The governing board of school district is responsible for()

The governing board of school district is responsible for()

Athe hiring of teachers and staff

Bthe designing of a suitable curriculum

Cthe compiling and approving of budget

DAll of the above

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根据下面材料,回答第 21~25 题:

Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents, but in recent years it has been particularly scorned. School districts across the country, most recently Los Angeles Unified, are revising their thinking on his educational ritual. Unfortunately, L.A. Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses, homework may no longer count for more than 10% of a student’s academic grade.

This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. But the policy is unclear and contradictory. Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot do without expensive equipment. But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives, it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.

District administrators say that homework will still be a pat of schooling: teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want. But with homework counting for no more than 10% of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see vey little difference on their report cards. Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework, but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework? It is quite possible that the homework helped. Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule.

At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. Conversely, if homework does nothing to ensure that the homework students are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.

The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board, which is responsible for setting educational policy, looks into the matter and conducts public hearings. It is not too late for L.A. Unified to do homework right.

第 21 题 It is implied in paragraph 1 that nowadays homework_____.

[A] is receiving more criticism

[B]is no longer an educational ritual

[C]is not required for advanced courses

[D]is gaining more preferences




Bullying at school can have serious and harmful negative effects.Because it causes such a problem for many schools,it is important that schools take the appropriate action to minimize its harmful effects.
One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing. Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying, such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should have known about. Administrators should also survey the school's teachers to find out what they know about bullying.
Another step that a school administration can take to prevent bullying is to train its teachers, administrators and students' parents about bullying. Hold seminars in your school district to teach parents about ways to communicate with their children if they are bullied at school.Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district.Create newsletters for parents about detail strategies your school is taking to combat bullying or discuss new research on bullying in schools.
Last but not least school administrators,teachers and school board members should work together to create a disciplinary plan to use when situations of bullying arise.Make teachers work together in groups to discuss the strategies that they use for dealing with bullying in their individual classrooms.Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.Having a disciplinary system in place can help prevent bullying before it even begins.

What is one of the most influential steps schools can take against bullying?
A:To keep the bullied students at home.
B:To teach students the types of bullying.
C:To research and understand types of bullying students face.
D:To work with parents in order to better protect students.

本题是细节考查题。原文是:" One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying,such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should know about".
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.“


_________is a great pity that there are some disagreements in the school board meeting.

A. That

B. This

C. It

D. There



When Francis Pearman was studying at Vanderbilt,he and a fellow graduate student noticed a striking phenomenon in Nashville White,affluent families were moving into low-income neighborhoods without sending their children to the neighborhood schools We were really curious to see what that relationship looked like at the national level,said Pearman,now a professor at the University of Pitts burgh When he and that student,Walker Swain,looked at national data,a pattern emerged.The ability to opt out of the neighborhood school increased the likelihood that a mostly black or Hispanic neighbor hood would see an influx of wealthier residents."As school choice expands,the likelihood that low-in-come communities of color experience gentrification increases.”Pearman said To choice advocates,this separation of avilable school options from segregated housing systems is a key feature To critics like Shedd,it raises tough questions about whether those newcomers help or harm a community.What is a neighborhood without a school?she asks."What is a school without a neighborhood?”Pearman and Swain's national study,published in the peer-reviewed journal Sociology of Education,looked at four different types of school-choice programs:magnet schools,charter schools,private school vouchers,and open enrollment across school districts When school choices are limited,poor communities with more white people are the ones more likely to gentrify.When there are more school-choice options,though,it's the neighborhoods with more people of color that are most likely to gentrify.The effects were substantial A predominantly non-white neighborhoods chance of gentrification more than doubles,jumping from 18 percent to 40 percent when magnet and charter schools are available.The study found no impact of the open-enrollment initiatives that allow students to cross school-district lines to attend school.Voucher programs,perhaps the most divisive of the school-choice options,had mixed effects The researchers note that they didn’t examine gentrifiers'aversion to neighborhood schools,which could be based on accurate perceptions of school quality or misguided,racially biased assumptions The Charlotte study examines a similar phenomenon in one district in the early 2000s.Rules under the federal No child left behind law meant that that when schools failed to meet certain progress bench marks two years in a row,students in the schools attendance zone received priority to attend other popular schools in the district.This made those areas attractive to families looking to get into favored schools and therefore primed for gentrification The researchers--Stephen Billings,Eric Brunner,and Stephen Ross-found that the policy led to increases in housing prices and meant homes were bought by higher-income families,compared to near Dy areas where schools were not deemed failing The same school-choice programs that maintain or exacerbate school segregation can encourage residential integration.That could be a real positive,as there is evidence that growing up in high-poverty neighborhoods can hurt kids.But what do these changes mean for existing schools,students,and residents?Neither paper offers answers to how the newcomers affect those communities
Shedd views the phenomenon that the white wealthy families move to the colored community with

