With a sense of crisis mounting and the EU unable to respond, countries will be increasingly inclined

With a sense of crisis mounting and the EU unable to respond, countries will be increasingly inclined
to act unilaterally or even---in the case of Britain--leave the bloc altogether.
The refugee crisis is already threatening cherished ideas about open borders. In the past couple of days, Germany has reimposed frontier controls with Austria---which, in turn, has imposed controls at its border with Hungary, which itself is working feverishly to complete a barbed-wire
fence to protect its frontier with non-EU Serbia. Controls have been tightened on the French-Italian borders, while migrants camp miserably in Calais, hoping to cross to England.
If the EU somehow gets a grip on the migrant crisis, these measures might be no more than temporary expedients. But if the pressure of would-be refugees heading for Europe remain intense, then temporary measures could harden into permanent controls.
Questions marks over open borders will easily shade into wider issues about access to welfare systems and labor markets. That is because EU countries are realizing that—in a border-free single market—a unilateral change of asylum rules
by Germany had implications for the immigration policies of all member states. Once migrants get citizenship in one EU country, they have the right to move to any other, to work there and to claim benefits. But if free movement of people and labor come into question, so does the EU`s single market—its central achievement.
The refugee issue has for the moment, overshadowed the euro. But the problems of the single currency have not gone away. On the contrary, Greece's decision this summer to knuckle
under and accept yet another austerity package has made the Eurozone look increasingly like a trap.
Even Greece, which is profoundly unhappy with life in the Eurozone, cannot risk leaving for fear of provoking a financial and economic crisis. Creditor countries such as Germany and the Netherlands are not much happier, as they fear they are being dragged into a system of permanent fiscal transfers towards the nations of Europe. Meanwhile, efforts to make the euro work better,
by pressing ahead with a banking union, are stuck in Brussels. This does not look like a sustainable situation and the risk of euro break-up will surely return.
The refugee and euro crisis bear on whether Britain will vote to stay in the EU, when it holds a referendum in 2016 or 2017. Until recently, the opinion polls looked promising for the pro-EU camp. But the migrant crisis plays directly into the most potent issue deployed by those campaigning for Britain to leave-which is that membership of
the EU means that the UK cannot control immigration. More broadly, the British are less likely to stay inside an organization that seems to be failing. If they vote to leave, the sense of crisis
within the EU would then mount--raising the possibility of further defections.
A partial unravelling and marginalization of the EU still looks more likely than a full-scale collapse. But even if an organization called the European Union continues to exist--- running buildings and paying salaries---it risks becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Which one of the following statements is true?

A. Greece did not want to take austerity measures but they have no choice.
B. Border controls imposed by some countries will be permanent.
C. If a migrant is given citizenship by Italian government, he can move freely to Germany or Serbia.
D. Euro, as the single currency of EU, is unscathed with the crisis.
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


What is TRUE about the Irish Republic's economy?

A.It was the most successful among the EU countries.

B.It has increased 8% in the last five years.

C.The unemployment rate has reached its lowest level for 5 years.

D.The commodity prices have decreased greatly in the country.



The French proposal of handling the crisis implies that______.

A.poor countries are more likely to get funds

B.strict monetary policy will be applied to poor countries

C.loans will be readily available to rich countries

D.rich countries will basically control Eurobonds



In most EU countries, the employment regulations are ______ and the labor force itself is often resistant to change.

