
Waiter: Hello, sir. ?

Customer: Could you give us a second, please?

Waiter: Sure.

A. Are you ready to order

B. How can I help you

C. Ready to take my order

D. Can I do you a favor




第42题:________ you decide to take up you should try to make it a success.A) Whatever

B) Unless

C) Whenever

D) If only



Liu Hui and Bai Mei are discussing who will be a safer driver after a party.

BAI MEI: Are you ready to take a___1__ in my new sports car

LIU HUI: Yes, but you have been___2__ beer, so you'd better let me drive.

BAI MEI: OK, I guess I will trust you. You seem to know what you are talking about. You sure do know the law.

LIU HUI: Get in the car. Don't forget to put on your seat belt.

BAI MEI: Do I have to It is a hassle.

LIU HUI: Seat belts save __3___, and it is the law. There can be no exceptions. It is better to be safe than sorry.

BAI MEI: I agree. When you are around, I just feel ___4__. You are a real gentleman.

LIU HUI: I am glad to hear that. Now, my beautiful passenger, where shall I drive you To a romantic forest A beautiful mountain Or just to my house for wine and dancing

BAI MEI: I just need you to drive me__5___ to my house. Thanks!

LIU HUI: Sometimes it is hard to be a gentleman.

参考答案:1:ride; 2:drinking; 3:lives; 4:safer; 5:safely

Seat belts save lives. ().

A. I won't put on my seat belt.

B. I will put on my seat belt.

C. It's true. I agree.


—Do you mind My taking this seat?—______

A、Yes, sit

B、No, of couse

C、Yes, take it please.

D、No, you


最新国家开放大学电大人文英语1形考任务六试题及答案一、选择填空题目1一Seat belts save lives.选择一项:C. Its true. I agree.题目2一Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car?选择一项:B. Id love to.题目3The police asked the driver tothe car to have an alcohol test.选择一项:A. pull over题目4Johnthree bottles of beer just now, so he cant drive himself home now.选择一项:B. did drink题目5Ybu!d betterthe car because you are drunk.选择一项:A. let me drive题目6二、听录首,完成对话(每空10分)Liu Hui and Bai Mei are discussing who will be a safer driver after a party.Bai Mei: Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car?Liu Hui: Yes, but you have been drinking beer, so you!d better let me drive.Bai Mei: OK, I guess I will trust you. Ybu seem to know what you are talking about. Ybu sure do know the law.Liu Hui: Get in the car. Dont forget to put on your seat belt.Bai Mei: Do I have to? It is a hassle.Liu Hui: Seat belts save lives, and it is the law. There can be no exceptions. It is betta- to be safe than sorryBai Mei: I agree. When you are around, I just feel safer. Ybu are a real gentleman.Liu Hui: I am glad to hear that Now, my beautiful passenger, where shall I drive you? To a romantic forest? A beautiful mountain? Or just to my house for wine and dancing?Bai Mei: I just need you to drive me safely to my house. Thanks!Liu Hui: Sometimes it is hard to be a gentleman.一、选择填空题目1一Though I have been drinking, I can drive home safely.No, I will be the driver.选择一项:A. When you drink, you cant drive.题目2Why did you stop my car, police officer?一You just ran a red light.选择一项:A. Your drivers license please.题目3The couple wasthat they could not drive home.选择一项:A. so drunk题目4Thedriver was seriously hurt in the traffic accident.选择一项:B. 40-year-old题目5Thewere shocked to see the workers pulling the car along the street选择一项:C. passers-bys题目6二、阅读理解:完形填空题(每空10分)操作提示:通过题目中的下拉选项框选择恰当的词语补全填空。Drunk driving(醉驾)has become a serious problem in China. According to the Ministry of Public Security(公安 部),the police caught more than half a million drunk drivers in 2010. On the night of May 9, 2011, musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing because he drank too much B. He was Aunder China1 s new drunk driving law that came into use on May 1, 2011.The new law sees drunk driving as a B.In the west, drunk driving is also a crime. In the US, fbr example, if the police catch a drunk driver, the driver will pay a _C,lose his or her Cand even go to prison(监3沃).If the driver wants to drive again, he or she has to do public service, and take part in educational programs.You may think: drunk driving is crime? Isnt this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all. They think it is to protect peoples tights to life and health. Drunk driving is very d、angerous!一、选择填空题目1 k, Fl! drink my last can of beer when I drive home.选择一项:C. No way. Ybufll be stopped by the police.题目2一Seat belts save lives.选择一项:C. Its true. I agree.题目3Don!t forget toyour seat belt when youre driving.选择一项:C. put on题目4He suggested that the drunk driver.选择一项:A. be punished题目5Hein jail because he broke the traffic law last night.选择一项:B. drank题目6二、阅读理解:判断题(每题10分)A Car Stopped Just in the Middle of the StreetJoan has been charged with a misdemeanor by asking her 13-year-old son to drive, putting her child in a dangerous situation. It was Joans 32nd birthday, so s