A.complete agreement
B.strong opposition
C.mild indignation
D.some uncertainty




Bullying at school can have serious and harmful negative effects.Because it causes such a problem for many schools,it is important that schools take the appropriate action to minimize its harmful effects.
One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing. Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying, such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should have known about. Administrators should also survey the school's teachers to find out what they know about bullying.
Another step that a school administration can take to prevent bullying is to train its teachers, administrators and students' parents about bullying. Hold seminars in your school district to teach parents about ways to communicate with their children if they are bullied at school.Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district.Create newsletters for parents about detail strategies your school is taking to combat bullying or discuss new research on bullying in schools.
Last but not least school administrators,teachers and school board members should work together to create a disciplinary plan to use when situations of bullying arise.Make teachers work together in groups to discuss the strategies that they use for dealing with bullying in their individual classrooms.Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.Having a disciplinary system in place can help prevent bullying before it even begins.

Why is the disciplinary plan important when bullying arises?
A:Because students will face consequences if they bully others.
B:Because school rules aren't complete without it.
C:Because school bullying can hardly be prevented.
D:Because students will follow the plan.

本题是细节考查题。原文是:" One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying,such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should know about".
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.“



Bullying at school can have serious and harmful negative effects.Because it causes such a problem for many schools,it is important that schools take the appropriate action to minimize its harmful effects.
One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing. Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying, such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should have known about. Administrators should also survey the school's teachers to find out what they know about bullying.
Another step that a school administration can take to prevent bullying is to train its teachers, administrators and students' parents about bullying. Hold seminars in your school district to teach parents about ways to communicate with their children if they are bullied at school.Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district.Create newsletters for parents about detail strategies your school is taking to combat bullying or discuss new research on bullying in schools.
Last but not least school administrators,teachers and school board members should work together to create a disciplinary plan to use when situations of bullying arise.Make teachers work together in groups to discuss the strategies that they use for dealing with bullying in their individual classrooms.Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.Having a disciplinary system in place can help prevent bullying before it even begins.

Which title is appropriate for the essay?
A:Bullied Students.
B:What Parents Need to Know About School Bullying.
C:Peer Pressure.
D:Strategies Against School Bullying.

本题是细节考查题。原文是:" One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying,such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should know about".
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.“



Bullying at school can have serious and harmful negative effects.Because it causes such a problem for many schools,it is important that schools take the appropriate action to minimize its harmful effects.
One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing. Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying, such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should have known about. Administrators should also survey the school's teachers to find out what they know about bullying.
Another step that a school administration can take to prevent bullying is to train its teachers, administrators and students' parents about bullying. Hold seminars in your school district to teach parents about ways to communicate with their children if they are bullied at school.Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district.Create newsletters for parents about detail strategies your school is taking to combat bullying or discuss new research on bullying in schools.
Last but not least school administrators,teachers and school board members should work together to create a disciplinary plan to use when situations of bullying arise.Make teachers work together in groups to discuss the strategies that they use for dealing with bullying in their individual classrooms.Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.Having a disciplinary system in place can help prevent bullying before it even begins.

About training parents,teachers and administrators about bullying,which of the following statements is NOT true?
A:Seminars should be held to teach parents how to communicate with bullied children.
B:Workshops set up by teachers can recognize signs of bullying at school.
C:Newsletters should be used to inform parents of school's strategies against bullying.
D:Newsletters can be used to discuss research on school bullying.

本题是细节考查题。原文是:" One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying,such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should know about".
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district."
本题是细节考查题。原文是:" Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.“


Ship security officer is __________.

A.the guard posted on the vessel

B.a person responsible for implementation of international ship and port security code on board ship