(A) intense

(B) restrictive

(C) instructive

(D) restrict



Passage 3
For the first time in decades, some of the fundamental achievements and tenets of the EU are under threat. These include the single currency, open borders, free movement of labor and the notion that membership is forever.
Rather than rising to these challenges, the EU is creaking under the strain. Its 28 members are arguing bitterly and seem incapable of framing effective responses to their common problems.
These arguments are also taking place against an
ominous backdrop. Large parts of the EU remain sunk in a semi-depression with high unemployment and unsustainable public finances. The problems of an imploding Middle East are crowding in on Europe, in the form of hundreds of thousands of refugees. And the political fringes are on the rise---with the latest evidence being the election of a far-left Eurosceptic candidates to lead Britain`s Labor party.
With a sense of crisis mounting and the EU unable to respond, countries will be increasingly inclined
to act unilaterally or even---in the case of Britain--leave the bloc altogether.
The refugee crisis is already threatening cherished ideas about open borders. In the past couple of days, Germany has reimposed frontier controls with Austria---which, in turn, has imposed controls at its border with Hungary, which itself is working feverishly to complete a barbed-wire
fence to protect its frontier with non-EU Serbia. Controls have been tightened on the French-Italian borders, while migrants camp miserably in Calais, hoping to cross to England.
If the EU somehow gets a grip on the migrant crisis, these measures might be no more than temporary expedients. But if the pressure of would-be refugees heading for Europe remain intense, then temporary measures could harden into permanent controls.
Questions marks over open borders will easily shade into wider issues about access to welfare systems and labor markets. That is because EU countries are realizing that—in a border-free single market—a unilateral change of asylum rules
by Germany had implications for the immigration policies of all member states. Once migrants get citizenship in one EU country, they have the right to move to any other, to work there and to claim benefits. But if free movement of people and labor come into question, so does the EU`s single market—its central achievement.
The refugee issue has for the moment, overshadowed the euro. But the problems of the single currency have not gone away. On the contrary, Greece's decision this summer to knuckle
under and accept yet another austerity package has made the Eurozone look increasingly like a trap.
Even Greece, which is profoundly unhappy with life in the Eurozone, cannot risk leaving for fear of provoking a financial and economic crisis. Creditor countries such as Germany and the Netherlands are not much happier, as they fear they are being dragged into a system of permanent fiscal transfers towards the nations of Europe. Meanwhile, efforts to make the euro work better,
by pressing ahead with a banking union, are stuck in Brussels. This does not look like a sustainable situation and the risk of euro break-up will surely return.
The refugee and euro crisis bear on whether Britain will vote to stay in the EU, when it holds a referendum in 2016 or 2017. Until recently, the opinion polls looked promising for the pro-EU camp. But the migrant crisis plays directly into the most potent issue deployed by those campaigning for Britain to leave-which is that membership of
the EU means that the UK cannot control immigration. More broadly, the British are less likely to stay inside an organization that seems to be failing. If they vote to leave, the sense of crisis
within the EU would then mount--raising the possibility of further defections.
A partial unravelling and marginalization of the EU still looks more likely than a full-scale collapse. But even if an organization called the European Union continues to exist--- running buildings and paying salaries---it risks becoming increasingly irrelevant.

What is the best title for this passage?

A. The impact of Refugee Crisis in EU.
B. The Crisis that Threaten to Unravel the EU
C. UK, to Leave or to Stay
D. EU Sees the Light at the End of the Tunnel.



Which of the following statements is TRUE about mounting a file system?()

A.A file system cannot be mounted on a directory containing data.

B.Mounting a file system on a mount point containing data will delete the data.

C.Mounting a file system on a amount point containing data will make the data temporarily inaccessible.

D.A systems administrator must manually create an empty directory prior to mounting an AIX JFS.



The EU is faced with so many problems that______.

A.it has more or less lost faith in markets

B.even its supporters begin to feel concerned

C.some of its member countries plan to abandon euro

D.it intends to deny the possibility of devaluation

解析:细节题。很多考生做错了该题,因为定位出现了偏差。题干中的many problem定位在第二段的第一句,对应those chronic problems。然后作者开始提出acute crisis,因此答案指向第一段。同时,第一段最后提到了"Bermuda triangle" of debt, population decline and lower growth,债务、人口下降和低增长指的就是问题,而且句首的even对应题干的so...that...句型。


These countries have been seriously disadvantaged by the ________ crisis.





解析:本题考查以名词 finance 为词根的形容词的用法。从空格之前的冠词 the 及之后的名词 crisis 来看,空格处应该是形容词,所以用 financial(“财政的”)。其他三个选项分别是:finance-名词(“财政”);financed- finance还可以作动词,这是动词的过去分词形式(“被提供经费”);financially-副词(“财政地”)。句意:“这些国家由于金融危机而遭受严重损失。”


听力原文: Now European finance ministers are expected to reprimand the Irish government today after they meet in Brussels. They've been alarmed by December's budget in the Irish Republic which cut taxes and increased government spending. The other European countries fear this will stoke up inflation and undermine the stability of the Euro, the single currency.