第 1 题



一个英语六级选择题目 请给出答案

Thedoctors don’t ___________ that he will live much longer.

      A) articulate                                              B) anticipate

      C) manifest                                               D) monitor



  • Now a paper in Science argues that organicchemicals in the rock come mostly from _______ on earth rather than bacteria onMars.

          A) configuration                                        B) constitution

          C) condemnation                                       D) contamination


我有一道英语六级选择题目 要答案

I think we need to see an investment__________ before we make an expensive mistake.

      A) guide                                                   B)entrepreneur

      C) consultant                                            D) assessor

consultant 顾问

英语四六级考试题目选择题 失分题

      The ____________ on this apartment expiresin a year’s time.

      A) treaty                                                   B)lease

      C) engagement                                          D) subsidy

lease 租约

更多 “精选国家开放大学电大《人文英语1》形考任务六试题及答案” 相关考题
考题 ( )是指一个问题有若干个备选答案,让被评价者对其进行排序,或者从中选择符合某种条件的选项。A.两难式题目 B.资源争夺型题目 C.开放式题目 D.排序选择型题目答案:D解析:排序选择性问题是指一个问题有若干个被选答案,让被测评者对其进行排序,或者从中选择符合某种条件的选项,一般先提供问题的主题与备选答案,再由被测评者分别提出自己的观点。然后进行小组讨论得到统一的意见。主要用于考察被测评者分析问题的能力、语言表达能力等。

考题 请教:2011年大学英语三级(cet3)B级全真模拟试卷(1)第1大题第5小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 5 题 Do you know how much it costs?A) Its Friday.B) It matches me well.C) I bought it in the department store.D) Sorry, I dont know. 正确答案:D答案分析:【答案】D【解析】本题问的是“你知道这个多少钱吗?”A、B、C三项都答非所问,只有D“对不起,我不知道。”符合题意,故选D。

考题 Is it OK if I take this seat? Sorry,()A、here you are B、take it C、it's taken D、never mind正确答案:C

考题 填空题编制面试题目分为开放性题目和()。正确答案:封闭式题目解析:暂无解析

考题 16PF在实施过程中,要注意的事项是()。A、每一测试题只能选择一个答案B、不可以漏掉任何测试题C、尽量不选择中性答案D、对从未思考过的题目,做倾向性选择正确答案:A,B,C,D

考题 ()是指一个问题有若干个备选答案,让被评价者对其进行排序,或者从中选择符合某种条件的选项。A:两难式题目 B:资源争夺型题目 C:开放式题目 D:排序选择型题目答案:D解析:排序选择型问题指一个问题有若干个备选答案,让被评价者对其进行排序,或者从中选择符合某种条件的选项。

考题 多选题16PF在实施过程中,要注意的事项是()。A每一测试题只能选择一个答案B不可以漏掉任何测试题C尽量不选择中性答案D对从未思考过的题目,做倾向性选择正确答案:D,C解析:暂无解析

