screen Time"will provide users with weekly reports of the apps they use and allow them to set time limits 4 their use of those apps Parents will be able to use the system to remotely monitor the apps their children use and limit their time On 5 The new 6 played a central role 7 Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference,a 8 of about 6,000 developers who create the apps for the iPhone,iPad and Mac computers.The event is designed to 9 Apple's latest software-including the newest features to further 10 into people's digital lives Those new features include a new Shortcuts app that will 11 the Siri voice command with certain apps-12,Siri could state flight and hotel 13 from the Kayak app with a voice command 14 Apple has offered parental controls for years,analysts say the system 15 allows parents to set limits on their childrens device use--not monitor it 16 a continuing basis.The new“Screen time”feature changes that by giving parents those same17.A new reports will 18 how users spend time with the iPhone,including 19 per hour they look at their phones,when they are using particular apps and what apps are sending the most 20


固定搭配辨析题。该句指出:分析师称该系统只让父母对子女使用设备的情况作出限制,而无法进行持续的监控。[A]on“在…上”,[B]n“在……里”,[C]a“在某地”,[D]for“为了由原文可知此处为固定搭配on a…basis以…为基础,故[A]on为正确选项,其他选项均不构成搭配故排除。


- I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep._________The point is ...

A.Yes, 1 understand that.

B.What' s troubling you exactly?

C.What do you think of the topic?



Eating an apple a day doesn′t keep the doctor away,but it does reduce the amount of trips you?make to the drug store per year.That′s according to a new study that investigates whether there′s?any truth in the old saying.
A team of researchers led by Dr Matthew Davis,of the University of Michigan School of?Nursing,asked 8,399 participants to answer survey questions about diet and health.A total of 753?were apple eaters,consuming at least 149g of raw apple per day.The remaining 7,646 were classed?as non-apple eaters.When both groups answered questions on trips to the doctor and trips to the drug?store per year,the apple eaters were found to be 27%less likely to visit the druggist for drugs.
Trips to the doctor were not significantly affected by apple consumption,though.“Evidence does?not support that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.However,the small number of US adults who?eat an apple a day does appear to use fewer prescription medications,”the study concludes.
Apple eaters were also found to be less likely to smoke and be more likely to have a higher?educational attainment than non-apple eaters.While apples do not compete with oranges,they do?contain some immune(免疫的)system-increasing vitamin
C,which may be why apple-eaters visit?the druggist less.With over 8mg of vitamin C per medium-sized fruit,an apple can provide roughly?14%your daily recommended intake.
Previous studies have also linked apple consumption to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes(二型糖尿病),improved lung function and a lower risk of colon(结肠)cancer.

What is the conclusion of the study?

A.Apple consumption has greatly reduced US adults'trips to the doctor.
B.An apple a day does keep the doctor away.
C.Apples are far more nutritious than oranges.
D.A small number of US adult apple eaters tend to take less medicine.



Eating an apple a day doesn′t keep the doctor away,but it does reduce the amount of trips you?make to the drug store per year.That′s according to a new study that investigates whether there′s?any truth in the old saying.
A team of researchers led by Dr Matthew Davis,of the University of Michigan School of?Nursing,asked 8,399 participants to answer survey questions about diet and health.A total of 753?were apple eaters,consuming at least 149g of raw apple per day.The remaining 7,646 were classed?as non-apple eaters.When both groups answered questions on trips to the doctor and trips to the drug?store per year,the apple eaters were found to be 27%less likely to visit the druggist for drugs.
Trips to the doctor were not significantly affected by apple consumption,though.“Evidence does?not support that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.However,the small number of US adults who?eat an apple a day does appear to use fewer prescription medications,”the study concludes.
Apple eaters were also found to be less likely to smoke and be more likely to have a higher?educational attainment than non-apple eaters.While apples do not compete with oranges,they do?contain some immune(免疫的)system-increasing vitamin
C,which may be why apple-eaters visit?the druggist less.With over 8mg of vitamin C per medium-sized fruit,an apple can provide roughly?14%your daily recommended intake.
Previous studies have also linked apple consumption to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes(二型糖尿病),improved lung function and a lower risk of colon(结肠)cancer.

What can we learn from the passage?

A.Apples are better than oranges.
B.Apples do have some vitamin C to increase the immune system.
C.Apples can help cure certain diseases.
D.Apples can provide people with sufficient daily intake of energy.

【应试指导】由第四段第二句话中的“they do con-tain some immune system-increasing vitamin C”可知,苹果中确实含有能增强免疫系统的维生素C,故选B。


There are four questions,which is not from the discourse teaching?

A.What does the author imply?
B.Should we say“a apple”or“an apple”?
C.What can be inferred from the text?
D.What's the writer's main opinion?






Apple Inc.on Monday unveiled new controls to help people curb the amount of time they spend on iPhones and iPads,as well as allow parents to remotely track and limit their children's use of those devices-a 1 to growing societal concern that adults and children are too 2on phones The company said a new app it will s 3 in September called"Screen Time"will provide users with weekly reports of the apps they use and allow them to set time limits 4 their use of those apps Parents will be able to use the system to remotely monitor the apps their children use and limit their time On 5 The new 6 played a central role 7 Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference,a 8 of about 6,000 developers who create the apps for the iPhone,iPad and Mac computers.The event is designed to 9 Apple's latest software-including the newest features to further 10 into people's digital lives Those new features include a new Shortcuts app that will 11 the Siri voice command with certain apps-12,Siri could state flight and hotel 13 from the Kayak app with a voice command 14 Apple has offered parental controls for years,analysts say the system 15 allows parents to set limits on their childrens device use--not monitor it 16 a continuing basis.The new“Screen time”feature changes that by giving parents those same17.A new reports will 18 how users spend time with the iPhone,including 19 per hour they look at their phones,when they are using particular apps and what apps are sending the most 20

A.how many
B.how long
C.how often
D.how much

特殊疑问词辨析题。选项所在句子指出,包括每小时看手机的频率。[A]how many“多少”,修饰可数名词;[B]how long“多久”;[C]how often“多长时间一次”,表频率;[D]how much“多少”,修饰不可数名词。由题意可知此处强调的是看设备的频率,即多久看一次设备,故[C]how often为正确选项,其他选项均不符合题意,故排除。


Eating an apple a day doesn&39; t keep the doctor away, but it does reduce the amount of trips you make to the drug store per year. That &39; s according to a new study that investigates whether there&39; s any truth in the old saying.

