资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least since the eighth century. Traditionally it was a preservative, but it also imparts flavor. To some, the taste is bitter and unpalatable, and th

资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least since the eighth century. Traditionally it was a preservative, but it also imparts flavor. To some, the taste is bitter and unpalatable, and thus many brewers use only minimal amounts. But, depending on variety, growing conditions, and other factors, hops can impart a range of flavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes. Starting in the nineteen-seventies, small brewers on the West Coast began dramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews. One of their most popular products was the India pale ale, or L.P.A., a brew that has been around since the late eighteenth century. The story goes that necessity drove the British to add large quantities of hops in order to preserve the beer they shipped to India, to quench the thirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there.
Over the past decade, varieties once thought of as boutique beers, such as L.P.A.s, have exploded in the United States, thanks to the locavore movement. Craft brewing is now doubling in sales, by volume, every five years, today, craft-beer make up twenty-one percent of the beer market, and twelve percent of the volume. The Brewers Association, a craft-brewing trade group, expects craft beers to have a fifty-per-cent market share in a decade. Since craft brewers use about ten times more hops than megabrewers, the trend has been a bonanza for Hopsteiner and the other big hops companies. But while an emphasis on brewers to come up with new beer, which, in turn, leads to a hunt for new hops varieties.

Why did traditional brewers use hop flower even if its taste is bitter and unpalatable?

A.Because connoisseurs said its flavor rivals that of wine grapes.
B.Because there were different varieties.
C.Because it helped preserve beer.
D.Because only some people didn’t like the taste.
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because each has a delicious taste and good for health. Since 82. ___________

the restaurant in China usually serves special dish of different 


By saying “Stratford cries poor traditionally” (Line 2-3, Paragraph 4), the author implies that ________.

[A] Stratford cannot afford the expansion projects

[B] Stratford has long been in financial difficulties

[C] the town is not really short of money

[D] the townsfolk used to be poorly paid



Wood has been used to make paper since the 19th __________(世纪).

71. century


His mother ______ the Party since 1978.


B、has joined

C、was in

D、has been in



Tom () since he lost his job three weeks ago.

A、has employed

B、was unemployed

C、had been unemployed

D、has been unemployed



His sister left home in 1998, and _______since.

A. has not been heard of B. has not been heard of

C. had not heard of D. has not heard of



Passage One

Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles away from the coast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia.

The city is the market centre for what is produced by the land around the city. Most of the city's money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories.

Valencia has an old part with white buildings, coloured roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens. It has many old churches and museums. The University in the centre of the city was built in the 13(上标)th century.

The city of valencia has been known since the 2(上标)nd century. In the 8(上标)th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venzuela(委内瑞拉)named Valencia.

36. The main income of the city of Valencia is from its______.

A. markets

B. business

C. factories

D. farming

36.答案为D  此题为细节题。问题提出瓦伦西亚市的主要收入是什么?从第二段的第二句Most of the city's money is made from farming可以得出答案是D(农业)


Lead __ as a material for sculptures since the time of the early Greeks.

A.has been used

B.being used

C.has used




Some type of instrument ()has been known to painters since the early Stone Age.

A、for applying paint

B、applying paint

C、is for applying paint

D、for applying paint, it



Racial discrimination has still___________ in some parts of the U.S.A. since itafter the Civil War.

A.been existed; has been done away
B.existed; has been done away with
C.been existed; has been done away with
D.existed; was done away with

第一个空,exist“存在”,不能用被动语态,排除A,C;第二个空,时间状语afterthe CivilWar与一般过去时连用,又是被动语态,排除B,只能选D。句子意思:虽然自从美国内战之后被取缔,但是种族歧视至今还在美国一些地方存在着。