C.the master of the vessel

D.All the above



When Francis Pearman was studying at Vanderbilt,he and a fellow graduate student noticed a striking phenomenon in Nashville White,affluent families were moving into low-income neighborhoods without sending their children to the neighborhood schools We were really curious to see what that relationship looked like at the national level,said Pearman,now a professor at the University of Pitts burgh When he and that student,Walker Swain,looked at national data,a pattern emerged.The ability to opt out of the neighborhood school increased the likelihood that a mostly black or Hispanic neighbor hood would see an influx of wealthier residents."As school choice expands,the likelihood that low-in-come communities of color experience gentrification increases.”Pearman said To choice advocates,this separation of avilable school options from segregated housing systems is a key feature To critics like Shedd,it raises tough questions about whether those newcomers help or harm a community.What is a neighborhood without a school?she asks."What is a school without a neighborhood?”Pearman and Swain's national study,published in the peer-reviewed journal Sociology of Education,looked at four different types of school-choice programs:magnet schools,charter schools,private school vouchers,and open enrollment across school districts When school choices are limited,poor communities with more white people are the ones more likely to gentrify.When there are more school-choice options,though,it's the neighborhoods with more people of color that are most likely to gentrify.The effects were substantial A predominantly non-white neighborhoods chance of gentrification more than doubles,jumping from 18 percent to 40 percent when magnet and charter schools are available.The study found no impact of the open-enrollment initiatives that allow students to cross school-district lines to attend school.Voucher programs,perhaps the most divisive of the school-choice options,had mixed effects The researchers note that they didn’t examine gentrifiers'aversion to neighborhood schools,which could be based on accurate perceptions of school quality or misguided,racially biased assumptions The Charlotte study examines a similar phenomenon in one district in the early 2000s.Rules under the federal No child left behind law meant that that when schools failed to meet certain progress bench marks two years in a row,students in the schools attendance zone received priority to attend other popular schools in the district.This made those areas attractive to families looking to get into favored schools and therefore primed for gentrification The researchers--Stephen Billings,Eric Brunner,and Stephen Ross-found that the policy led to increases in housing prices and meant homes were bought by higher-income families,compared to near Dy areas where schools were not deemed failing The same school-choice programs that maintain or exacerbate school segregation can encourage residential integration.That could be a real positive,as there is evidence that growing up in high-poverty neighborhoods can hurt kids.But what do these changes mean for existing schools,students,and residents?Neither paper offers answers to how the newcomers affect those communities
The expansion of school choices may result in

A.the rise of the housing price in the low-income communities
B.higher possibility of gentrification in the low-income communities
C.the vanishing of the racial discrimination in the colored communities
D.the cultural integration between the white and the colored

细节题。根据题干关键词the expansion of school choices可以定位到第二段。第二段最后一句提到弗朗西斯·皮尔曼认为“随着择校面扩展,低收入有色人种社区中产阶级化的可能性也在增加。”


When Francis Pearman was studying at Vanderbilt,he and a fellow graduate student noticed a striking phenomenon in Nashville White,affluent families were moving into low-income neighborhoods without sending their children to the neighborhood schools We were really curious to see what that relationship looked like at the national level,said Pearman,now a professor at the University of Pitts burgh When he and that student,Walker Swain,looked at national data,a pattern emerged.The ability to opt out of the neighborhood school increased the likelihood that a mostly black or Hispanic neighbor hood would see an influx of wealthier residents."As school choice expands,the likelihood that low-in-come communities of color experience gentrification increases.”Pearman said To choice advocates,this separation of avilable school options from segregated housing systems is a key feature To critics like Shedd,it raises tough questions about whether those newcomers help or harm a community.What is a neighborhood without a school?she asks."What is a school without a neighborhood?”Pearman and Swain's national study,published in the peer-reviewed journal Sociology of Education,looked at four different types of school-choice programs:magnet schools,charter schools,private school vouchers,and open enrollment across school districts When school choices are limited,poor communities with more white people are the ones more likely to gentrify.When there are more school-choice options,though,it's the neighborhoods with more people of color that are most likely to gentrify.The effects were substantial A predominantly non-white neighborhoods chance of gentrification more than doubles,jumping from 18 percent to 40 percent when magnet and charter schools are available.The study found no impact of the open-enrollment initiatives that allow students to cross school-district lines to attend school.Voucher programs,perhaps the most divisive of the school-choice options,had mixed effects The researchers note that they didn’t examine gentrifiers'aversion to neighborhood schools,which could be based on accurate perceptions of school quality or misguided,racially biased assumptions The Charlotte study examines a similar phenomenon in one district in the early 2000s.Rules under the federal No child left behind law meant that that when schools failed to meet certain progress bench marks two years in a row,students in the schools attendance zone received priority to attend other popular schools in the district.This made those areas attractive to families looking to get into favored schools and therefore primed for gentrification The researchers--Stephen Billings,Eric Brunner,and Stephen Ross-found that the policy led to increases in housing prices and meant homes were bought by higher-income families,compared to near Dy areas where schools were not deemed failing The same school-choice programs that maintain or exacerbate school segregation can encourage residential integration.That could be a real positive,as there is evidence that growing up in high-poverty neighborhoods can hurt kids.But what do these changes mean for existing schools,students,and residents?Neither paper offers answers to how the newcomers affect those communities
Which of the following can be the most appropriate title of the passage?

A.Affluent White Families moved to Low-income Communities
B.More School Choices Resulted in Less Racial Discrimination
C.School Choice May be Likely to Accelerate Gentrification
D.School-choice Program Promotes Residential Integration