考题 高中英语 语法 一、考题回顾 题目来源:5月19日上午浙江省杭州市面试考题 试讲题目 1,题目:语法教学试讲 2,内容: Ken: Hello, Wang Ling. May I come in? Wang Ling: yes, of course. But could you please shut the door behind you? It’s freezing outside. Ken: Sure. Wang Ling, can I use your computer to surf the net? Wang Ling: No, you can’t right now. I need to check my email. You can use my MP3 player, if you like. Ken: Great! Thanks! 3,基本要求: (1)朗读所给对话。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书 (3)针对该对话中的划线部分,设计相应的语言运用活动 (4)用英文试讲 (5)试讲时间:10分钟 答辩题目 1.How do you think about that the teacher is learning? 2.Please retell your presentation.答案:解析:二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: (1) Students can master the usage of Modal verbs. (3) After this lesson, students can know the difference of usage of different Modal verbs in different situations. Ability aim: After this lesson, students can use this grammar to express their attitude. Emotional aim: Students are able to get the confidence of learning English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: master the usage of Modal verbs. Difficult Point: use this grammar to express attitude. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song: If I were a boy If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d roll out of bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted and go 3. Then talk about the word “would”. Then lead in the topic of today: modal verbs. Step 2: Presentation 1.Ask students to open the book and the teacher reads the passage and ask students to find out more sentences with model verbs. ① May I come in? ② could you please shut the door behind you? ③ can I use your computer to surf the net? No, you can’t right now. You can use my MP3 playerThen ask students to find more modal verbs they have met: might, would, should, ought to. Step 3: Practice 1.Fill in the blanks: Ask students to fill in the blanks using the suitable modal verbs. ①Could?you?speak?English?then?? ②Can I help you? ③May I start my presentation? 2.Make dialog: ask for permission Step4: Production 1.Discussion: work in groups of 4 and 5 minutes will be given to have a discussion about what permission questions we can use at home ang at school. Then some of the students will be invited to share answers. 2.Role play: Create a situation for the students, that is, suppose you are in a mall now, imagine what conversation will happen here. 10 mins to prepare with your desk mate. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class. Homework: find out more usage of may, could, can, next class let’s share the answer.【答辩题目解析】 1. How do you think about that the teacher is learning? 【参考答案】All of us want to be a good teacher. But how does it come? I think several qualities are definitely necessary: academic knowledge, the understanding of children, and the techniques and methods for teaching. As the saying goes: there is no best, but only the better. For our teachers, it means we should keep going on our job, improve our own abilities and skills of teaching. We do have a lot of ways to improve ourselves, but no matter what kinds of progress, we get them through the same way, that is learning. I appreciate every opportunity that i can learn from the textbooks, from the other teachers, from the students, even from every class i hold. This way might be hard but with pleasure. 2. Please retell your presentation. 【参考答案】 It is a grammar lesson of senior high school .so i use inductive method. First, I give them 5 minutes to read this article and circle the sentences with modal verb. Then i invite a student to come to the front to write down the sentences. next, i give my students 5minutes to discuss with their desk mates about the similarities between these modal verbs and ask them to share their answers. After their sharing, i make a conclusion about the usage of modal verb in this article. The function is that the modal verbs are used to express permission.

考题 多选题16PF在实施过程中,要注意的事项是()。A每一测试题只能选择一个答案B不可以漏掉任何测试题C尽量不选择中性答案D对从未思考过的题目,做倾向性选择正确答案:C,D解析:暂无解析

考题 ( )是指一个问题有若干个备选答案,让被评价者对其进行排序,或者从中选择符合某种条件的选项。A.两难式题目 B.资源争夺型题目 C.开放式题目 D.排序选择型题目答案:D解析:排序选择性问题是指一个问题有若干个被选答案,让被测评者对其进行排序,或者从中选择符合某种条件的选项,一般先提供问题的主题与备选答案,再由被测评者分别提出自己的观点。然后进行小组讨论得到统一的意见。主要用于考察被测评者分析问题的能力、语言表达能力等。