Finance ministers from the European Unions 15 states are holding their regular monthly meeting in Brussels. They've been given the tricky task of handing out some public criticism to the government of the country with the most successful economy, the Irish Republic. In the last five years Ireland has boomed growing by an average eight percent a year, unemployment has reached its lowest level for 20 years and commodity prices in Dublin became more expensive than in London.

Why do other European countries criticize Ireland?

A.They worry that the Irish Republic's budget plan will undermine the stability of European Unions.

B.EU countries fear that Irish Republic's finance plan will cause inflation.

C.Other countries will have to cut taxes.

D.Other EU countries must increase government spending, too.



According to the text, what is beyond man\'s ability now is to design a robot that can

A fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery.

B interact with human beings verbally.

C have a little common sense.

D respond independently to a changing world.



With a sense of crisis mounting and the EU unable to respond, countries will be increasingly inclined
to act unilaterally or even---in the case of Britain--leave the bloc altogether.
The refugee crisis is already threatening cherished ideas about open borders. In the past couple of days, Germany has reimposed frontier controls with Austria---which, in turn, has imposed controls at its border with Hungary, which itself is working feverishly to complete a barbed-wire
fence to protect its frontier with non-EU Serbia. Controls have been tightened on the French-Italian borders, while migrants camp miserably in Calais, hoping to cross to England.
If the EU somehow gets a grip on the migrant crisis, these measures might be no more than temporary expedients. But if the pressure of would-be refugees heading for Europe remain intense, then temporary measures could harden into permanent controls.
Questions marks over open borders will easily shade into wider issues about access to welfare systems and labor markets. That is because EU countries are realizing that—in a border-free single market—a unilateral change of asylum rules
by Germany had implications for the immigration policies of all member states. Once migrants get citizenship in one EU country, they have the right to move to any other, to work there and to claim benefits. But if free movement of people and labor come into question, so does the EU`s single market—its central achievement.
The refugee issue has for the moment, overshadowed the euro. But the problems of the single currency have not gone away. On the contrary, Greece's decision this summer to knuckle
under and accept yet another austerity package has made the Eurozone look increasingly like a trap.
Even Greece, which is profoundly unhappy with life in the Eurozone, cannot risk leaving for fear of provoking a financial and economic crisis. Creditor countries such as Germany and the Netherlands are not much happier, as they fear they are being dragged into a system of permanent fiscal transfers towards the nations of Europe. Meanwhile, efforts to make the euro work better,
by pressing ahead with a banking union, are stuck in Brussels. This does not look like a sustainable situation and the risk of euro break-up will surely return.
The refugee and euro crisis bear on whether Britain will vote to stay in the EU, when it holds a referendum in 2016 or 2017. Until recently, the opinion polls looked promising for the pro-EU camp. But the migrant crisis plays directly into the most potent issue deployed by those campaigning for Britain to leave-which is that membership of
the EU means that the UK cannot control immigration. More broadly, the British are less likely to stay inside an organization that seems to be failing. If they vote to leave, the sense of crisis
within the EU would then mount--raising the possibility of further defections.
A partial unravelling and marginalization of the EU still looks more likely than a full-scale collapse. But even if an organization called the European Union continues to exist--- running buildings and paying salaries---it risks becoming increasingly irrelevant.

If the Britain's Labor Party is led by a far-left Eurosceptic candidate, what would most likely happen?

A. He would choose to stay in the EU.
B. He would work with other members of EU to respond to the problems EU faces.
C. He would open borders to offer asylum to refugees.
D. He would probably hasten the exit of UK from EU.

据题干中的Labor Party 和far-left eurosceptic 定位到文章第三段最后一句话,又根据第四段,由于感到危机愈演愈烈而欧盟无力应对,各成员国愈来愈倾向于采取单边行动,甚至彻底脱离欧盟。可知这样一位工党领袖会加速英国脱欧。选D。