A team of researchers led by Dr Matthew Davis, of the University of Michigan School of Nursing,asked 8,399 participants to answer survey questions about diet and health. A total of 753 were apple eaters, consuming at least 149g of raw apple per day. The remaining 7, 646 were classed as non-apple eaters. When both groups answered questions on trips to the doctor and trips to the drug store per year,the apple eaters were found to be 27% less likely to visit the druggist for drugs.

Trips to the doctor were not significantly affected by apple consumption, though. "Evidence does not support that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. However, the small number of US adults who eat an apple a day does appear to use fewer prescription medications," the study concludes.

Apple eaters were also found to be less likely to smoke and be more likely to have a higher educational attainment than non-apple eaters. While apples do not compete with oranges, they docontain some immune (免疫的) system-increasing vitamin C, which may be why apple-eaters visit the druggist less. With over 8mg of vitamin C per medium-sized fruit, an apple can provide roughly 14% your daily recommended intake.

Previous studies have also linked apple consumption to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes (二型糖尿病) ,improved lung function and a lower risk of colon (结肠) cancer.

44. How many non-apple eaters answered survey questions in the research?





What is the conclusion of the study?A.Apple consumption has greatly reduced US adults' trips to the doctor

B.An apple a day does keep the doctor away

C.Apples are far more nutritious than oranges

D.A small number of US adult apple eaters tend to take less medicine

What can we learn from the passage?A.Apples are better than oranges

B.Apples do have some vitamin C to increase the immune system

C.Apples can help cure certain diseases

D.Apples can provide people with sufficient daily intake of energy

What can be described as the writing style of this passage?A.Objective





问题 1 答案解析:B

【考情点拨】事实细节题。 【应试指导】由第二段前三句可知,总共有8,399人回答了问卷调查的问题;总共有753名吃苹果的人,他们每天至少消耗149克生苹果;剩下的7,646人.被归类为不吃苹果的人,故选B。

问题 2 答案解析:D
【考情点拔】事实细节题。 【应试指导】由第三段最后一句可知,研究结果表明,每天吃一个苹果的少数美国人似乎确实服用较少的处方药,故选D。

问题 3 答案解析:B

问题 4 答案解析:A


Eating an apple a day doesn′t keep the doctor away,but it does reduce the amount of trips you?make to the drug store per year.That′s according to a new study that investigates whether there′s?any truth in the old saying.
A team of researchers led by Dr Matthew Davis,of the University of Michigan School of?Nursing,asked 8,399 participants to answer survey questions about diet and health.A total of 753?were apple eaters,consuming at least 149g of raw apple per day.The remaining 7,646 were classed?as non-apple eaters.When both groups answered questions on trips to the doctor and trips to the drug?store per year,the apple eaters were found to be 27%less likely to visit the druggist for drugs.
Trips to the doctor were not significantly affected by apple consumption,though.“Evidence does?not support that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.However,the small number of US adults who?eat an apple a day does appear to use fewer prescription medications,”the study concludes.
Apple eaters were also found to be less likely to smoke and be more likely to have a higher?educational attainment than non-apple eaters.While apples do not compete with oranges,they do?contain some immune(免疫的)system-increasing vitamin
C,which may be why apple-eaters visit?the druggist less.With over 8mg of vitamin C per medium-sized fruit,an apple can provide roughly?14%your daily recommended intake.
Previous studies have also linked apple consumption to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes(二型糖尿病),improved lung function and a lower risk of colon(结肠)cancer.

How many non-apple eaters answered survey questions in the research?




Eating an apple a day doesn′t keep the doctor away,but it does reduce the amount of trips you?make to the drug store per year.That′s according to a new study that investigates whether there′s?any truth in the old saying.
A team of researchers led by Dr Matthew Davis,of the University of Michigan School of?Nursing,asked 8,399 participants to answer survey questions about diet and health.A total of 753?were apple eaters,consuming at least 149g of raw apple per day.The remaining 7,646 were classed?as non-apple eaters.When both groups answered questions on trips to the doctor and trips to the drug?store per year,the apple eaters were found to be 27%less likely to visit the druggist for drugs.
Trips to the doctor were not significantly affected by apple consumption,though.“Evidence does?not support that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.However,the small number of US adults who?eat an apple a day does appear to use fewer prescription medications,”the study concludes.
Apple eaters were also found to be less likely to smoke and be more likely to have a higher?educational attainment than non-apple eaters.While apples do not compete with oranges,they do?contain some immune(免疫的)system-increasing vitamin
C,which may be why apple-eaters visit?the druggist less.With over 8mg of vitamin C per medium-sized fruit,an apple can provide roughly?14%your daily recommended intake.
Previous studies have also linked apple consumption to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes(二型糖尿病),improved lung function and a lower risk of colon(结肠)cancer.

What can be described as the writing style of this passage?


